@bodyhead, yall need to remember this is brand new technology, the internal combustion engine has had over 100 years to grow, this stuff… a whole maybe 10 years at the most. There are plenty of years to go to perfect this technology, heck we still haven’t come close to perfecting the internal combustion engine anyway, all battery and hydrogen technology has a way to grow, it’s barely getting out of its crawling phase.
@tonedef, hydrogen > electricity.. People who buy Prius’ and other Electric hybrid vehicles and plug them in at night aren’t doing ANYONE a favor, they just think they feel better on the road because their ignorant to how much oil etc. is being burned to produce the electricity for one of those cars, it just comes at a cheaper cost to them so they think it’s better.. that’s a complete lie unless they know it and power their house with solar power / methane or in other words harnessing their own electric power
Like I said, batteries are so inefficient in our world right now it’s almost a joke. Look at the Tesla, yes it’s awesome in every way, but running wide open on a track it’ll last 10–15 minutes and DESTROY the battery life. Besides that, I’m not worried about life, i’m worried about recharge and discharge lifetime, the power that goes into them, and more importantly their weight.
Electric cars are the heaviest in the world right now no matter how you look at it, again look at the Tesla, it’s made out of carbon fiber and all these composites, yet it weighs a ton (literally), because of the batteries in it.
The lightest we have is hydrogen, actually I should put it this way, even a gas tank and gas engine weighs less than our batteries.. far less.
Sorry this was so long, but really in the end, our batteries aren’t helping cars right now, just making them far more expensive (I will say putting them in cars does help with the battery technology though, so all this .. eventually .. will be worth it), heavier, and far less efficient and oil consuming than their gas and diesel brothers.