General Question

queenzboulevard's avatar

Have you ever heard your browser scrolling?

Asked by queenzboulevard (2553points) December 30th, 2008

I can hear a noise scrolling up and down…it’s totally quiet and it’s like a muffled iPod clicking..weird

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7 Answers

Vinifera7's avatar

It’s not your scroll wheel?

justn's avatar

Yes, but its more like my computer making noises when I touch my trackpad. It sounds like my LCD makes the noise.

lefteh's avatar

Windows computers tend to have that problem every once in a while.
The best theories are problems with either the CPU or the GPU. A quick Google search will probably show plenty of incidents.

wilhel1812's avatar

It’s because the computer uses more power. I used my mac with a power monitor and every time i scroll, the computer takes more power from the power adapter.

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