General Question

goober's avatar

Pigs are expert at finding Truffles,Truffles are worth a small fortune in resaurants around the world,so why don't we all own a Pig?

Asked by goober (315points) December 22nd, 2008
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37 Answers

tyrantxseries's avatar

because I would cook mine mmmmm bacon

goober's avatar

Oh yes me too,what a stupid bloody question.I mean that is so obviously the answer.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

I did own one. I traded it in on a Honda.

susanc's avatar

A Pig can only find truffles if there are truffles where the Pig is asked to look.
Truffles don’t grow on trees, you know. Or at the beach, etc.

When we raised Pigs in order to help our kids learn about life and death it worked, we asked them the Pigs to look for truffles, but while they were failing to find some, we got a better idea. MMMM bacon. tyrant: so, so right.

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

Besides, if, all of a sudden, everybody had a pig and all of those pigs were finding truffles, then truffles wouldn’t be so scarce and expensive and those pigs would become pointless investments that would cost more money to take care of than they would be bringing in.

goober's avatar

@fly,would be would be.Has your Pig got a stammer?

tyrantxseries's avatar

fly was thinking about bacon
It’s impossable to type and think about bacon at the same time lol

El_Cadejo's avatar

Because truffles dont grow in my area or most of the US for that matter.

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

@tyrant: I was! So distracting…

tyrantxseries's avatar

I’m cooking bacon now

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

I wish I was cooking bacon…guess I need to add that to the grocery list…

goober's avatar

I once read a book on Pigs,The author “Chris P Bacon”.

tyrantxseries's avatar

“100 different ways to cook pigs”?

tyrantxseries's avatar

is raw bacon bad for you?

goober's avatar

Not if you cook it first!

El_Cadejo's avatar

bacon is cured first so its not really raw per say.I doubt it will do any damage. I dont know why youd want to eat it raw. Its no good unless its extra crispy :)

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

Cooked bacon is bad for you…

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

@uberbatman: I second that! Extra crispy is the best…

mea05key's avatar

what the hell is a truffle? LOL

tyrantxseries's avatar

I’ve got half the pack cooking and I’ve been munching on the other half.
a truffle looks like what my dog leaves on the front lawn…

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

Well that sounds appetizing…

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t pay 20 Euros for one of those things…the only thing black truffles are good for is black truffle oil.

goober's avatar

What your dog shits truffles?Wow and iv’e been throwing it over nextdoors fence.

tyrantxseries's avatar
this looks better..mmmmmmmmm no more truffle hunting for him

goober's avatar

I feel a new avatar comming.

Zaku's avatar

Funny I came to this question directly from the Doctor Seuss thread.

One answer to this question is contained in his book about The Lorax .

If the USA were covered in truffles, we might many of us all get pigs, then some food megacorp would go industrially snatch the rest, till there were no more truffles, or at least, only enough for it to be a delicacy the source of which is owned by someone. As is the case.

tyrantxseries's avatar

I’ll trade you my truffles for your pig

goober's avatar

OH YEAH,trrans gone quiet,must be filling his face.

tyrantxseries's avatar

and this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way into my belly

judochop's avatar

You know, not to come in here and ruin an awesome bacon thread but you can have your pig, er bacon and your truffles too!!!!! Just got get yo self a truffle dog. When the dog finds you a truffle give it bacon as a reward. It’s a win, win for everyone!!!!
Now back to bacon:
Ever have yourself one of these? I have and it was golden!

augustlan's avatar


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