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Blobman's avatar

What do you think about Star Wars episod III?

Asked by Blobman (516points) December 29th, 2008

what is your opinion on episode 3? I thought that the acting was really cheesy, but the tech and special effects were far superior to any of the other movies.

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12 Answers

PupnTaco's avatar

Brilliant in parts, bad in others -like all of ‘em.

old school sw nerd since 1977

queenzboulevard's avatar

Hayden isn’t a very good actor anyways (no offense to his job skills if he’s on Fluther lol). With respect to the fx, it was the most recent which means the most recent technology, which means they did a terrible job if it wasn’t better than the others. I liked the seeing how everything came togther, so it could have had different actors playing the same people and I would have still seen it lol.

simone54's avatar

The best by far of the new ones. Not as good as any of the old ones.

Zaku's avatar

The best of the new trilogy, which isn’t saying much. Given the resources, it depresses me how bad these were. Acting, script, plot, choreography, lack of humanity, unbelievability or even making sense, timing, uhhgh – all badly done, as far as my tastes are concerned. The CGI was impressive but unbelievable and not well paced nor timed – it looked like CGI – computer programs, not actual things with real physics or minds involved. The story and acting was so superficial and it seems to me it could so easily have been so much better, not to mention if they had applied actual talent. Oh well.

Vinifera7's avatar

Best of the pre-trilogy, which is to say that I’m glad it’s over.

mrdh's avatar

I haven’t watched it yet. I don’t think I can bear the pain.

Lightlyseared's avatar

ruined my childhood memories of Star Wars. Probably its an OK film in its own right but I hate it.

PupnTaco's avatar

What Lucas got right with the prequel trilogy (in no particular order):
1. Palpatine’s machinations
2. Bail Organa
3. Jango Fett & the clones
4. The fight between Anakin & Obi-Wan on the lava planet
5. The Jedi

Blobman's avatar

@mrdh WHAT???!!! YOU HAVEN’T WATCHED IT YET???!!! You really should but don’t expect too much from it.

willbrawn's avatar

Awesome fight between Anakin and ObiWan. Lame how easy he turned on his friends and horrible acting.

Blobman's avatar

Anikan…..your baking my heart..sniffle, sniffle”

simone54's avatar

I LOVE the battle at the end.

I like to imagine it’s actually Hayden Christen dismembered and burning to death.

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