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krose1223's avatar

Do you get along with the in-laws?

Asked by krose1223 (3274points) December 26th, 2008

There are so many jokes about the dreaded in-laws, but in all my relationships I have always been very close in my exes families. In fact, I still keep in touch with the mother of an ex from high school! We tell eachother I love you still and she came to see me the last time I was in the hospital.

I mean, I know there are things that can get annoying… Especially if they are your neighbors… (My sister is in that situation.) But are they really that bad most of the time?

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27 Answers

srmorgan's avatar

My wife is one of three children.
My late mother-in-law said, of the six of us, three children and three spouses, I came in second.


Jack79's avatar

You mean the paedophile father-in-law and his evil sadistic wife who also organised an attempt against my life? No, I wouldn’t say so…

SoapChef's avatar

Oh dear! Not so much, no.

chyna's avatar

I really loved my ex in-laws and felt they really loved me. My ex father in law got teary eyed every time he ran into me after the divorce.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Both of my in-laws are dead. I never knew my MIL. She was killed when my husband was 6 years old. My FIL was no good. I never did like him from the git-go & he knew it. My husband had no problem with that. He didn’t like him, either. But the aunt & uncle that raised him, I loved with all my heart & they loved me. They’ve been gone for many years & I still miss them terribly.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Jack…bless your heart. They sure weren’t the Cleavers! I’m sorry.

bythebay's avatar

Maybe I have the exception to the rule, my in-laws are wonderful. They are the most caring and thoughtful people. Very southern, very devoted to their grandchildren, very sweet.
I adore both of them and I think they feel the same.

susanc's avatar

My two sets of in-laws were a little distant, but not evil. I liked them all. Gone now. My two daughters-in-law and THEIR parents are heaven on earth.
I think the in-law jokes are very strange. They’ve been in effect ever since I was a really young child. My parents loved their in-laws too. Curious.

free's avatar

I call ‘em my out-laws….

SuperMouse's avatar

My in-laws disliked me from the jump, which was fine because I wasn’t their biggest fan either.

shilolo's avatar

I have a tense relationship with mine. They bother me on many levels, not the least of which is that they don’t seem to truly love my wife (their daughter), at least not in the way I think they should.

wundayatta's avatar

They say I get this look on my face when I don’t like something, and I’m so unaware of it, but there it is. I can’t hide what I don’t like. So they tease me about that, and I’m sensitive, blah, blah, blah

I’m a foodie, and they just saw food as fuel…

I’ve been all over the world; they’ve never travelled…

So it’s not easy. Not easy.

Sometimes… no, once, I was allowed to stay home, but that was only because I was very sick. It was good not to have to go.

The kids love their cousins, though…. so… some things must be borne, I guess…

cookieman's avatar

My inlaws are great.

Don’t get me wrong, my MIL is a tiny Italian lady whose so nervous about life she practically vibrates – but she means well and loves me like a son.

Which is more than I can say for my own mother.

augustlan's avatar

My ex-MIL and I got along, but she could be quite bitchy. My ex’s stepmother and I are still good friends. My current husband’s mother and father are both really good people. They are married to other people, however. Step-father is an extremely nice guy, who also happens to be a good-old-boy racist. I find that difficult to deal with. Step-mother is a very old, very sick woman who has always hated my husband. She’s not very nice at all.

bythebay's avatar

augustlan: goodness that’s a lot of inlaws!

augustlan's avatar

Oh, that’s not even all of them! There’s my ex’s father, sister and brother, and my husband’s sister and brother, too. On my side, I provide lots of in-laws as well. My mother is married to not-my-father. She was previously married to my ‘dad’ (who is also not-my-father). My actual father is no longer living, but was married to not-my-mother, who is still around. They had a son, so there’s a 1/2 brother for you. My ‘dad’ is getting married on New Year’s Day, so add another not-my-mom to the picture!

augustlan's avatar

Look at it this way: My children have loads of grandparents…who all adore them!

shilolo's avatar

How many holiday dinners must you attend?

augustlan's avatar

Oh, Shi…in the beginning it was a damned nightmare. Then we put our foot (feet?) down, and decided all holidays would be celebrated in our home, and everyone was invited. Add in the fact that the ex and his family are Jewish, and my family is Christian, and you can see we had a lot of dinners at our house : )

These days it is pretty laid back. Most dinners happen at my husband’s mom’s house, some at our house. Nowhere else!

KatawaGrey's avatar

Well, I’ve never been married, but I have had some interesting relationships with the parents of my boyfriends. My first boyfriend’s parents are lovely and are very much like my own parents (I’m still great friends with their son). I’m still friends with my second boyfriend’s parents, though I’m not sure how his mother liked me when I was trying to get into her son’s pants. My third boyfriend’s parents were completely different. His mother is the most horrible thing to crawl out from under a rock and his stepfather is this snivelling little sycophant who does what ever she wants and doesn’t protect his own son from his wife’s nasty comments. His son was 9 when I was going out with this boyfriend and she would regularly make him cry with all the nasty stuff she said. This woman does not love her son and only wanted custody (when she and my ex’s father went through a vitriolic divorce) to one up her ex-husband. She regularly tells my ex how stupid he is and how he is a failure at life. Sometimes, she hits him and sometimes the stepfather does as well. She certainly didn’t like me because I didn’t put up with her crap (and I ruined all of the prom pictures she took whereas my mother has lovely prom pictures). I have not seen her since I broke up with her son and if I did, I’m not sure I could stop myself from telling her exactly what I think of her.

As such, I have learned that it’s best to avoid my current boyfriend’s mother because she doesn’t like me because I am a fair bit younger than her son (I am turning 20 in January and he turned 23 in November). This means that I won’t be around his family too much which is too bad because his stepfather is wonderful and I quite like him and I don’t think he cares about the age difference. As for my boyfriend’s father, well, I don’t know much, but I know enough to know that if I ever encounter the man (he has a very distinctive name so I could conceivably recognize him without ever having met him) I might say some rather nasty things to him about how he treated his son. He disowned my boyfriend when he was 16 and then stole 10,000 dollars that my boyfriend had saved from his job.

And, my goodness that is a long-winded answer, I hope that I answered your question sufficiently, unmarried though I am. :)

Darwin's avatar

My MIL was a very nice lady. She sometimes called me by my husband’s first wife’s name but since she was dead it didn’t really matter.My FIL loved to watch me eat squid with chopsticks and used to put extra on my plate, but otherwise he was a very nice guy.Basically they were happy that I made their son happy.

Both are dead now and I miss them, although I didn’t get to see them often.

90s_kid's avatar

12 pains of Christmas. #6 Facing my in-laws.

Well, I have none. But a lot of far-relatives I don’t get along with.

rowenaz's avatar

Even with a language barrier, I love my in-laws when they are living in another country. When they are around here, well, I’m not sure it’s appropriate to print that kind of language. I barely know my FIL. He left the country when he realized that his son and I had eloped, but that doesn’t mean that’s why he left. He abandoned his entire family for years….anyone who does that, I don’t have to think much of, and I don’t.

Lovey_Howell's avatar

Yes, because for the most part I keep my mouth shut, especially when I want to open it the most.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

I’ve never had a father-in-law or a mother-in-law. I also don’t talk to any of my ex-boyfriends parents.

dindinbaby's avatar

My parents love my husband and the feeling is mutual. His stepmom and dad are openly hostile and refer to me as “the Yankee”. His mom asks me everytime I see her how much weight I’ve gained (I’ve remained the same weight and size that I was in high school—13 years ago). And his stepdad is an alcoholic. So no, I would not say they’re all that great.

desertr0se's avatar

I would be happy if I never saw any of them ever again.

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