Inauguration on TV: what, when?
Asked by
Jeruba (
January 4th, 2009
One way or another, I intend to be watching when Barack Obama is inaugurated on January 20, 2009.
As an alien sojourner in televisionland, I am having some trouble finding out what is going to be televised, where, and when. Can somebody who’s got the lowdown clue me in?
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14 Answers
when you turn your tv on on jan 20th, you’ll find out real quick. just go to any of the big three networks. my fave is ABC.
No doubt CNN, HNN, Foxnews will all be there too.
Uh, no cable.
I don’t know when to turn the TV on (PST). Briefest is best.
@Jeruba I don’t have cable either….I assure you that it will be on all major networks. I suspect even PBS.
Oh, thanks, that’s just the thing, @funkdaddy! It gives the start time of the swearing-in ceremony as 11:30 a.m., so 8:30 my time. I’ll be there.
@Jeruba there will be loads of pregame (if you will)....keep that in mind if you are interested…...
Thanks, @Snoopy. I don’t want to miss any of the real event. But neither do I want to listen to people just filling airtime they way they did during the Olympics. I’m sure I can check my newspaper the day before, but I have to plan ahead now if I don’t want to be at the office then.
Thanks for the help, all.
Ah, the joys of living on the east coast…I can sleep in and still catch it!
I was wondering the same thing – thanks for asking, Jeruba, and all, for answers! The collective has been tapped!
My calendar is now scheduled for me to celebrate the inauguration of one Barack Hussein Obama. Very, very soon.
I have arranged to work from home that day, and I am going to wake up the sleepyheads at my house so they don’t miss it.
Speaking of the event, you gotta hand it to the Obamanites, they haven’t missed a media trick. Have you seen the Inaugural Collectibles online store?
It does seem a little bit undignified, but somebody’s going to make money with this stuff, and the committees-to-elect-and-celebrate still have big bills to pay.
I even bought a ticket in the Inauguration lottery, thinking somebody’s going to win.
I’ll skip it.
I nearly dropped the dish I had in my hand when I heard Attorney General “elect” Eric Holder call us cowards last time, that smug, incompetent crook. That just isn’t what you do to the people you SERVE, dipshit.
Then that reverend with his racist ramblings, I just might puke again now.
You go ahead and watch Obama and company disgrace the office of President again.
The arrogance shown during Obama’s last “press conference” after eight freaking months (this administration will NOT be questioned) will surely rear it’s ugly head it the inauguration, i assure you.
Watch again, thank you no.
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