General Question

Jeruba's avatar

If you liked "fiekle," you'll love--?

Asked by Jeruba (56253points) December 23rd, 2008

This thread gave rise to a citation of this quote and the present question, to wit: what creative misspellings have you seen and loved so much that you want to share them here?

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5 Answers

Cardinal's avatar

Frizzer for freezer a few weeks ago.

augustlan's avatar

Mine is actually a mispronunciation: ‘Pacuter’ for ‘computer’. My youngest daughter said it that way for a few years…always brought a smile to my face.

krose1223's avatar

I’m so glad there is a question inspired by me… Merry Christmas to all you guys too. :)

Jeruba's avatar

In my years as a professional proofreader, I saw a lot of them. Some were horrifying and some were wonderful. Some made me laugh until I hurt. Not that I see any fewer now, but if you think published material looks bad, you ought to see what it looked like before somebody checked it.

In all this time, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger howler than this (not counting ESL folks, who are entitled to some extra leeway): after some minor gaffe, the chief of IT sent out to the entire company a message apologizing for his fopah.

kevinscott_'s avatar

i have always enjoyed “possiblie” from the “nothing can possiblie go wrong” quote in the simpson’s parody of jurassic park. classic.

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