Meta Question

LostInParadise's avatar

Are there any cases here of couples who are both members of Fluther?

Asked by LostInParadise (32278points) December 30th, 2008

I have asked this question on other Q & A sites that I have been on and I am always surprised by how infrequently this occurs.

Also, has anyone ever discussed the possibility of having a gathering of Flutherites in person. At the last Q & A site I was on, the guy who ran it had a meeting at his place, although I did not attend.

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21 Answers

Computergenius's avatar

Yes, my wife and I both love fluther!

90s_kid's avatar

That would be scary, meeting all these people who don’t like me. But not all.
I would feel like a stalker myself.

RandomMrdan's avatar

I have a few friends that I know personally. I don’t have a girlfriend at the moment, but if I did, I’d probably share this site with her so she can get on fluther as well.

I am not too sure about meeting anyone here that I didn’t know before joining the site. I would find it to be a bit awkward or strange. We would find ourselves probably talking about questions we’ve asked and who got the most lurve and things like that. I’m sure it’d be awkward the entire time.

miasmom's avatar

My husband got me addicted to this site!

asmonet's avatar

I know a bunch of us are in the Washington, DC area or within driving distance. I’ve thought about contacting them and getting us out to dinner, maybe. I dunno, maybe one day. :)

And I know there are a few couples, and a bunch of families on here.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Me and Trance 24 have been together for 2 and a half years :)
sorry asmonet ;)

judochop and nocountry2 are married and sccrowell and whatthefluther are also together (though i havent seen either in a while…:( )

shilolo's avatar

I heard a rumor about PnL and JackAdams…....

Likeradar's avatar

My boyfriend of a year and a half is on here and got me hooked.

gailcalled's avatar

I thought that the couple of the year were Richardhenry and JA.

gailcalled's avatar

edit; “was,”

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I’m single, but I wouldn’t be opposed to dating a flutherer… Any takers, haha?

jonsblond's avatar

Yes, I am the better half :)

Mizuki's avatar

My husband got kicked off….

gimmedat's avatar

I am married to acrazycouple. He is the one who found Fluther originally, and he very rarely posts anymore, although he is always lurking. SuperMouse is my sister cecildooderbop is my daughter and NVOldGuy is my dad. We love to Fluther. You know the saying, “The family that Fluthers together is more open-minded, and smarter, too!”

Mizuki's avatar

Supermouse is my fav.

Perchik's avatar

@gimmedat your husband founded fluther originally? I thought it was andrew and ben….

augustlan's avatar

I think AstroChuck’s wife is a member, too.

gailcalled's avatar

Me and Milo. He’s the ghost writer ( about to be published).

gimmedat's avatar

In my world my husband stumbled upon, clicked on, registered for, got us hooked on Fluther. He had no hand in founding the beast that is Fluther.

Mizuki, I am hurt and I am going to bed now. Thanks.

Perchik's avatar

@gimmedat AH Sorry I misread what you said.. I saw “founded” not “found.” Many apologies!

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