General Question

LostInParadise's avatar

Do you think this is a scam?

Asked by LostInParadise (32287points) January 4th, 2009

I got this message in my email. I am sure that it must be some sort of scam, but I can’t figure what the angle is. The fact that my name is not included is a pretty strong indicator that this letter is part of a mass mailing.

I am going to play along and wait to see how long it takes before I am asked for money.

Hello Dear,
My name is Vivian Diegah, from Rwanda. But I am currently living in West
African Country, am feeling like knowing and mixing up with someone, since
i never had time as a university undergraduate to do so. Now, i am writing
to you as a penpal, hoping to know about the different cultures of people
around the world. I need a pen friend with whom i can share ideas with, as
a single and lonely girl. I will like you to get back to me with this
email address (, please let your mesage be send
to my e-mail box ok, and not on the site so that i can be able to send my
photos to you from my mail box ok. I shall be waiting for your quick
reply. I will be very happy then to tell you more about me, my life and
interests as a single girl. I shall be waiting anxiously to hear from you.
Yours Friendly,

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21 Answers

90s_kid's avatar

Write back anyway. Don’t give personal details in case it is a scam.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

It is a scam. How would this person get your address unless someone’s e-mail was hacked into, and their address book compromised. If you want that to happen to you, by all means respond.

chyna's avatar

Scam. A friend of mine got the same type of email. They want money and a way into the U.S.
He played along with it til they got very pushy about it and even mentioned his home address. It kinda scared him.

oasis's avatar

Report it as Phishing.
If they send you say$5000 then just send a courtesy email saying thank you,i’m off to Vegas and the money will come in very handy.

basp's avatar


dynamicduo's avatar

Yup, a scam. They’re trying to win your trust now. The requests for money will be coming soon. I wouldn’t bother wasting your time on communicating with them, but there’s no real harm in continuing to do so provided you don’t give them any real info.

RandomMrdan's avatar

scam. at some point or another they will ask for money for something or another. I like to email them anyways, and when it comes time for them to ask me for money or something, I will send them some hideous photo and then just put LOL LOL through the entire email and then a P.S. I knew the whole time you noob.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

GOOGLE the name Vivian Diegah. You get a hit for Vivian4Love. If you click on the first link, it attempts to place some stuff on your computer.

Vinifera7's avatar

Oh, btw, we have these great African herbal supplements that you should try.

RandomMrdan's avatar

oh, by the way, I just bought all this art here, but need money for shipping them over seas to an art show to win money. I will split the winnings with you!

LostInParadise's avatar

There is curious aspect to this that I did not mention. I subscribe to a free Web page tracking service that I use for my Web page. One of the features of the tracking service is that they provide a way for subscribers to send messages to one another. The email came in the form of a message from the tracking service saying that this was a message sent to my in box from member Vivian and that I should go to the inbox if I wanted to reply. I did go to my in box and there was nothing in it.

I will report this to the tracking service, for what little it is worth.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

I would suggest changing all your important passwords, from a computer other than your own. That service could have been hacked into.

You might want to revisit the TOS and privacy notice for that service; they may be selling your information. Just remember, you get what you pay for.

gailcalled's avatar

These alone would raise a red flag; never mind the contents.

“Hello Dear,”

“Yours Friendly,”

amanderveen's avatar

I also know someone who fell for one of these. He started conversing back and forth with his new “penpal”. At one point, she had some crisis with her brother in the hospital and needed a few bucks to pay the bills. Unfortunately, this fellow sent her the money, even though everyone advised him against it. He argued it wasn’t much money and he felt he knew her since they’d been chatting for a couple of months. She ended up “needing” money for a few other things down the road, and eventually asked for money to come visit him. An emergency came up that prevented her coming and she asked for more money to come later (she’d used the money for more hospital bills or something). He sent money for flights again. He finally admitted to himself he was being conned when she didn’t show up a second time. It’s because of people like him that emails like yours still get sent out. The odd one pays off.

eambos's avatar

I am very rich Nigerian prince. I need transfer a large sum of money but need help. Wire me $5000 to start and I send you 50% money. Thank you kindly.

LostInParadise's avatar

I replied and got a letter back. The second letter did not use my name either. Included were photographs and a sob story of how she ended up in a refugee camp.

At this point I could see where things were headed so I sent a letter saying that I was going to do the most I could for her, which was to pray that she would be able to see the wrongness of what she is doing. Not surpisingly, I did not get any other messages.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@lost, perhaps send this as photo of yourself?

LostInParadise's avatar

I was wrong. I got yet another message, still not including my name, talking about financial need. At this point all I could do was to add the address to my spam blocker.

marinelife's avatar

If she is attaching photos and you open them, there could be a virus put on your computer. They could track your keystrokes and access your personal information.

Cruiser's avatar

Next expect the sob story and her/hos request for you to wire money to help them out of abject poverty. Honestly you should not need to consult a forum to make your mind up about these matters. Since you apparently open these emails I would scrub your computer inside out and change all your passwords immediately as you are being played and by Russians if I had to bet.

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