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cookieman's avatar

Which movie sequels have been better than the original?

Asked by cookieman (41924points) December 28th, 2008 from iPhone

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31 Answers

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Dark Knight was better then any previous Batman movie, IMHO.

asmonet's avatar

@Sueanne: Friendship Terminated.

cookieman's avatar

I always felt that Empire Strikes Back and X-Men 2 were better than their predecessors.

Both for the same reason: More engaging opening scene, more cohesive plot, better action.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Godfather part 2.

The dark knight was not better than Batman begins. Not by along way.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Awww…c’mon Asie babe….I’m sorry…..

asmonet's avatar

It’s okay! We made pancakes. Think of the pancakes.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Indiana Jones and the last crusade was better than temple of doom.

Aliens was pretty damn good buy whether it’s better than Alien is hard to say as they are very different movies.

cookieman's avatar

@Lightlyseared: I’d agree with some of those.

Godfather Part 2 was better. Better characterization.

I personally enjoyed Aliens 2 better than the first one. But I see what you’re saying. The first Aliens was a horror movie while the second one was more of a thriller.

Gotta disagree on Indiana Jones though. The first is still the best, IMHO.

I saw Batman Begins and LOVED it. I haven’t seen Dark Knight yet. I’m dying to.

@asmonet: You gonna answer the question or just goof around? Not that I mind a little goofing mind you.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Yes the first Indiana jones is the best but last crusade was better than temple of doom.

doom was number 2 wasn’t it?

asmonet's avatar

@cprevite: Snap. I am shamed.

I agree with Indiana Jones. :D

cookieman's avatar

@Lightlyseared: Yes that’s right. Frankly, anything is better than Temple of Doom. Short Round was the death of that movie.

cookieman's avatar

@asmonet: It’s just that your insights are so…insightful. ;^)

Lightlyseared's avatar

Well I prefered temple of doom to kingdom of the alien skull thingy.

cookieman's avatar

@Lightlyseared: Yeah, I heard such bad reviews that I skipped Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Yup that was such a disappointment I left the cinema feeling dirty.

MrItty's avatar

Agree with, already mentioned: Last Crusade, Empire Strikes Back, Dark Knight, Xmen 2

Add to my list: Spiderman 2, Back to the Future II, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Toy Story 2, Terminator 2: Judgement Day

cookieman's avatar

@Mritty: Agreed on Spiderman 2. The CGI was much better and Doc Oc was a much more believable villain than Willem Defoe’s Green Goblin (the armored suit killed it).

wilhel1812's avatar

Planet of the Apes.

augustlan's avatar

Agree with MrItty on Terminator 2. Disagree with Sueanne! Batman Begins is the best Batman movie. But Michael Keaton was the best Batman

madcapper's avatar

Evil Dead 2 is way better than Evil Dead.

amanderveen's avatar

I agree with Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I also thought that the Lethal Weapons movies got funnier as they went. Predator II was better than Predator I with the focus shifting more to the creature itself. I also thought the second Grumpy Old Men was funnier than the first, and I’ll second the motion on Evil Dead 2. :o)

queenzboulevard's avatar

I liked Matrix Reloaded more than the first. It showed all the sick stuff Neo could do.

I agree with Godfather II, and it’s a toss up between Batman Begins and TDK, I really liked them both.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Return of the Jedi > Empire Strikes Back > A New Hope > all of that other pseudo-Star Wars shit.

Two Towers > Fellowship of the Ring, which is on par with Return of the King

El_Cadejo's avatar

Dark Knight
Spiderman 2
Terminator 2

Jack79's avatar

I also like the 2nd Indiana Jones best. And I think I liked Shrek2 better than the original, even though all 3 I’ve seen are great. I don’t remember if Spiderman2 was better than 1, but Batman2 was.

Sakata's avatar

Not listed so far:

Christmas Vacation
Toy Story 2
Back to the Future Part 2
Scream (the trilogy)
The Chronicles of Riddick
Beverly Hills Cop 2

MrItty's avatar

ahem. Check my answer. I listed both Toy Story 2 and BttF 2

Sakata's avatar

I stand corrected.


TitsMcGhee's avatar

@Sakata: Scream? Really? Pshaw.

And the Scary Movie sequels (although not very good to begin with) are sometimes better than the original…

Lightlyseared's avatar

@TitsMcGhee yes but when the original films were that crap to begin with being better isn’t hard it’s almost inevitable

birdland33's avatar

Star Trek II

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