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nocountry2's avatar

What song changed your life?

Asked by nocountry2 (3689points) December 23rd, 2008 from iPhone

For me, it was my babysitter bringing over a copy of her brother’s Offspring “Self Esteem”...I had never been obsessed with a song before, and it basically opened my music eyes, to begin to realize how completely diverse and amazing music is…

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16 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I wouldn’t say it changed my life, but John Lennon’s Imagine affected me profoundly.

shrubbery's avatar

Bodom Beach Terror – Children of Bodom

EnzoX24's avatar

Walk This Way- Aerosmith

First full song I learned on guitar.

PredatorGanazX's avatar

The end of the innocence by Don Henley hmmm i wonder what it actually changed thou ..

Judi's avatar

A lot of songs from the 60’s and 70’s. Mostly the Beatles.
All We Are saying, Is Give peace a Chance
All You Need is Love
Not Beatles:
I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing
Amazing Grace

mrdh's avatar

Not really a song, more like an artist.
After I gave David Bowie a good listen, all I could say was “whoa shit!” shit! because I was angry that I hadn’t heard about him sooner, and shit! because it was so much better than what half the school was listening to at that time (Fall Out Boy, Sum 41, Simple Plan that kind of crap). Now I listen to artists I haven’t even heard of a couple years ago, and my friends still haven’t now.

cookieman's avatar

“a day in the life” by the Beatles.

Blew my mind.

After that, I left Kiss behind and discovered a whole new world of music.

Spargett's avatar

“Smells Like Teen Spirit” – Nirvana

I heard it in 6th grade. Made me feel feelings I never knew existed. It unlocked an artist in me I didn’t know existed. It gave me a productive escape from a tough childhood. I’ve toured the world because of it, and hopefully inspired others in the same way.

laureth's avatar

The Rose, by Bette Midler.
People are People, by Depeche Mode.

GAMBIT's avatar

Bob Dylan -

Blowin in the Wind
Masters of War
Only a Pawn in Their Game
The Times They Are A-Changing

SuperMouse's avatar

Jungleland by Bruce Springsteen, I heard it on the radio, went out and bought Born to Run, and a music lover was born.

seVen's avatar

Bob Marley “Redemption Song”
Bob Marley “Babylon System”
etc etc

tiffyandthewall's avatar

some of these are albums, some are bands, some are songs. i can’t really limit it down….

-a collection of songs written & recorded 1995–1997 by bright eyes has had such a huge effect on me, i can find myself in nearly every song on the album. since i listened to it/was introduced to his music in general, i feel like i see things differently.
-jagged little pill by alanis morisette, as silly as it is haha. i’ve been able to connect with it since i was in elementary school and my mum used to blast it every day at home. i don’t listen to it as much as i used to, but every time i do, i’m like ‘shit, this album will never leave me’ haha.
-room noises by eisley. i feel like that album kind of helped me see the magic in a lot of things.
-the song vienna by billy joel!
-the young and the hopeless by good charlotte. i’m almost embarrassed to note that one, but it opened me up to most of the music i listen to now, and i absolutely have to give them credit for that.
-stories and alibis and voices by matchbook romance both basically served as the soundtracks to years of my life.
and just my chemical romance and the used in general.

oh man, i am so bad at narrowing down my answers! i’m sorry haha.

Sooner_Coolkat's avatar

Poison the Well – Ghostchant

Jeruba's avatar

I’d have to say Bob Dylan too, especially “The Time They Are A-Changin’” and “Hard Rain.”

LouisianaGirl's avatar

You remember that song by Alan Jackson, “Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning?” I guess that and a lot more that I can`t think of at the time.

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