General Question

goober's avatar

Do you think the Pope is right?

Asked by goober (315points) December 23rd, 2008,the Pope stated that saving humanity from homosexuality was as important as saving the planet from climate change.

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121 Answers

goober's avatar

To make things open up front,i agree with his eminence.
This is a subject that i feel strongly about and find homosexuality unacceptable.

susanc's avatar

This pope was an asshole before he said this, and he’s an asshole now.

Think this is uncalled-for language?

Well, violence begets violence.

tinyfaery's avatar

Here come the homos to wreak havoc and destruction on the world. Maybe we need to get rid if the heteros; they’ve done a good job of fucking
things up so far.

Since when is love and the desire to have a meaningful relationship destructive? Oh yeah, when you wrap it up in god.

When I kiss my wife tonight I’ll be sure to turn on the news to see what destruction it caused.

MrItty's avatar

Just goes to show that that whole “Infallable” thing is yet more hogwash from the “religious”.

GAMBIT's avatar

I find it a bit hypocritical for someone to make this type of statement when some of the men under his command have participated in this type of behavior

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

That’s beyond ridiculous…when someone kills a polar bear or puts a hole in the ozone layer by being gay, I’d certainly like to hear about it.

forestGeek's avatar

He’s obviously wrong, and with comments like that, he is only going to steer people further away from Catholicism and Christianity.

But hey, I’d like to see less people subscribe to his religion, and everyone considered equal no matter what, so I hope he keeps saying things like that and making himself look bad!

LKidKyle1985's avatar

All I have to say is I’m glad I’m not catholic.

tinyfaery's avatar

Catholics are slowly diminishing. No one is interested in becoming a priest or nun anymore. I can see why. Even my wife’s very Catholic grandma thinks the church’s stance on homosexuality is ridiculous.

goober's avatar

If you think the Pope is wrong,yet many,including me,think he’s right.Who’s right? if ultimately it is wrong to be Gay.
By ultimately i mean “two people of the same sex,having sex”.

judochop's avatar

That guy used to be a fucking nazi! Screw him.
By the way: The link does not work.

KatawaGrey's avatar

What I want to know is why homosexuality is considered a bad thing. People loving people doesn’t cause problems. People saying that certain people can’t love other people is the problem.

Edit: @goober: Why do you care about people’s private lives? When tinyfaery kisses her wife, children in China don’t starve and that family down the street with three kids doesn’t turn up dead in their house.

What does happen when tinyfaery kisses her wife?
-Two people are happy
-There is one less abusive relationship in the world
-Two people love each other

arnbev959's avatar

@goob: Why do you think he is right?

Harp's avatar

Earlier popes sought to save mankind from Jews, as I recall. Lots of people agreed with that too.

tinyfaery's avatar

So Cathoilcs are Nazis? They are even led by one. Talk about destruction.

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

@goober: What is it about same sex love that is so wrong? Througout history, homosexuality has been NORMAL. Take the ancient Greeks, for instance; Some of the most intelligent people known to man are not only known for mythology, architecture, philosophy, etc., but also for a large part of their society being homosexual- look how they turned out.

judochop's avatar

I’m Catholic and I am hardly a Nazi. All I am saying is that the pope used to be a Nazi, for real. Like a real life Swastika wearing, jerk. As far as forgiving someone for things they have done, sure I accept God and I forgive him and I wish him well but as far as being pope???? The Catholic Church might as well be Wall Mart for all I care. They mean nothing to me. They are a large corporation that strives to run peoples lives. Who eats the body of Christ and drinks his blood? WTF???

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the pope who wants to rid the world of homos:

goober's avatar

@pete,i think he’s right because my views on homosexuality are the same as his.
It’s WRONG,but that’s my view.
Putting a pxnxs or a plastic implement up someones exit is wrong or am i out of touch?
It don’t matter where your from what religion you are,partaking in an abhorrent sexual act of that nature is a crime.

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

@Goober: That’s not answering why you think it’s wrong- what is it about homosexuality that makes it “a crime?”

tonedef's avatar

And @judo isn’t just blowing smoke here: Radzinger as a nazi.

Goober, “I think he is right because I share a view with him” is circular. On what basis is he right? What is the justification for his argument?

ALSO, I would like to point out two things:
1) Vagina and penis are not censored on Fluther
2) The Vagina is also, as you worded it, an exit, and I’m sure you have no problems with “pxnxsxs” going in those.

How about this: you mind your own business, and let other people mind theirs, and spare us the sanctimony.

I’m going to “stop following” this immediately so that I’m not drawn back in to feed the trolls.

judochop's avatar

this is gonna get good, I can smell the tension over teh internetz

goober's avatar

@fly,read my post again please.See i don’t even want to write the words!
Is anus censored?If not can anyone tell me the function of an Anus?
And then justify that another man would insert his Penis into the said Anus,and then tell me that it’s quite a normal thing to do being that the Anus has one function alone.
I rest my case.

buster's avatar

@Goober: You ain’t ever had no good buttsex have you?

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

So is it wrong for men and women to have anal sex? It seems to me that that’s the only thing you have an issue with. All your post says is that you and the Pope share views on homosexuality. That doesn’t explain why you have those views whatsoever, it just means that you agree with the Pope because the Pope says so.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@goober: the biological function of the human race is to eat, eliminate waste and breed…

KatawaGrey's avatar

Oh, and we all go through an anal pleasure stage when we’re infants and the desire for anal sex is just an extension of that…

goober's avatar

ANYONE,willing to attempt to justify inserting a Penis up another mans Anus.@Kat,you may have but i certainly did NOT.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Actually, goob, you did. We all did. It’s been proven by psychologists. Also everyone has a huge number of very sensitive nerves around the anus and rectum which is why it feels so damn good to poop!

iwamoto's avatar

what’s wrong with anal sex between 2 men ? i mean, it’s just as normal as anal sex between a man and a woman, seeing it otherwise would be a severe case of closed mindedness

KatawaGrey's avatar

@iwa: Have you read goober’s other posts? I agree with you, but he certainly does NOT.

iwamoto's avatar

that poor kid, so misguided, enslaved to the church, oh well, can’t have black without white i guess

KatawaGrey's avatar

It’s too bad because there are so many intelligent Christians out there who don’t have these misguided views.

goober's avatar

Any one care to justify Inserting a Penis up someones Anus and tell me it’s natural.It’s abhorrent!
@iwa,i never thumped a bible in my life.

goober's avatar


iwamoto's avatar

the question is not why you should, but rather, why wouldn’t you stick a penis up there ? i mean, if i want to go downstairs and grab a can of pringles i’ll do it, where is the difference, i mean, it’s your own private business, right ?

judochop's avatar

I’ll say this about sticking a penis into an anus:
If I were a gay man there are only 2 places I’d want to stick my penis into another human. 1. The anus. 2. The mouth. One is traditionally used as an exit. The other traditionally used as an entrance. Do you have a problem with the penis in the mouth? Because lemme tell you, as a friend it’s awesome. Now as far as things being only used for the given purpose. I once used a tire pump to fill an air mattress. It’s all I had and it filled it up just as well as a mattress pump would any day of the week. I aslo once had anal sex with my wife. Neither of us ran out and started buying techno house records and books on witch craft or velvet curtains. Everythings fine.

KatawaGrey's avatar

It’s unnatural to wear clothing, drive a car, cook food, read, use a computer… Hell, it’s even unnatural for women to give birth laying on their backs. As for abhorrent, what’s abhorrent is condemning a whole group of people for something they do that does not hurt anybody.

tessa's avatar

@goober, men have what we call a prostate, it can be stimulated by sticking a penis, finger or any other object up a man’s ass. Stimulating a prostate can lead a man to ejaculation. I’m sure you are a man who likes to ejaculate, even if not through anal sex, so you can understand a persons desire to have pleasure through the messaging of their prostate? Also, the orgasm which is achieved through a prostate as opposed to your penis is very different. Just like for a women, an orgasm achieved through anal sex vs. oral or vaginal is very different. It is human nature to experiment with sex and explore each other’s bodies. Now, that explains why anyone would want to stick a penis in anyone’s ass. But it does not explain homosexuality, and I will not even begin to try because I don’t think you care.

forestGeek's avatar

@goober – I think the pope, and clearly you as well, are confusing homosexuality with anal sex. Homosexuality refers to “having sexual and romantic attraction primarily or exclusively to members of one’s own sex”. The pope, by using the term “homosexuality”, is saying that anyone with that kind of attraction is a horrible person. What about the people who have that kind of attraction, but do not act upon it physically with anal sex, are they horrible people to the pope and you as well? Lesbians cannot put a “Penis up someones Anus”, so how do you feel about them? Homosexuality is much more than, as you say, “putting a Penis up someones Anus!”

I grew up Catholic and saw exactly how hypocritical it all was, which is why I cannot subscribe to it. Most of it’s followers mold their religion to fit the way they want to live their lives, and not the other way around, which I find to be the flaw in it all. They do and support many things that go against the bible, so why is this one, homosexuality, different or special? How many Christians in the bible belt USA, supported Bush on the war, yet doesn’t the bible say not to kill?

bodyhead's avatar

Right we should cast out these homosexuals that have done so much damage.

First there was Hitler who… oh wait.

Then there was Stalin who… nope crap

Well at least Bin Laden who… shoot, nope, hetero too

But certainly Bush who… hum… the economy is in disaster and the world hates us.

But yea… aside from all the heterosexual people fucking up the world for everyone else, our biggest problem has to be what consenting adults do behind closed doors.

We need to stand as a Christian team and cast out homosexuality just as we have cast out shrimp. Shellfish is an abomination! It says so in the bible.

You know, it’s funny. I can’t think of a single gay person who has screwed over humanity in a major way… Unless you count those who try to repress being gay because of social stigmas and religious beliefs. Those people are ticking time bombs.

Lots of straight people enjoy anal sex. In fact a lot of young people do it now to remain a virgin because of religious beliefs.

judochop's avatar

@GAMBIT: You could not be more right on with that. The Catholic Church is in the news more for homosexual activity more than any other church ever! You would think they would be trying to pursue an excuse to have anal sex, not condemn it!

arnbev959's avatar

“ANYONE,” (please don’t shout.) “willing to attempt to justify inserting a Penis up another mans Anus.”

I don’t have to justify anyone’s right to do this anymore than I have to justify why I keep my shoes under my bed instead of in the corner. You have to say why it’s wrong, because it isn’t evident to me why it shouldn’t be perfectly ok.

augustlan's avatar

Will these idiotic beliefs ever end? What the hell does it matter to you what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home? As for saying it’s ‘unnatural’, how so? Such behavior has been observed in many, many animal species. Sounds natural to me.

seVen's avatar

There are those who like to say that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. Various verses are cited (out of context) and the verses that people use to show that homosexuality is wrong are explained away. The world wants to change God’s words and meanings into something more suitable to its sinful desires. Nevertheless, the truth stands: The Bible condemns homosexuality as a sin. Let’s look at what it says.

Lev. 18:22, “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.”

Lev. 20:13, “If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them”

1 Cor. 6:9–10, “Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

Rom. 1:26–28, “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper.”

Homosexuality is clearly condemned by the Bible. It goes against the created order of God. He created Adam and then made a woman. This is what God has ordained and it is what is right. Unlike other sins, homosexuality has a severe judgment administered by God Himself. This judgment is simple: They are given over to their passions. That means that their hearts are allowed to be hardened by their sins (Romans 1:18ff). As a result, they can no longer see the error of what they are doing. Without an awareness of their sinfulness, there will be no repentance and trusting in Jesus. Without Jesus, they will have no forgiveness. Without forgiveness, there is no salvation.

seVen's avatar

Just because someone is a homosexual does not mean that we cannot love him (or her) or pray for him (her). Homosexuality is a sin and like any other sin, it needs to be dealt with in the only way possible. It needs to be laid at the cross, repented of, and never done again.
As a Christian, you should pray for the salvation of the homosexual the same you would any other person in sin. The homosexual is still made in the image of God—even though he is in grave sin. Therefore, you should show him same dignity as anyone else you come in contact with. However, this does not mean that you are to approve of their sin. Don’t compromise your witness for a socially acceptable opinion that is void of godliness.

bodyhead's avatar

seVen, that’s the dumbest most bigoted thing I’ve ever read.

Here are my verses to back up that eating shrimp is just as evil. It’s described as an abomination:

Leviticus 11:9–12 says:
9 These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat.
10 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:
11 They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.
12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.

Deuteronomy 14:9–10 says:
9 These ye shall eat of all that are in the waters: all that have fins and scales shall ye eat:
10 And whatsoever hath not fins and scales ye may not eat; it is unclean unto you.

tinyfaery's avatar

Until you have a rant about all the other abominations listed in the Old Testament… Removed by me

goober's avatar


KatawaGrey's avatar

@seVen: it is physically impossible for a man to lie with another man as he would with a woman. Since men don’t have vaginas, then that first passage doesn’t actually condemn sexual activity between two men. It would, however, condemn sexual activity between two men if one of them was a mutant and had a vagina and even then only he actually employed the vagina in sexual activity. Also, god made a man first. What was Adam supposed to do, just twiddle his thumbs until a vagina wandered along? Maybe he looked down, went “oh! would you look at that…” and had himself a little fun. Maybe homosexual men still have this same fascination with their own penises. I mean, even you have to admit, seVen, that a penis is a very interesting thing, even if you don’t do anything sexual with it.

@Goober: obviously the anus is used to make aardvarks.

goober's avatar

I repeat,Anyone know the function of the Anus?

tinyfaery's avatar

Gay woman here; have never engaged in anal sex.

Why so obsessed with the anus? Hmm…

KatawaGrey's avatar

@tinyfaery: because who doesn’t like to poop?

goober's avatar

Read earlier posts,“insertion of impliments“woman or man.

judochop's avatar

I listed the function of the anus several lines up. Please take a moment to read it. Everyone knows the function of the anus is to poop. Unfortunatly it appears some peoples mouths act like anuses as well…

KatawaGrey's avatar

@goober: I have heard that the pleasurable feeling comes not from insertion, but from the removal, which is the purpose of the anus.

@judo: lurve. wish I could give you more.

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

@goober: The point that we’re trying to get across here is that anal sex is not the same thing as being gay, yet you seem intent on thinking that it is…You can easily be gay without ever having anal sex, for example, tinyfaery. You can’t give us one solid reason why you think homosexuality in its entirety is wrong.

bodyhead's avatar

I don’t understand how buttsex is more wrong then oral sex. It’s still the wrong orifice. It’s still not a vagina.

We should be able to do what we want… at least with women. According to the old testament women are just property anyway.

goober's avatar

Must dash my Boyfriends at the door.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I’m unsure, but I think that was a jibe at the homosexual population in general. Anyone else get that?

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

I was thinking the same, but it’s hard to tell…?
Goober is a guy, right?

KatawaGrey's avatar

His avatar is a middle aged man…

bodyhead's avatar

We’re obviously too stupid to get it. We can all tell we’re dealing with an extremely advanced intellect here.

judochop's avatar

Well, this thread has officially kept me from filling out an urgent marketing report that needed to be done by 2pm PST. HOLY CRAPanyone know where that comes from?

goober's avatar

@forestgeek,the Catholic Church teaches that “while Homosexuality is not sinful,Homosexual acts are”.
Which takes me back to where we started“anyone care to tell me the function of the ANUS” “put up or shut up“lol

Here endeth the case for the Prosecution!!!

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

So now you’re saying that being gay is fine, but you can’t really be gay…that doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

forestGeek's avatar

@goober – Let me remind you of your first post…
“This is a subject that i feel strongly about and find homosexuality unacceptable”

Then you said…
Though the “Catholic Church teaches that “while Homosexuality is not sinful.”

Despite this stance, you still find homosexuals “unacceptable”, contrary to what your religion says. No, you lose and are a hypocrite! Again, another Catholic hypocrite, thus the reason I find Catholicism unacceptable.

bodyhead's avatar

I just realized that I didn’t answer the original question.

Do you think that the pope is right?

yes, I think he is just as right as he always is…

goober's avatar

@fly.i aint saying it,that point was for forest i was merely pointing out what the Catholic Church Teaches,which incidentally is the view that i hold.My total and singular view is this.

Homosexuals for the most part have Homosexual SEX,putting a penis or any implement into anothers anus is wrong and for the most part,it is a homosexual act and based on that Homosexuality, for me is morally wrong.

Forest,i am not a Catholic,i am not a Scientologist,Spiritualist,Jehova,Mormon,Muslim or any other religious faction.
I am me!these are my views,i will not waver,it is just not possible to justify Gay,Homosexual,call it what you want,acts,where that act involves shoving a Penis or any other implement UP ANOTHERS ASS.

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

@goober: Okay, then I have a hypothetical question for you. Say that there are two gay men who love each other, but have have decided to never engage in sexual intercourse of any kind. Would you be okay with that?

goober's avatar

Wether i’m ok with that or not,it will not change my, very own view, that Homosexual acts are wrong.(which for the most part involves Anal penetration.

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

I’m not asking you to…I’m just asking whether or not you would be okay with a situation such as the one above. I’m not trying to sway your opinion.

goober's avatar

No,it does not strike me as natural behaviour.

bodyhead's avatar

You know what else isn’t natural? Vaccinations. Lets ban them. I know it will probably kill most of the earth’s population but come on, it isn’t natural.

loser's avatar

That kind of thinking is dangerous. Reminds me of Hitler.

bodyhead's avatar

We should develop some type of program that makes it impossible for people of the same sex to reproduce.

susanc's avatar

Goober, you don’t answer questions much – mostly you repeat your position, which is intently focussed on the protection of male anuses.

Everyone else, we need to lay off goober. He’s too vulnerable to think clearly. If
his anus is that scarey to him, we should be kinder about it.

IN CLOSING, I hope you’ll all join me in re-reading the first answer to this question
not counting goober’s own and enjoying the instantaneous recognition that Pope=male anus.

queenzboulevard's avatar

I Corinthians 6:9–10 and Romans 1:26–28 are the verses that say homosexuality is immoral. Christians believe the Bible is the ultimate source of truth for how to live your life. This is why the Pope says we have to save the world from homosexuality.

Christians who hate on homosexuals quote the verses that say that homosexuality is immoral, yet the don’t bother to think of the verses that say to love your neighbor as yourself. That makes me terribly angry.

Besides those two verses, the Bible also condemns fornication (sex outside of marriage), which is another reason used to say that homosexuality is immoral, since in most states it is illegal for them to get married. That argument doesn’t do much though, because there are homosexuals who are married. That’s when you refer to the verses above.

To answer the question is just to state your religious views. The Christians of Fluther get on here and say he’s right and homosexuality is wrong, and those who don’t believe the same way as the Christians get on here and argue that’s he’s completely wrong to say that.

goober's avatar

I have throughout this debate,voiced my view,i do hear your side of the debate,yet you somehow can’t accept that someone would have a different take on the subject matter,which is a little perplexing.
I am not trying to convince you that it’s wrong,yet i have 20 people telling me that i am wrong.
I will now stop following this debate and thankyou all.

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

I bet that t-shirt that you’re wearing in your avatar picture isn’t made of natural fibers…does that make it a crime or deadly sin?

Besides, it is a natural behavior, as augustlan said, “Such behavior has been observed in many, many animal species,” and it’s always been a natural behavior for humans, as I mentioned earlier, highlighting the ancient Greek civilization. In short, I don’t see your reasoning at all because it makes absolutely no sense, seeing as it is completely natural.

However, I see that even proven fact and common sense won’t penetrate your clearly made-up mind, so I will leave it off at this.

bodyhead's avatar

I concede too goober. It’s hard for me to imagine the thought process of the other side because I’m not a bigot.

MrItty's avatar

Goober, you have no one telling you it’s wrong. You have 20+ people asking you to explain why you think you’re right. The only arguments you’ve given in support of this belief are:
1) The Pope Says So
2) The Bible Says So
3) The Anus is for Excrement Extraction Only

Are those really your only arguments? If so, they’ve all been refuted at various points in this thread: The pope is just a guy, a former Nazi at that. The Bible is just a book, one from which you yourself only pick and choose the morals you want (you don’t have a problem with shellfish or selling your daughter to slavery, I presume). You’ve stated that even if no butt-sex was involved, homosexuality is still not acceptable.

Since all your arguments are refuted, you’ve done nothing but restate them. That is not debating. That is not “hearing <others> side of the debate”. That is repetition.

Trustinglife's avatar

Without responding to the entertaining discussion about the function of the anus, I have something else relevant to share…

I’m Jewish, and didn’t have the best opinion of the Catholic church. And then, one of my closest friends realized that the thing he most wanted to do was to become a Catholic priest. He turned his life upside down to make it happen. He’s not naive – he’s 58, very smart, and worked as a social worker for 22 years. Oh, and he’s gay, and fairly open about it.

Watching him go through the journey to become a priest over the last 5 years, I’ve been amazed by a few things.

1. I’ve met some really cool Catholics.
2. I’ve been amazed at how many Catholics don’t agree with the Pope.
3. I’ve been amazed at how many in the Church were comfortable condoning and supporting my friends’ journey to priesthood – knowing that he is gay. (Note that he ended his 20+ year relationship with a man and committed to a life of celibacy.)

Hearing what the Pope said, I’m sad for my good friend. I hope he continues to find protection and support to fulfill his calling. What I hope I left you with here in this post is that not all Catholics are like the Pope.

goober's avatar

@Mritty,your research fails you,i do not subscribe to any religion.
How further can i expand on my belief that Anal penetration is morally wrong?
Would you like me to say it’s wrong because“excrement is being pushed back uphill,or that the person on the recieving end could get internal injuries,or that getting shite on the sheets is not good house keeping”
You fool,how many arguments does it take to support my belief that it’s morally wrong,i repeat my stance because it needs no elaboration.The pro Anal thumpers are the ones who need to justify the disgusting act,still you wont see that, seeing as you have the same blinkers on.
Furthermore,the Pope being a Nazi or not does not veto him from having a viewpoint,“hey look it’s that fat bloke holding a Mickey Mouse”,i guess your comments are worthless too.

KatawaGrey's avatar

You want to talk disgusting? You shoot sperm out of the same hole you pee out of! If that’s not disgusting, I don’t know what is…

MrItty's avatar

ahhhh and now we come to the personal insults. Truly the mark of a great debator. But anyway…

So even when I laid out all the points you made and the refutes to them, you still refuse to continue the argument logically. Okay, so you think buttsex is wrong for health reasons. Great. That, in fact, is a perfectly logical argument, and one that you’re making for the first time. So explain to me why something that’s unhealthy is therefore “morally wrong”? Eating beef is unhealthy. Driving fast is unhealthy. Drinking wine can even be unhealthy. Are all of these things morally wrong too, and more importantly, do you wish to take the stance that those who do are wrong and evil and they should be “cured” of their desire to do so?

How about the housekeeping, then? If I spill food or anything else on my bedsheets because I ate in bed, am I morally wrong? Should you tell me I’m evil and condemn my behavior? If my college roommate keeps his new apartment messy, is he morally wrong for having bad housekeeping?

Yes, the pope is 100% entitled to his opinion. His opinion, however, is not mandate, law, fact or anything else that should cause it to weigh more heavily on my mind than anyone else’s opinion. Yes, my opinions and comments are EXACTLY as worthless as the Pope’s. Thank you for understanding that point. So why do you cite his opinion as justification for your belief instead of mine?

Harp's avatar

goober, if you don’t subscribe to a religion, by what measure do you decide what is or is not moral? Most people who aren’t religious tend to say that morality should be determined by whether are not others are harmed by a certain action. Is that your moral yardstick? If not, what makes something immoral? Just that you personally find it distasteful?

MrItty's avatar

Trustinglife, I don’t think (I certainly hope anyway) that anyone was saying “all Catholics are bad”. I certainly don’t agree with that stance – my family, for example, are all largely Catholic, and I find them completely tolerant of others’ differences, in contrast with the official Catholic Dogma expounded by its leader.

We are refuting this latest bigotry from the Pope, and those who choose to say “Pope said so – Homos are EEEEEVIL” without any actual justification for their beliefs.

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

These insults are taking it too far. If homosexuality is immoral to you, relentless insults should certainly be up there.

goober's avatar

Firstly his belief is the same as mine wether he states it or not.
The fact that it’s a news issue is why it’s on here.
Eating drinking and driving are for the most part condusive to a healthy life,unless you overindulge.
You can throw your petty senarios around all day long,it alters not one iota.
Personal insults,not really,just making a point with some elaboration,just in case you didn’t get it.

goober's avatar

fly,“relentless insults”? 2 perceived insults is not relentless.

queenzboulevard's avatar

I’m with goober. I think that walking in the rain is also immoral. If you fall and land on your butt, your excrement will be pushed uphill, if you’re on the receiving end of that fall you could get internal injuries, and tracking mud onto the carpets is not good house keeping. Oh and eff you all!

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

Hyperbole is often convincing, though apparently not to those who can’t recognize it. :)

KatawaGrey's avatar

@queenz: I agree. We should ban walking in the rain. Let’s call the Pope!

goober's avatar

So we back to the beginning,Anyone tell me what is the ONE AND ONLY FUNCTION OF THE ANUS,or am i on the Deviants Appreciation Society web Site. D.ASS for short

bodyhead's avatar

goober, In your mind, how do you decide what is moral and immoral? The answer to that question might shed some light on your viewpoint.

goober's avatar


goober's avatar

The lack of a straight answer speaks volumes,what is the function of th anus?
Answer,not i repeat not for the purposes of anal sex.

Blind acceptance,blind acceptance.

flyawayxxballoon's avatar

@goober: What’s so funny about what bodyhead asked? We really are trying to understand how someone could think this way. We may not agree with you, but we would like some insight, so we can be more understanding. If you could answer just one question with an actual, straight answer, that would really help.

forestGeek's avatar

Who says the anus needs only one function. The finger and the tongue are also used for sexual pleasure, yet that’s not immoral. We use hair and ears for fashion, yet that’s not their intended function. The mouth is used for smoking, not just for it’s intended function of eating, drinking and breathing, yet we’re alright with that. Maybe all those thermometers in babies butts to take their temperature for so many years is a sin too? Hell, you’ve probably used sex for pleasure, which is not it’s intended function either. So why is it that the anus can only have one function? Give the anus the same respect as other body parts! This is illogical and narrow minded reasoning! Your god never told humans that there is only one function of the anus, though you make it sound as though god did!

queenzboulevard's avatar

@ goober Hey buddy don’t let all these homo lovers get to you with their stupid questions about “blah blah where do you base your moral blah blah on?” The eff does that even mean anyways? Let me take over for a bit.

ahem…@bodyhead If you could read you would see that moral absolutes are based on house keeping.

@flyaway You apparently are also too stupid to see that bodyhead answered his own question when he said “in your mind, how do you decide what is moral and immoral?” In goober’s mind is the second thing that decides moral absolutes, and that should be very obvious which is why goober laughed.

And finally @forestGeek Your picure reminds me of something a homosexual would have so I can’t even take you seriously on this.

Back to the beginning everyone. Third time’s a charm they say!

forestGeek's avatar

Alright then @goober, answer this…

Who dictated that the anus has, and only needs one function? Where is the proof either way? Doctors have use it to take temperatures for years!

arnbev959's avatar

@forest: Don’t you understand? Goober dictated that the anus has only one function. You must be a fool if you can’t understand that. ~

tinyfaery's avatar

We all know what homophobia really is. Me thinks thou protest too much.

SuperMouse's avatar

@goober, what are the breasst for? Feeding babies, so be sure never to caress, kiss or fondle a woman’s breast. Also, the mouth if for chewing, so oral sex and kissing are out as well. Testicles? They are there to make sperm, no mouthing of those guys – ever. It is ludicrous that your only argument against homosexuality has to do with the anus’ intended usage.

Come on Goober, I think tiny hit the nail on the head, you are homophobic, and from the sounds of it so is the pope.

damien's avatar

@goober, you seem to be really hung up on anal sex. Is there something you’re not telling us?

What about the ones who don’t have intercourse? What about the ones who do, but not penetrative? What about lesbians? Is that all morally incorrect as well?

laureth's avatar

Whenever the Pope says things like this, or ballot initiatives like Prop 8 pass somewhere, we get people who do things like this because they feel like it’s more OK somehow.

Is this the right thing to do? You know, to rid the world of homosexuality? Maybe she’d just miraculously become straight after being thusly treated, as if one of the men were that “right one” that she just hadn’t met yet?

damien's avatar

I think he’s just worried that if his few remaining priests all end up to be either gay or child molesters, he’s gonna run out of them sooner or later. Then who will cart him around in his bullet-proof fish tank?

Does anyone else think of the creepy old granddad on family guy when they see the pope on tv? I don’t know why, but he always springs into my mind!

judochop's avatar

The purpose of the anus? (I have already answered this several, several lines up and you failed to read it)
You are becoming redundant my friend.
Everyone knows the purpose of the anus is to shove a giant, fag cock ball deep in to the nether regions of taintville…..duh
Jesus Christ man, we get it…You do not condone buttsecks, big deal. I personally can’t believe that you will never try it. Gay or straight. Despite all the poop that flows through there it’s still pretty clean after a good showering.
Anyway, I hope that you some day get to have some buttsecks and possibly a blowjob with a woman you are totally happy with. You really just wanna go through life in the missionary position? You’re gonna make a good first husband…Psssht.

augustlan's avatar

A post I made from an earlier thread:

@All in the “it’s immoral” camp: After thinking about your moral objections (based on your religion) over the last several days, I have something more to say.

There are many religions currently practiced right here in the United States. Many of them have moral objections to different things than you. Examples: Mormons do not smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or coffee, and do not eat chocolate. Jews do not eat pork, rabbit, lobster or shrimp – among other foods. In the strictest households, they must maintain 2 sets of dishes and pans, even 2 refrigerators in order to prevent mingling of meat and dairy products. Hindus do not eat beef. Some Christian sects prohibit music and dance. The list goes on and on.

Do you eat cheeseburgers? You’re violating Hindu and Jewish law. Ever have a beer, or a glass of wine? Violating Mormon law. Listen to the radio…maybe even boogie down? You get the point…we are all in violation of someone’s religious beliefs. The difference is, no one is trying to pass a secular law to make sure you can’t eat chocolate, bacon, or lobster. No one is trying to prevent you from dancing your heart out. No one is insisting that you buy an extra refrigerator.

Regardless of some other religion’s moral objection to a given practice, you are free to partake in it. It’s exactly the same thing. I urge you to really think about this. Look deep in your heart, and realize that your religion based moral beliefs should not a law make…especially one that marginalizes and hurts human beings.

vanelokz's avatar

this whole thread seems to be about justifying goober’s opinion. There are sooo many people like him who are homophobes without a good justification, and trying to get them to give you a valid reason is just a waste of time.

And to actually answer the question: the pope doesn’t know everything, he is not always right. Just like every other human in this tiny planet. People really shouldn’t let him or anybody else tell them what to think or say. We are not all catholic so why the heck do we have to abide by that religions rules??

MissAnthrope's avatar

The point is, there is no justification for this viewpoint. You can claim it’s unnatural, but I am a biologist here to tell you that it’s not unnatural. Homosexuality occurs in just about every mammal species in existence. I am guessing that you have a different definition of “unnatural” than do most people.

* not in accordance with or determined by nature; contrary to nature;
* the quality of being unnatural or not based on natural principles

As I said, homosexuality is natural based on my above definitions. It occurs in mammal species as a matter of course. We also have physiology that makes certain areas erogenous zones, which permit us to use normally functional parts of the anatomy (breasts, anus, ears, lips, tongue, mouth, etc.) for sexual pleasure. I would also like to point out that the traditional definition of “sodomy”, which you take such issue with, includes oral sex. I don’t see you railing against that, which is, like many of these anti-gay arguments, hypocritical.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Speaking of hypocritical, the thing that makes me the most incensed is when so-called Christian people cherry-pick Bible verses to further bigotry and hate. You seriously want to quote Leviticus, seVen? Perfect. Well then, don’t ignore the rest of what it says…

Open Letter to Dr. Laura
Dear Dr Laura:

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God’s law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and I try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind him that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you however, regarding some of the specific laws and how best to follow them.

a) When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord (Lev 1:9). The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

b) I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

c) I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanness (Lev. 15: 19 – 24). The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

d) Lev 25: 44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can’t I own Canadians?

e) A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination (Lev 11:10), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don’t agree. Can you settle this?

f) Lev 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?

g) Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?

h) I know from Lev. 11:6 – 8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

i) My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of threads (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? (Lev 24: 10 – 16) Couldn’t we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? Lev 20:14.

I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God’s word is eternal and unchanging. Your devoted disciple and adoring fan…..

Trustinglife's avatar

@Alena, that letter is maybe the most brilliant satire I’ve ever seen. Consider this note of admiration to be my lurve, doubled!

finkelitis's avatar

I’d like to defend goober, sort of. She is totally allowed to have her reactions to activities of people. This is something different than ethics; it’s a gut reaction. So goober, I think you can totally say that you think anal sex is wrong, disgusting, whatever, that homosexuality is a disgusting thought to you, and that you think it’s terrible and want no part of it, and shouldn’t have to justify your feelings further if you don’t want to.

For example, I have a terrible reaction when people use the same knife for the peanut butter and the jelly when they make pbj sandwiches. Peanut butter and jelly are not meant to mix in their jars, and I think it’s totally wrong when they do. That’s a gut reaction I have to the way the knives take bits of peanut butter or jelly and cross contaminate. I shudder just to think of it. And some people are in to that. I’ll tell you though, I don’t want anyone to ever do that to my peanut butter or to my jelly in my kitchen.

Here’s the thing though: I think I’m right about this. I don’t know how anyone could disagree with me. But if they’re going to do it in their kitchens, it doesn’t really hurt me. I think it’s wrong. It makes me retch a little. But there’s no damage done.

The pope said that homosexuality is a threat to the planet. Maybe he thinks that it’s preventing enough people from being born (he doesn’t like birth control either I believe), but that seems clearly wrong; we all know there are too many people, and the planet can’t support our current rate of growth. I don’t know what other threat he imagines from homosexuality. It just doesn’t hurt anyone. Right? Climate change, on the other hand, poses an enormous threat. It’s estimated that millions of refugees will be created by climate change in the next century.

That you think it’s wrong is your business. That you think it’s a threat is a claim that needs backing up.

GAMBIT's avatar

The world isn’t always black and white and if we want to survive in it we need to be tolerant of others even when they are different then ourselves.

The Pope in making this type of statement is showing that he is a divider not a leader. I’m not sure if this is from his German background but if he himself is homophobic then he should not be in charge of such a large organization as the Catholic Church.

Priests that prey on young boys is a horrific crime that ruins lives. This is what the Pope should be teaching to all of the young men who join his fraternity.

bodyhead's avatar

I though about it this morning. What is the one use of the anus?

Is it sitting?
Is it to give surgical access to the lower intestine?
Is it to take in suppositories?
Is it to be muscularly connected to the surrounding area without which we would not be able to walk as well?
Is it farting?
Is it pooping?
Is it anal sex?

Come on, goober. As you said, there is only ONE USE for the anus. Which one is it? Pick one of these things and deem all the others immoral.

buster's avatar

You can hide stuff in it too.

buster's avatar

I also know some gutterpunk kids that do hot wine enemas to get drunk. The pope enjoys wine.

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