Meta Question

Trustinglife's avatar

Have you ever reached the question-asking maximum here?

Asked by Trustinglife (6671points) December 23rd, 2008

I was really surprised that I could no longer ask a question after asking three questions this afternoon. I didn’t realize there was a max.

How many questions can one ask, and in what period of time? When does question-asking capacity open up again?

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11 Answers

krose1223's avatar

all the time. I haven’t figured out the time frame but I know 3 is the limit.

asmonet's avatar

Yeah, when I first joined, I was a bit…overzealous.

cdwccrn's avatar

Yes, I have reached it a couple of times. Frustrating when the fourth question that came to mind was the “best.”

eambos's avatar

Nope. Most of my questions sucked anyway.

augustlan's avatar

Nah…I guess I’m more of an ‘answerer’ here.

PS: I think it’s 3 a day, and it resets every day.

googlybear's avatar

I think it’s better to pace yourself like me…I come up with a question, then think to myself “What a dumb question”, remember the question again a few days earlier, then think to myself “What a brilliant question”, come home and forget the question….then repeat the process….3 a day is just too much for me to take :-)

El_Cadejo's avatar

Yea ive hit the max before. I usually dont ask questions often, but this one time i had a bunch saved up.

wundayatta's avatar

I reached it a few times, and now I don’t ask all the questions I have.

shrubbery's avatar

Nah, I haven’t. I don’t think I’ve ever asked more than one a day.

Vincentt's avatar

Yep, on April Fool’s :P

casheroo's avatar

I just did, and did a search to be sure I wasn’t getting kicked out or something ;)

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