General Question

sjg102379's avatar

Is English the only language that uses an apostrophe?

Asked by sjg102379 (1253points) September 11th, 2007

Are there other punctuation marks that are also used only in English?

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7 Answers

klaas4's avatar

No, in dutch, we say: ” ‘s Avonds ”, wich means ” in the evening ”.

TruMobius's avatar

French uses it too for truncation of words.

andrew's avatar

German uses it as well: Wie Geht’s?

gailcalled's avatar

French uses it when vowel meets vowel; l’addition (f); l’amour (m). C’est (Ce est) moi. Elle m’(me) aime.

gailcalled's avatar

I just remembered that the Donizetti Opera, Elixir of Love, translates into
L’elisir D’amore. So, Italian, I guess, does the same as French when vowel meets vowel, but I am guessing.

sndfreQ's avatar

Hawaiian does too-so guess your theory’s moot

seazen's avatar

Gotta love fluther. Just saying.

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