So what about this new 11th Doctor, eh?
Matt Smith, lately of the UK series Moses Jones and The Shadow in the North (which he co-starred with Billie Piper), has been chosen as the new Doctor after David Tennant leaves at the end of the 2009 specials. I’ll hold my judgment until I see the new series. They always need a bit of time to grow on me, even the wonderful Tennant. He’s the only reason why I’ve loved this show the past few years. It certainly wasn’t Billie Piper.
A Doctor in his 20s isn’t going to bother me if he’s a good actor and there’s decent writing and supporting actors in place. Would I have loved Stephen Fry in the role? Sure, but he’s too old and teenage girls will not watch an old Doctor. He’d be a great Master, though, eh?
Mr Smith is flabbergasted, bless him. I look forward to less romance and more sci-fi (please!) now that Stephen Moffat will take over as showrunner. What do other Whovians in the Whoniverse think? What direction would you like to see the show go in?
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52 Answers
I’ve never seen the show, but I should start watching it. Geez, I love the accent.
I’ll reserve my judgement until I see him in action. I’ll miss DT, but then it’s always difficult when the good doc regenerates.
I must say, he’s a bit young. Too bad it wasn’t Sean Pertwee.
@Allie: Oh, my dear. Never mind this kid, go to YouTube and find any clip of Tom Baker as the Doctor. Then close your eyes and listen. He certainly wasn’t the best-looking gent, but the man could read a phone book and… well, that’s all I’m saying.
Aw, asmonet. ::Hugs:: I know. I would’ve liked this Doctor for a couple more years, myself.
Blergh. Doctor Who. Blergh.
@richardhenry: I thought all you kids grew up waving plungers around yelling, “EXTERMINATE!” ;)
asmonet, I don’t know about richardhenry, but I can tell you that I certainly did!!! When I was a little girl I was afraid of mum’s vacuum cleaner because I thought it was a dalek. It was one of those round hoover constellation vacs. When I got older, I was definitely one of those kids, running around with my cousins with the plunger shrieking exterminate at the top of my lungs. Ah geez, I’m showing my age now!!! ;p
aprilsimnel, fear not, we haven’t lost David Tennant altogether just yet. I read in an article that he is going to have back surgery, and then after his recovery he will be filming four more episodes, as specials I think.
I wish I was friends with you when I was a kid. EXTERMINATE! :D
Sonterans were the creepiest to me, especially when they would make hints that they wanted to “examine” Sarah Jane. O-o
@Tantigirl: Yes, the specials. I had wanted Eccleston to stay a bit longer, too. Eccleston and Tennant are both around my age, so when they were cast, I thought, Good! A young Doctor! But this one. I daresay I’m no longer as young as I thought I was. Eeep!
@ AstroChuck: Sean Pertwee. I forgot about him. I wasn’t fond of his father’s version, what with all the gadgets and Bond -iness. My favourite pre-Tom Doctor is Troughton, that cosmic hobo.
The Cybermen creep me the hell out.
I’ve got the DVD set of the current series, and so I’ve seen episodes that haven’t been shown on BBC America yet. I don’t want to spoil it for everyone, however what I am going to say is: WHAT AN ENDING!!! I must give you a hint though, utter madness is involved, heeheeheeheehee. You’ll understand when you see it….
Cyber Leader: Daleks, be warned. You have declared war upon the Cybermen.
Dalek Sec: This is not war. This is pest control!
Cyber Leader: We have five million Cybermen. How many are you?
Dalek Sec: Four.
Cyber Leader: You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?
Dalek Sec: We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek! You are superior in only one respect.
Cyber Leader: What is that?
Dalek Sec: You are better at dying.
lols, dalek standup.
The internet gave me the Doctor. :’( Sadface. He’s all alone again. I want another Rose. She was epic.
@tantigirl- The last series was broadcast on SciFi this last year so you wouldn’t be giving anything away. BBC America is about a year behind. I thought the finale was way over the top.
Wondering if you happened to see the Christmas episode with the Cybermen. It was great. The title is The Next Doctor. If anyone interested here on the left side of the pond just search for it on YouTube.
Can’t wait for Planet of the Dead which airs this spring. Rumor has it the Daleks and Scaro will be featured. Also heard U.N.I.T. will be involved so perhaps we’ll catch up with the Lethbridge-Stewart.
Oh, God! I think my nerd is showing!
Let it out to breathe, Chuckie. Let it out.
I really love Matt Smith’s role as “Curious Onlooker” in Gotham , IL…ummm…
Thanks for the tip Chuck, I’ve been rewatching the ones on my DVR and have The Doctor’s Daughter on right now.
That’s a neat one as Jenny is played by a real life Doctor(Peter Davison)‘s daughter.
Dang, @Astro, I can’t believe that I missed the fact that Jenny was played by Davison’s real daughter! I will have to look at that episode again.
Who would make a good Doctor? What about Hugh Laurie (not in his House persona!)? Or Rowan Atkinson? Atkinson would do as good a job as McCoy.
Georgia Moffat is not only Peter Davison’s daughter (Moffat is his real last name) but David Tennant is her BF (and McDonald is his real last name)! Apparently, they met each other while filming that episode and hit it off. Aww…
I think they should just force David Tennant to stay. ;-)
Either that or have him turn into a melting monster like happened to the Master when he tried to push beyond 10 regenerations.
Or start making episodes based on regerenations of Romana.
Or make an original new series that’s good.
I think the new Doctor Who’s are sort of good but suffer a lot from cramming into one one-hour episode with excessive sensationalism and too little continuity and proportion.
@Zaku: I would force him to stay too…and bring back Rose. Because I just want them to have adventures and make babies in the TARDIS for another thirty years. Too bad about his back problems. :’(
No! No Rose!
She’s happy as a call girl, anyway.
What? Why? She’s awesome. You suck. >:(
Okay, I might be biased since I’ve known about her since I got her debut album when I was like 11.
Then who do you prefer, eh? Which companion is yo’ fave?
He’s a mailman, it has got to be K9
Haha, good call. ;)
I kind of hate Sarah Jane Smith.
Okay, I totally hate her in the new series.
She irks me.
I guess I’d have to pick Romanadvoratrelundar (both incarnations) as my favorite companion. Mary Tamm was so hot!
Others I really like are Jamie, Adric, Tegan, Turlough, Martha, Captain Jack, Donna, and, yes, K-9.
I actually like Sarah Jane as companion to both Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker. Not so hot on her character now, though. The liberated woman bit is kind of dated today.
Oh, shit! My nerd is showing again. Better tuck it back in.
Let it fly free, Chuckie.
I’ll forgive your Rose because you’re ‘not so hot’ on SJSnow.
Out of curiosity, what is your beef with Rose?
I don’t think it’s Rose, per se. I just hated all the pining he did for Rose. And that last bit where they are running towards one another like they were Romeo and Juliet… blahkk!
The Doctor is supposed to be asexual, for Christ’s sake!
Then how did he have a granddaughter? Or his rarely mentioned wife? HMM?
Not all Doctor relatives are girl-clones named Jenny!
Asexual my muscular buttocks!
Knowing in the end that it’s only a story, but…
Personally, I agree with those who think that Rose was a “Mary Sue” stand-in for RTD and whatever crush he had on the Doctor (or, uh, Peter Davison) as a kid.
Tom Baker talks about sex on the show on the commentary on one of his DVDs. He said that Doctor Who is basically a kids’ show, and at least in the 70s, if he and Sarah Jane or Romana were to have made out, it would have been too much sex for the children. BTW, Tom Baker? Is a very funny, dirty old man. He also talked about how often he got laid in his time as the Doctor, and apparently, it was a LOT!
It may be a little different now, since kids seem to know a lot more about sex at a younger age, but still. This is ultimately a teatime show for tweens. There’s Torchwood after the watershed if adults want teh sexie.
I have heard that the Doctor’s next companion may be River Song, which will be interesting as Alex Kingston is quite a bit older than Matt Smith.
Watch this. It’s hilarious. It was on Dead Ringers after David Tennant became the Doctor.
@aprilsimnel- I find it funny that Tom Baker made that comment about The Doctor and Romana making out since he was laying pipe to Lalla Ward (Romana #2).
You know they were once married, right?
@AstroChuck – Yeah, but they didn’t do anything even close to that on the show (There is a Christmas gag scene made for the crew on one of the DVDs where he was smooching Mary Tamm). He had a major, major crush on Elisabeth Sladen, but she was married with a kid when he met her, so he left it alone.
Not for nothing, but from a purely writing standpoint, the Doctor needs to be a renegade, a lonely cosmic traveller with some serious things on his mind. He’s the intergalactic man of mystery. It wouldn’t do for the character to be tied down with a permanent companion and kids. Then the show becomes a soap opera/family drama and no longer Doctor Who. I’ll be glad to see some more off-Earth stories, actually.
Baker wasn’t cute to me when I was a little girl, but now I can see where a woman might be charmed by the younger Tom for at least one night. And that voice. Oh, lord…!
Exactly my point to asmonet. When Rose was on the show it started to become a soap opera.
You guys suck. I want new friends.
For the record I agree it wouldn’t be Doctor Who if he actually had a family, I like the tease of having my heart strings pulled and my hopes dashed. I think they did a great job wrapping up Rose’s storyline and couldn’t have been more pleased. I just really like the Doctor when there’s a bit of tension. I think Rose was a wonderful fit for him, but I also really love the buddy deal he had with Donna. I dunno, it depends on the companion. I just don’t think Rose was a Mary Sue at all.
I’d like to see an episode that explains what happened to Ace.
I concur.
I like any girl who carries explosives habitually.
I Rose was ok, but I didn’t like Martha. She was a bit of a suck up, way too in love with him (though who could blame her). Donna was great at busting his chops, she grew on me. I don’t know about the new Doctor but I feel confident about the change in writers. The new head writer wrote Blink, so I’m alright with him. I’m psyched for the new seasons!
That’s good to hear. I think that Blink was the best episode of the new Doctor Who series.
@AstroChuck: absolutely no doubt about that one, although how Blink can be/will be topped remains to be seen.
Blink was pretty tremendous. :)
Timey wimey!
Yeah, my 8 year old son went around saying mum, there’s a statue, don’t blink, for weeks after we saw that episode. Or, we’d be out somewhere, and he’d suddenly shout arrrrggghhhhhh, and totally freak me out, before he’d crack up laughing and say watch out for that statue the cheeky little turd!! LMAO
Oh, you are so getting lurve for that comment asmonet!! xxoo
I’m serious. :D I want one just like him when I grow up. You know…if I want one. I’m a bit young. :P
It was hard to watch Donna at first without thinking “Am I bovvered?” because I’m used to Catherine Tate as a sketch comedy actress. But I ended up liking her best of the reboot companions.
So, of course I guffawed at the Red Nose Day sketch where she’s playing her teen chavette and gets zapped with the sonic screwdriver by David Tennant as her English teacher. “Still ain’t bovvered!”
If he wasn’t already playing a doctor on TV, I think Hugh Laurie would’ve been an excellent choice.
I agree with that aprilsimnel, Hugh Laurie would be an excellent doctor. I’d love to see Stephen Fry have a bash at it too.
@asmonet “I like any girl who carries explosives habitually.”
then you must be in love with Fiona on Burn Notice!
@Tantigirl Hugh Laurie as another Doctor? Would that be Who’s House? or House’s Who?
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