General Question

cornets_01's avatar

How do you define yourself?

Asked by cornets_01 (87points) December 31st, 2008

Well, some say that your personality reflects on how you define yourself.. :)

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55 Answers

delirium's avatar

Atheist Vegetarian Humanist
Just what it says on my profile!

wildflower's avatar

I define myself in context of the situation I find myself in.

johnny0313x's avatar

im a lazy worrier – meaning I worry about alot of things….but never do anything about them….heh

squirbel's avatar

Last of a dying breed.

Darwin's avatar

A well-read misfit.

m_dub's avatar

My thoughts become my actions;
My actions become my habits;
My habits become my character;
My character becomes my destiny.

m_dub's avatar

Yourself: [yoor-self, yawr-, yohr-, yer-]
–pronoun, plural -selves [-selvz]
1. (an emphatic appositive of you or ye ): a letter you yourself wrote.
2. a reflexive form of you (used as the direct or indirect object of a verb or the object of a preposition): Don’t blame yourself. Did you ever ask yourself “why”? You can think for yourself.
3. Informal. (used in place of you, esp. in compound subjects, objects, and complements): Ted and yourself have been elected. We saw your sister and yourself at the game. People like yourselves always feel like that.
4. (used in absolute constructions): Yourself having so little money, how could they expect you to help?
5. your normal or customary self: You’ll soon be yourself again.
6. (used in place of you after as, than, or but): scholars as famous as yourselves; a girl no older than yourself.
7. oneself: The surest way is to do it yourself.

cornets_01's avatar

hmm.. probably I see myself as an undefinite being with a purpose in this world. :D
Too deep, ain’t it?

seVen's avatar

Child of God the God of Abraham , Isaac, and Jacob.

You can’t defy me on what I do, the work I hold, the clothes I wear, the house I live, the car I drive, the race I am.

cookieman's avatar

Football-Player-Sized, Metrosexual, Creative, Hard-Working, Italian, Chocolate-Chip-Cookie-Lovin’, Husband and Dad.

also my profile

seekingwolf's avatar

A Buddhist, a Republican, a bundle of contradictions, Elekta complex-er, loner who has much to do, much to learn, and much to hide.

augustlan's avatar

An ordinary girl in an extraordinary world.

buster's avatar

Skateboarder, pothead, drunk, nonconformist, fisherman, antiestablishment, funloving, metalhead, punkrocker, mischievous all fit me.

Jack79's avatar

I used to be many things. But right now the only one that matters is that I’m someone’s dad. And everything I do concentrates on that.

Knotmyday's avatar

Bipedal, vertebrate, eukaryotic placental mammal. With excellent taste.

hammer43's avatar

trust worthy, honest, reliable, sensitive, very sensitive.

asmonet's avatar

A shining example of juxtaposition and contradiction.

wundayatta's avatar

An apparently competent, even talented guy, who is actually troubled and uncertain; just trying to do the best he can, even as he feels like a pretty bad failure (and that’s on a good day).

90s_kid's avatar

Quiet in person but won’t shut up on the computer.

mea05key's avatar

same as 90s kid. I rarely am myself when ever i am with people. I would like to blend in with people but it seems that i just can’t . Maybe i am yet to find someone that share the same thoughts with me. I

seekingwolf's avatar


yeah I sort of know how that is. :/
I’m not at ease with people and I don’t act myself at all…I’m all “secretive” like. People who know me joke about that.
I guess one needs to find people that he’s comfortable with. I still need to do the same.

90s_kid's avatar

I never blend in. Ever. Only a few people like my personality.

shadling21's avatar

A chameleon.

syz's avatar


DrasticDreamer's avatar

Indefinable. Not a joking answer, I really believe it to be true.

scamp's avatar

I can’t be summed up with mere words. I’m a tough nut to crack.

or so I’ve been told.

cornets_01's avatar

I can see that..
Well, as of now, I can’t totally define myself.. I sometimes find myself weird.. undefinite..

dynamicduo's avatar

Why would anyone define themselves? I certainly don’t. Definitions are rigid and rarely changing. Myself, I change every day, mostly little small changes but changes still. Even if I did define myself, it would only be a definition of today’s me, not tomorrow’s or the day after’s.

cornets_01's avatar

dynamicduo, the sole purpose of defining yourself is to know how far you know yourself well.. don’t take it superficially..
we all know that change is the only thing that is constant in this world right?
..we don’t always live by the book..

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m unique, an Aquarian, honest, very sarcastic all the time, upright and uptight, middle of the road, compassionate, kind, unruly when needed, fun, happy go lucky, understanding, influential, meaningful, patient, and caring. Oh, I’m also unique too.

wildflower's avatar

I’m inclined to agree with dynamicduo here. By the defining yourself, are you not also limiting yourself?

cornets_01's avatar

I repeat. Defining yourself is just way on how to reflect yourself..
How far you’ve gone. Come on, I mean don’t think it as a way of limiting yourself.
The point of this question is knowing how far YOU know yourself (ehem. as of this moment, we are excluding what the others think about you.. there are a lot of opinions right?)..

anyway. if don’t know what a johari window is, then you didn’t get the essence of the question.. (well, it depends on what you perceive about it..

wildflower's avatar

I’m not sure there’s a character-limit for posts on fluther, but if I’m to sum up all I am/have been over the last 33 years, without generalising or limiting – I suspect I’d find out (but I’m so not doing that – today I am the embodiment of laziness!)

cornets_01's avatar

hmm.. I see..amazing :)

shadling21's avatar

@dynamic – I don’t think there is anything wrong with defining yourself. We are constantly doing that. It is our way of relating to the world around us. By defining the experiences we have, we think about them, imagine possible other realities, connect to other people. Definition and language are what allow humans to have higher reasoning.

It may be difficult to clearly articulate exactly what it is that makes you you, but it never hurts to try. The problem arises when we let our labels define us, rather than the other way around.

Of course, this is coming from the girl who defines herself as “a chameleon” as if that is sufficient. Flutherites, feel free to ignore my ramblings. I’m feeling pretty out of it these days.

wildflower's avatar

@shadling: hence my original answer – no harm in knowing how you relate or where you stand, but capturing and stating a definition has an element of limitation to it….it’s so definitive

shadling21's avatar

Ah. Interesting. So, attempt to define yourself to yourself, but to others, keep quiet?

wildflower's avatar

Well that depends on the situation… :)
There’s a time and place to assert your views – and others for keeping your bargaining position elusive.

Mind you, I wouldn’t dream of telling others what to make of me – they’re going to form their own opinion anyway.

wundayatta's avatar

Isn’t this just for fun? No one is going to hold you to it. Everyone knows that a few words do not a person make. No amount of words can be more than a pale reflection of the person. No need to be so serious about it.

BronxLens's avatar

Contrarian Optimist Imagineer Photographer

cornets_01's avatar

there’s no harm in answering the question.
sorry but i only need your answer than your opinion about the question.
i guess i have to agree with daloon.

wildflower's avatar

Didn’t realize this was a fact finding exercise. What exactly is it you need the definition for?

cornets_01's avatar

it’s okay if you won’t or you don’t have an answer on the question.
just don’t mess with the question please i beg you all.

shadling21's avatar

Ah, but a mess is exactly what I tend to create.
I suppose you could define me as a “hurricane” of sorts.

cornets_01's avatar


>shading: just be sure it still abides the guidelines of fluther. I, too, have learned my lesson. Anyway good luck to that, just be sure it doesn’t belittles anyone.

aidje's avatar

I shy away from discussing adjectives with anyone but my closest friends. I like to know myself, but when adjectives are used in a more public fashion, they are often understood in ways that I do not intend.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I agree with shadling, I am a chameleon, a different hue depending on who I am with and where I am at. and I can’t think of a good way to end that without the preposition. Maybe shadling doesn’t mean chameleon in that way, but I do.

I get along with people better in person than I do online, because facial expression and body language come into play.

shadling21's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra – That’s what I meant only you said it better. It’s as if I adapt to every social situation by changing into different people. For a long while, it was unintentional, but when I realized what was happening, I began to use it to my advantage. The challenge is putting aside all these versions of myself to get to the real me.

I like the word “hue”.

laureth's avatar

Intertesting, @evelyns_pet_zebra. I get along with people better online than I do in person, because facial expression and body language get in the way.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

my problem, laureth, with internet communication is people cannot hear me laugh or see the smile on my face, or the excitement in my voice when I am being silly. I find a sense of humor to be the sign of intelligence; to me laughter is as important as breathing, and should be done just as often. If I had a dollar for every time a silly comment was taken seriously, I could play poker with Bill Gates and not worry when he was winning.

shadling21's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra: You’re right – textual humor is hard to understand online. If people aren’t thinking critically about what they read, miscommunication can easily happen.

veronasgirl's avatar

unidentified ;-)

pastel's avatar

I’m unique and special. I feel as if the people I know revolve around me like in a fictional story.

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