Meta Question

Trustinglife's avatar

Do you enjoy answering questions that are practical or philosophical more?

Asked by Trustinglife (6671points) December 24th, 2008 from iPhone

Just curious.

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13 Answers

cdwccrn's avatar

The philosophical ones.

Trustinglife's avatar

Oh, and why. What satisfaction do you get out of each?

asmonet's avatar

Philosophical tickles my brain, practical I love because I can help others n their daily life, but honestly, my favorite are the silly ones.

Silly things in life keep me happy. :D

SuperMouse's avatar

I like them both. I like it when I can answer something clearly and concisely, but I also like it when I can ponder and provide a more philosophical answer.

augustlan's avatar

Since most of my ‘expertise’ (ha) is in human interaction, I find I can be most helpful in the philosophical questions. However, if someone asks a practical question that I just happen to know the answer to…viola! Instant gratification! I enjoy them all, even the silliest of the silly.

Edited to add: I really enjoy the philosophical ones that get me to ‘stretch’ my mind…I lurve that!

googlybear's avatar

When I know what I’m talking about the practical ones….when I haven’t a clue and get to be deliberately fuzzy, the philosophical ones :-)

El_Cadejo's avatar

Whatevers clever. I just like answering Qs :P

tiffyandthewall's avatar

philosophical for the most part. partly because there’s not really a wrong answer, and partly because i love thinking about things of that nature, and i like seeing what other people think about them too.

artificialard's avatar

I generally like answering practical questions more because it forces me to learn more about the topic…

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I prefer philosophical simply because it feels like I have to think more and that’s something I enjoy doing, immensely. I’m also good at weird – and philosophical leans toward weird. Now, what is weird? Well, that’s another answer altogether. ;)

krose1223's avatar

I just like to be able to answer them :)

shadling21's avatar

I prefer the philosophical when I have time to actually think hard about what I’m reading and writing. Otherwise, I stick to the practical.

wundayatta's avatar

I rarely know anything practical, so I tend to stick with the conundrum kind of questions, where there is no right or wrong, unless people argue.

It’s interesting that most people who answered prefer philosophical. Does that mean anything?

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