General Question

queenzboulevard's avatar

What do you know about ICQ?

Asked by queenzboulevard (2553points) December 28th, 2008

The instant messaging app. What are your opinions about it, your experiences with it?

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6 Answers

RandomMrdan's avatar

it isn’t very popular with any of my friends around here (I live in Ohio). But I have friends that live in Germany who seem to use it quite often and will offer to share ICQ numbers to keep in touch much like I would offer my AIM screen name.

tinyvamp's avatar

I used to love icq i never wanted to give it up until all my friends started using aim, i was forced to use aim. aim gives more instant gratification then icq, because its like a relay of messages instead of chatbox like yahoo or aim.

or thats what it was like when i was 14, ha.

nocountry2's avatar


Vinifera7's avatar

I used to use ICQ. That’s why I configure Trillian to send messages with Alt+S instead of Enter. I still have my account, but I barely have any contacts signing on with ICQ anymore.

asmonet's avatar

I love ICQ. I miss it.

Way superior. :’(

mjoyce's avatar


its scary that i still remember that. I haven’t used it in years. ICQ was the hottness before AIM, for people who couldn’t figure out how to use bitchx.

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