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simone54's avatar

Will Elf stand the test of time and be a classic?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) December 22nd, 2008

I think it’s one of the best written, best acted Christmas movie ever.

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14 Answers

amanderveen's avatar

I think it will. It’s entertaining for adults and children (a bit cheesy towards the end, but to be expected, I suppose), and there are plenty of memorable quips. All in all, I think it has a good chance.

seekingwolf's avatar

Well, it’s on its way to being a “classic” so far! It was made in 2003 and I know some families who will be watching it again this year.

I didn’t care for it, but that’s my personal taste. I think most will find that it’s a funny, memorable movie for families (particularly with children) to enjoy. Let’s see how it will fare in the holidays of coming years.

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

Though it’s a great movie, I don’t think that it will become a classic for one main reason: it’s unconventional in comparison to most classic Christmas movies. Take A Christmas Story; almost anyone can relate to one part or another of A Christmas Story- the dad who’s in love with the ugliest furniture, the Christmas dinner disaster, the worst present you could possibly recieve, etc. It’s practically impossible to relate to anything at all in Elf. Then consider How the Grinch Stole Christmas- a classic, beloved story written by a world-famous author. Elf obviously doesn’t fall under that category. Then take the classic claymation movies- almost all of them tell a classic Christmas story, such as The Little Drummer Boy, or answer a child’s question about Christmas, such as Santa Claus is Coming to Town.

Elf doesn’t fall under any of this, and though I, too think that Elf is a fantastic movie, I don’t believe that it will ever achieve that classic status.

amanderveen's avatar

I imagine that How the Grinch Stole Christmas was rather unconventional when it first came out, too. It seems common place now only because it has become a classic. The same could easily happen with Elf. It still contains a number of classic themes – family, the re-discovery of Christmas spirit, etc.

Mtl_zack's avatar

Not a classic, but a good holiday tv movie. It gets extremely cheesy at the end, so that ruins it. Other than that, it would be great.

asmonet's avatar

God, I fucking hope not.

peedub's avatar

Simone54— You only love it because you’re a cotton-headed ninnymuggins.

susanc's avatar

Thank you asmo. Thank you deeply.

asmonet's avatar

You’re sincerely welcome.

JacobHoHo's avatar

Starting in like September my little sister watches Elf at least once a week, in preperation for Christmas.
It’s definitely a classic to her!

jlm11f's avatar

I have to agree with asmonet, I hated that movie. Though I am not a Will Ferrell fan in general, so maybe that had something to do with it.

krose1223's avatar

I never made it all the way through.

asmonet's avatar

@pnl: Yeah, I don’t like him, almost never. The only movie where I truly enjoyed him being cast was Stranger Than Fiction.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

ohmygod i love elf! i’m not much of a will ferrell fan, but i love that movie, and i love zooey deschanel to nearly the point of obsession. (:

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