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tinyfaery's avatar

I don't feel cold, so why are my hands and feet freezing?

Asked by tinyfaery (44302points) December 22nd, 2008

Happens all the time.

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9 Answers

asmonet's avatar

Poor circulation to the outer extremities, try opening and closing your fist and wiggling your toes habitually. It might help. You might also be anemic, almost every woman is. Anemia can make you feel very, very cold. It tends to have a more profound effect depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle.

I just found out I’m extremely anemic. In the time that took to happen, I went from swimming in icy water in December to freezing at 74 degrees in my house with a sweater. Usually, the cold starts in my toes and fingers.

Iron supplements is what you’ll be given, fixes ya right up. Assuming anemia is what you got.

tinyfaery's avatar

I am menstruating. But it seems like as soon as cold weather hits my hands and feet are always cold. I’m not cold; my hands and feet are cold to the touch. Thanks asmonet.

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

I’ve read that up to 30% of your body heat ecscapes from your hands and feet, so that probably has something to do with it.

asmonet's avatar

@tiny: No prob, because it’s always your hands and feet, I say bring it up to your doctor and have them check your blood. Anemia is easy as crap to deal with, and long-term, it’s seriously worth it. I hope it’s nothing and just a quirk, good luck. :D

seekingwolf's avatar

I’m feeling the same way with my fingers and feet being cold but I don’t feel cold. I KNOW I’m not anemic. I recently got blood work done (I had mono recently) and iron levels were fine…besides, I eat iron-rich food and take vitamins everyday.

I think when it’s a little colder in the house (at least it is where I am), and a lot of heat is lost through your hands and feet, they are going to feel colder fast. Put on some warm socks and get a hot drink for your hands. While it could be caused by a problem like anemia, if you’re generally healthy, I wouldn’t worry about it.

asmonet's avatar

@seekingwolf: I wouldn’t be too sure about that. I’m ‘perfectly healthy’ otherwise. They found out about my anemia by accident. Routine blood work just to update my file since it hadn’t been done in two years. Apparently an acceptable level is 10–200. Mine was barely a two. If you’d asked me I felt fantastic. But all these random seemingly unconnected things were happening to me, like a few seconds of tinnitus, headaches slightly more often than usual, I was just coping well but on my way to a serious crash.

My doctor flat out told me she was shocked I hadn’t been blacking out, regularly.

The only thing I would have connected on my own would have been cold hands and feet.

free's avatar

don’t know about anemia but do know about poor circulation. also there might be some nerve damage, nothing serious, just a consequence of age. this can show as the sensation of cold. You know how older folk are always complaining of cold feet, even in warm weather. periodically exercising will help with both. Also the body consolidates heat towards the core as it gets colder

and then there is booze, makes your belly feel warmer:)

asmonet's avatar

Except booze actually constricts the blood vessels, doesn’t it? It just seems warmer.

augustlan's avatar

My feet are always cold…even in the summer! I just assumed it was poor circulation.

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