General Question

seVen's avatar

The less you know the better you sleep at night?

Asked by seVen (3492points) December 22nd, 2008

Is that true?

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11 Answers

Mizuki's avatar

I don’t know….

tyrantxseries's avatar

the less you know about what topic?

mea05key's avatar

depends. but generally ignorance is bliss but not fr long

wundayatta's avatar

What? You’re asking a group of know-it-alls this?!?

What good is that? Go ask someone who knows nothing, and see how well they sleep!

KatawaGrey's avatar

I think I know enough to know that there is so much more and that’s what keeps me up at night.

Bluefreedom's avatar

For me, I don’t know if it is the less I know but more about having nothing hanging over my head to do the next day that I could have done today before I went to bed. I like to lay down with the thought that I accomplished everything I needed to and my mind is relaxed and I’m stress free. It makes for a much better sleeping experience.

Zaku's avatar

No, it’s not true.

bythebay's avatar

For me, totally untrue.

augustlan's avatar

Asking a bunch of know-it-all insomniacs, no less! It may be true but I’d rather know, just the same.

MicaDirtCat's avatar

Depends on if the knowledge will make me itch more when I am trying to get to the sleep phase. That’s how I know it’s bothered me. That and the loss of respect for humanity.

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