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KatawaGrey's avatar

Why is this a war on Christmas?

Asked by KatawaGrey (21493points) December 23rd, 2008

The other day, I was sitting with a bunch of my friends and one of them wished us happy holidays as she was leaving and another friend flew off the handle and said it was “a war on Christmas.” He then proceeded to say that we (everyone in the room) was Christian because we all have been baptized so we all should be celebrating Christmas (I have never been baptized). Why is wishing happy holidays instead of merry Christmas a war on Christmas?

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38 Answers

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I’ve always thought “happy holidays” was more polite, and sensitive to cultural difference. Sounds like this guy is a bit crazy. I would chalk it up to holiday stress.

basp's avatar

It is a bunch of bunk created by the extreme right so thatctgey could have another thing to ‘blame’ on liberals and to whine about.

Judi's avatar

Because some people are either black or white. They want to explain everything in a 10 second sound byte. The world is to complex for them to comprehend or compromise.

Kiev749's avatar

its not. Happy holidays is a more general saying to not step on anyones toes. dudes just nuts. christmas started as just a feast it wasnt until the early 800’s people celebrated the birth of jesus on that day.

tyrantxseries's avatar

when you “wish some one a happy holiday” the propaganda isn’t spread, when you wish some one “a merry Christmas” it is… Christmas each year means less and less, people buy more and more
the war between the church and the non believers and the stores is on

queenzboulevard's avatar

If you think it should only be Merry Christmas, you’re not being respectful. Happy holidays covers all the holy days. Now, if you think that you shouldn’t be respectful to those people, you shouldn’t be taken seriously anyways. Christians are to love their neighbors as themselves, it’s the second greatest commandment. Showing disrespect for other people isn’t loving.

PupnTaco's avatar

That guy sounds like an ass. He needs to stop watching Fox News.

cookieman's avatar

Guy I work with is wearing a button that says, “It’s OK to wish me a Merry Christmas.”

I asked about it. He also spoke of this “war on Christmas”.

Perchik's avatar

At least Christmas is a physical day that can be at least a right wing War on Christmas isn’t unfounded.. coughWarOnTerrorismcough

tyrantxseries's avatar

we have already recruited Santa, Frosty, Mr Grinch,Rudolf,and most of the elves we will win this war against the church and their weapons of mass destruction

Jeruba's avatar

I don’t see any problem whatsoever with wishing someone a merry Christmas if it’s someone who celebrates Christmas. Or happy Hanukkah if they celebrate Hanukkah. I wish happy Divali to people who celebrate Divali. When I say “Merry Christmas,” it is not a war on Divali. If we’re celebrating all of them, or don’t know which one a person observes, then the general term serves the need.

What does seem a little odd to me is using “holidays” as a code word to mean a particular set of holidays, in much the same way that people speak of “the City” (as if to say, “There’s really only one City, and so everyone knows which one we mean”). There are holidays of every kind throughout the year, but now with “happy holidays” it’s as if we were saying “shh—happy you-know-which holidays, which I am not supposed to mention out loud.” Why in the world not? I hope everyone’s holidays are happy, whenever they fall, but at this time of year what is the problem with naming them?

tyrantxseries's avatar

how did you learn our code word?

Jeruba's avatar

@tyrantx, lol.

Perchik's avatar

@jeruba, I think happy holidays is appropriate because so many different things are celebrated around this time. If I don’t know what someone celebrates, I say happy holidays, because odds are they celebrate something during this time period (whether that’s a secularized Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukkah, Divali, Festivus…whatever)

dalepetrie's avatar

About 3 years ago, the right wing trumped this up…it may have been Bill O’Reilly who came up with it, but even if he wasn’t the one to come up with it, he pushed it big time on his little TV show.

Basically, what happened was some retail stores, let’s say Wal-Marts had cashiers who would just wish people Merry Christmas. Well, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. all shop at Wal-Mart, and a few of them became a bit offended because it came off to them like the cashiers were either assuming they were Christians or indicating that in their mind, it was the only proper holiday to celebrate…after all there are tons of religious and secular holidays this time of year, it does seem a bit presumptuous and exclusive when you get right down to it.

So, of course Wal-Mart (and other businesses as well) pays more attention to the bottom line than anything, and well, you simply can’t go around offending customers. Sure, they can’t sue you for wishing them a Merry Christmas, but if you piss them off, they’ll shop at Target instead.

So, because for many, many years we’ve all been saying “Happy Holidays” as a catch-all, Wal-Mart asked its employees to say “Happy Holidays” instead of Merry Christmas, and of course as goes Wal-Mart, so goes other retailers.

Now, this is all among the backdrop of a time when the right wing is none too happy about having to tolerate Muslims to begin with, considering what “they” did on 9/11.

At the same time, there were also people who were becoming offended by things like having a Christmas tree in government buildings. After all, maybe a Christmas tree is something that wouldn’t fly in their religion, but yt they go to work or to do official business with the state, and here they are confronted with this symbol they don’t believe in, and to add insult to injury, they see no representation of their religion in public places. And of course schools as well, like at my son’s school, there are students of all religions, and they don’t have Halloween or Christmas celebrations, they might celebrate harvest or “the holidays”.

Basically when we were a country where everyone was Christian, that was one thing, but we have a diverse population now. And now that not everyone is a Christian and other religions are well represented, some people feel as though Christianity is becoming institutionalized, even though we’re SUPPOSED to have a separation of church and state. And even though these minorities are not calling for every building to have every religious symbol for every holiday, there are certain times when common sense says maybe we shouldn’t have any representation of religion. And when you’re dealing with the public, you don’t always know who that other person is so from both a business and common courtesy standpoint, you might say “Happy Holidays”.

But guys like O’Reilly don’t look at the world the way it should be, they look at it the way it was, the good old days when being a white, Christian man meant you had the world by the tail. Not like today, it seems to guys like this that every time someone wants to have equal rights, it means that rights are taken away from guys like him. So they get all upset, because in the past, they’d go into a store and someone would say Merry Christmas and they’d say Merry Christmas back, and that’s how it always was, so that’s the way it should have continued to be in their minds.

And so every time they are called upon to be sensitive to someone different from themselves, it’s like “this was MY world, why should I have to change the way I do things?” And so because it’s the job of bloviators like this to make hay out of what’s goig on in the world so people will watch his pathetic excuse for a show, they turn something as innocent as people trying to be inclusive of all into an outright “War on Christmas.”

Anyone who says that is DEFINITELY a right wing blowhard who gets his news from guys like Limbaugh and O’Reilly and Hannity, you can bet your last dollar on that. But remember this. O’Reilly went on The Late Show with David Letterman a couple years ago and he started to spout off about this so called war on Christmas, and you know what Dave said to him?

“I have the feeling that about 60% of what you say is crap.”

Which, if I’d been there when this guy started spouting off is EXACTLY what I’d have said.

angelshine's avatar

Saying happy holidays instead of merry Christmas is not a war on Christmas. Your friend needs to stop listening to right-wing conservatives who spout meaningless crap to appeal to die-hard voters in the deep South and the Bible Belt. I suggest you ask your friend why he/she feels it’s a war on Christmas. In the Northeast, we’ve been saying happy holidays in public schools for YEARS.

laureth's avatar

Because if you’re not for ‘em, you’re against ‘em. Apparently. I guess.

tyrantxseries's avatar

Viva La Resistance

John7447's avatar

War is over.Give Peace a Chance.
The bad guys lost.

PupnTaco's avatar

One minor note, dale – we were never a country where everyone was Christian. :)

wundayatta's avatar

Because this is a nation designed and founded by Christ, our savior. It may have been an afterthought, one day, after turning water into wine, our hero… uh savior idly wondered if He could found a nation, and he did. It’s proven you know. Right there in the fossil record. Washington was buried together with the dinorsaurs he killed, after chopping down the cherry tree.

So this is a Christian Nation, and ya’ll ought to be ashamed of yourselves for using holidays instead of Christmas! It’s right there in the Bible, too! “Go ye to hell who worshippeth not our saviors, Lincoln, Washington, and Bush (II).”

Fall ye down on your knees and repent, my brothers and sisters, and be proud of this land of holy warriors and malls!

PS buy buy buy lest this nation of Christ fall down to the infidels clammoring at our shores!

Perchik's avatar

I’m offended by that. Yes it’s generally the right wing Christians that are causing the problems. But I do not approve of stupid satire solely for the point of attacking people. ( I don’t think you even made a point.)

I know that it’s typically over-conservative idiots who get offended when people say happy holidays, but that’s not necessarily the majority Christian viewpoint.

Besides, I’m pretty sure our country has secularized Christmas so much that it’s not necessarily about Christian ideas anyway. The Bible does not mention Santa Claus, the idea of gift giving isn’t outlined in the Gospels, and December 25 was a pagan holiday before we decided to use that date.

No, our nation is NOT a Christian Nation, even though our postal service takes off dates that are Christian Holidays. I think it is biased. But I’m a Christian, if you want your holidays celebrated, then argue for it. But don’t argue against things solely to be against them.

dalepetrie's avatar

Perchick is right, it’s not a majority Christian view. It’s a right wing bloviator view designed to reap the divisions that push up ratings.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

some people think that EVERYONE has to celebrate christmas, and that regardless of whether someone’s jewish or not you should tell them merry christmas. even if someone is blatantly jewish my aunt usually wishes them a merry christmas. i think it’s rude when you do it spitefully. ‘war on christmas’, that’s ridiculous.

Judi's avatar

You also shouldn’t have to be afraid to say ‘Merry Christmas” when shopping for Christmas stuff. If I am buying gift wrap or other obvious Christmas items I always say Merry Christmas to the cashier. Also to the Salvation Army person who gets my change.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

There was a time when “Christian” meant Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Episcopalian, and a whole other litany of Christ-centric religions, not just evangelicals. Somewhere around ten years ago, that changed, and being “Christian” was hijacked by the evangelicals.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

If John Lennon was still alive, he would be singing “So this is The War on Christmas”

forestGeek's avatar

Be safe and just say Merry or Happy, and leave out the Christmas, Hanukkah, Holidays, etc. Now you can please everyone. Oh wait, then you’ll piss off the pessimists. Never mind!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

A truck driver gave me a good one tonight, even though I don’t have a problem with anything people say when they wish me an enjoyable holiday. He said, “Merry, merry, happy, happy.”

Who could have a problem with that?

galileogirl's avatar

And of course the word holiday is derived from the Middle English words that mean “holy day” which is the perfect description for the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ. (which of course didn’t happen midwinter)

On the other hand the word Christmas denotes Christ’s maese, maese meaning either mass or festival. Now as Bill O’Reilly or any other Catholic of convenience should know, the Mass refers to the Last Supper that took place during Passover week, therefore in the Spring. Festival is more accurate because it is just the Christian usurpation of longstanding pagan/Roman midwinter celebrations.

I personally prefer Merry Christ’s maese because those pagan festivals were VERY merry what with all the dancing, drinking, running off into the woods to keep warm with members of the opposite sex and the boom of late August babies. I don’t use Merry Christmas to strangers unless I know they are pagans. Happy holidays is safer.

finkelitis's avatar

dalepetrie’s history is right on. Basically, if you want to have a culture war, you need to feel like you’re attacked. How can you be attacked if the other side is promoting tolerance? You have to argue that tolerance is actually intolerance. Thus, the Orwellian boondoggle of the bloviators.

The whole thing is such a waste of time.

Perchik's avatar

@forest I can’t tell if you’re serious or not. To me, it’s completely silly to just use adjectives. If you say Happy or Merry without anything following it, people will ask, and you’ll have to explain. You’ll come off sounding arrogant “Well ya see, I chose not to offend people by only wishing them a Happy.”

Say Happy Holidays if you don’t know what the person celebrates. If they get offended… just let them be.

seekingwolf's avatar

a “war on Christmas”. That’s just BS. Saying happy holidays isn’t insulting to Christmas in my book.

Truthfully, I think you can say whatever you want, whether it be Merry Christmas or Happy Hollidays. I do think there is too much “political correctness” and people just need to chill. I’m a Buddhist (something very few people know) and I don’t get offended when people say Merry Christmas…I mean, it’s not like they are forcing their belief on me or something? heck they are wishing me well in their own way. Why should I get pissed?

Well, either way, you can say what you want. I think though that the “War on Christmas” crap is just as stupid as yelling at teachers/employees for saying Merry Christmas instead of happy holidays. People on BOTH sides really need to take a chill pill.

syz's avatar

It never fails to amaze me just how stupid people are.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

syz, unfortunately, even stupid people can vote, and that’s when it becomes a problem. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

syz's avatar

Yep. To quote Kay: A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.

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