General Question

jazzjeppe's avatar

What's the difference between LCD screens and Plasma screens?

Asked by jazzjeppe (2598points) December 22nd, 2008

Buying a new telly after Xmas, just don’t know what to get… Will use it for tv and movies mainly, not computer. Perhaps gaming console in the future.

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7 Answers

joni1977's avatar

from my understanding the LCD or liquid crystal display is a lot cheaper than plasma…don’t know why though :D

joni1977's avatar

yeah, what he said LOL

aanuszek1's avatar

Well, what to get depends on a lot of factors.

If your buying smaller than 32”, LCD is your only option. Any larger than 46”, and Plasma is really your only choice. In between however, you have a big choice to make.

A big factor to look at is light. Are you in a very well lit room? Plasma TVs reflect light like a regular tube TV, so if you are in a bright room, LCDs are the way to go.

Another thing to look at is quality. Plasmas look the best and have very little motion blur, but high-end LCDs with refresh rates at 120+htz look just as good.

jholler's avatar

Consumer Reports did an excellent article on this, I’d link it for you but my miracle-phone doesn’t do that.

jholler's avatar

I wish I could lurve you more for that, aanuszek1!

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