General Question

Sakata's avatar

Do you give to Christmas charities?

Asked by Sakata (3347points) December 23rd, 2008

There’s no wrong answer here in my opinion (unless you say “no I take from charities.”) I’m just wondering if you help out the bell-ringers and Marines when Christmas time rolls around.

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7 Answers

dalepetrie's avatar

I’ll throw some change in the Salvation Army tin, but I tend to pretty much just give to the organizations I want to support at any time of the year, I don’t consider the holiday to be any sort of a catalyst for giving.

rossi_bear's avatar

I sure do!! every time I go to a store that has the bell ringers I always dig in my pocketbook and dig the change out and give them what I have.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I give to the American Cancer Society. That’s my pet charity.

Judi's avatar

My Mother in law has everything she needs so each year I choose a Charity that she might like and give to it On Christmas in her honor.

aanuszek1's avatar

I’m kind of in the same boat as dalepetrie here. If I’m walking out of the store I usually drop my change from my purchase into the bucket, exchange a Happy Holidays! with them and go about my business.

Sakata's avatar

I don’t even put change in the bucket anymore. If I go to 5 different stores and they’re ringing bells at all of ‘em it’s going to end up costing me some cash.

Like my friend says about tipping at Starbucks, “I’ll tip ‘em the 1st time that day but after that they’re screwed”

Jeruba's avatar

I always send money to the local food banks, places like Second Harvest and homeless shelters that serve the area I live in. When I can afford more, I send more. I also respond selectively to specific pleas at various times through the year.

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