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srmorgan's avatar

What did you get for Christmas..?

Asked by srmorgan (6773points) December 25th, 2008

I’m Jewish but my wife is not, so I get presents twice…I got pottery tools and glazes and socks and underwear!

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28 Answers

seVen's avatar

I got a motorcycle jacket , nice cologne, chocolates. I really didn’t want anything but my family is stubborn.

seVen's avatar

Oh yeah I got myself some songs from iTunes that are Christ minded.

rossi_bear's avatar

I got a mother of pearl ring, p.j.‘s , mouse pad, winter boots, a pooh blanket, a pooh sweater, slippers. i too didn’t want anything but they didn’t listen either seVen. lol

aanuszek1's avatar

A new 360! Woo!

MrMontpetit's avatar

Chocolates, PJs, a nice speaker and subwoofer set, some video games for Xbox 360, and some for PC.

And I’m getting a new cellphone in a week or so, stupid Bell’s system went down so I couldn’t get one when I went, and it wont be back up untill 4 more business days.

jonsblond's avatar

Smiles from my children. My husband and I decided to skip getting presents for each other and just spend the little money we had on the kids.

shadling21's avatar

Dunno yet. We’re waiting for my teenage brother to wake up.

cdwccrn's avatar

200cc Sym cherry red motor scooter:)

2late2be's avatar

I got the new apple earphones with mic, a kit to make gel candles, an iTunes card, and the unplugged dvd of alejandro sanz!!! Yay!!! I gave my husband the guitars and the game for his ps3 and the new Nike remote with watch for his iPod!

shadling21's avatar

The highlight of my gifts this year has to be the Fluther t-shirt my mom got me. =D

I also enjoy the L’Atalante DVD and the gift certificate to the spa.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

a harmonica (!), a seahorse toothbrush holder (HAHA i like seahorses a lot, and my mum saw it and she was like “I JUST HAD TO GET IT. FIND SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT.”, the mary-kate and ashley book Inspiration or something to that effect, and a psychology/philosophy book haha.
i also have the suspicion that one of my best friends is making me a mix cd, so i’m really excited for that.<3

cookieman's avatar

Two nice pairs of shoes, slippers and a winter coat – from my wife and daughter.

Cologne from my sister-in-law, and some cabbage from my mother-in-law (which is going right to a bill).

A very nice Christmas.

Comedian's avatar

Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Lily Allen’s “Alright Still” Album (excplicit version)
LG Dare
Two Monty Python Posters, a Monty Python shirt, all the Monty
Python movies, and this complete history book! :D
Scarf and bag from Australia
Japanesse drinks and chocolate money
And MORE!!!! I got just about everything I wanted!!!

(I also got my mom a dollar bill with George Clooney’s face on it)

EnzoX24's avatar

A Dunlop Crybaby Wah pedal (but my guitar is at college D:)

Guitar Hero World Tour (My parents got it for me before I told them Rock Band 2 so my Dad told me not to worry and we can exchange it tomorrow)

asmonet's avatar

I got a 50 yr old fur cheetah coat that belonged to my grandmother. :)

Don’t worry, I can totally pull it off. :D

asmonet's avatar

Ah! I meant leopard!

I’m brain broken today.

judochop's avatar

I got a Sony nav Gps unit. Some camera gear, music, new snowboard and gear and we are buying a new washer and dryer.

krose1223's avatar

Gift cards and lots of laughs from my son

andrew's avatar

I got a rad scarf that my mom knit that spells out “Our Andrew Wayne McClain” in binary. W00t for my mom.

shadling21's avatar

@andrew – That’s amazing. What a cool mom…

asmonet's avatar

@andrew: Your mom is a bamf.

Judi's avatar

That is Sooo you! You just need a sign that says it’s 50 years old so no one throws paint on it or something ! It sounds great!

asmonet's avatar

@Judi: I really love it, I know some year I’m also getting her full length mink. I’m gonna spend the day pretending to be Cruella. :D

The paint thing is the only thing I’m worried about. But you don’t really hear about that happening much anymore. But then again, it’s a nice fur, you can tell in about half a second it’s real. Normally, I wouldn’t buy a fur coat cause…sadface. But I have no problems inheriting one. :)

Judi's avatar

My MIL said she wants to make pillows out of her minks. I’m sad because I wanted to inherit them :-(

Judi's avatar

You need a button that says, “Animal killed before we knew better”

asmonet's avatar

You could make that happen before she has a chance. I mean, what?

Ha, that’s the best idea ever. My friend has a button making doohickey. I’m totally doing this.

andrew's avatar

@asmonet: Dane Cook? Really? Really?

asmonet's avatar

Asmonet is ashamed she has groped him, and enjoyed it.

I don’t want to talk about it!!

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