General Question

jonsblond's avatar

If you have a creeper do you pick in public?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) January 1st, 2009 from iPhone

We all have that moment, panties/underpants riding up the butt. To pick or not to pick in public, that is the question.

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12 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I will go to absurd lengths to fix this problem without being noticed. Sometimes though, you’ve just got to do what you’ve got to do!

jrpowell's avatar

I distract. “Hey, Is there a place to buy beef jerky in bulk around here? I need a few hundred pounds of peppered.”

By the time they stopped being stunned by the question my balls are in their proper place.

asmonet's avatar

You know, doesn’t bother me. If I had to – bathroom.

Do you not know what a thong is? Women get ‘creepers’ all the time by choice. >:(

basp's avatar

Not wearing underware is my best solution to the problem.

cookieman's avatar

This is why I carry a pair of tongs with me – just in case.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I have never worn a thong (well, in public anyway) simply because I cannot stand the feel of dental floss between my cheeks.I buy very high quality underwear and it helps minimize the creep. That said, I do have some sadistic panties that jump into my butt almost immediately. I put up with them because they really look the best in jeans.

Knotmyday's avatar

I wear boxers, so a “long step” usually does the trick. Taking stairs three at a time works too; also the “high knee” stretch (“Feel a charley comin’ on…”)

If one happens to become deeply embedded in hostile territory (AKA a “Geraldo”) I find a shady spot and take care of bidness.

mrdh's avatar

I walk discretely towards a wall, or something obstrusive. Turn my back to it, fix the problem and continue with life.

jonsblond's avatar

Personally I agree with the*no panties*. Let’s chalk this one up to too many beers last night!

chyna's avatar

@mrdh “Wall or something obstrusive” being the operative words here. A guy at the gym backed up to the mirror and dug his out. Hey, I can see in the mirror, dude!

nebule's avatar

I pick… my own comfort is more important than silly rules
this sits up there on my list of things that we need to do and should do because most people need to do them…so why be embarrassed about it at all?

erincollins's avatar

I go strait in for the pick….. and then look around and sometimes people are looking at me but whatever everyone does it!

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