General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

Should I call-in sick tomorrow?

Asked by tinyfaery (44266points) January 4th, 2009

I have only been working at my current job for a little under 3 months, and I have yet to earn any sick days. It’s been a four day weekend and I feel like calling in sick on Monday would not look good. But, I really feel like crap. I’d hate to get worse because I didn’t take care of myself. I don’t know what to do. What do you think?

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21 Answers

babiturtle36's avatar

go in just to show them that you made an attempt to work, then leave early.

wundayatta's avatar

If you’re sick, call in. If you just feel like crap, work.

chyna's avatar

Take into consideration you might not get the holiday paid if you call in the day before or the day after a holiday.

loser's avatar

Call them in the morning and describe your symptoms in vivid detail. Then ask them is they want that to be joining them for the day!

Jeruba's avatar

I agree with Daloon. Calling in is going to look bad, no question about it. You don’t have enough of a reputation to protect you. Nobody feels like going back to work tomorrow. If you can get yourself to work, go.

Knotmyday's avatar

I have a bad habit of “just going in,” then getting worse. My advice is call in sick, but I probably wouldn’t take my advice either… :^(

edit- that^ was the worst answer ever. Just call in, and get better.

unsuregal's avatar

CALL IN SICK!!! then really work hard and make up for your absence

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

If you go in sick, and leave early, does it count as a sick day?

much2smile4's avatar

If you feel like crap, but can go in, but really don’t want to go into work, you probably should, once you get working and doing stuff, you probably won’t realize that you’re not feeling 100%...

But if you truly feel that it’ll be pointless to go in because you won’t get anything done, go to the doctors and get a medical certificate stating that you were unfit to work on the designated day..

That way, it’ll show that you really weren’t feeling well, and will less likely hinder your reputation at work..

jessturtle23's avatar

If you have something you can give to others then stay home. Nothing pisses me off worse than someone who gets other people sick because ” They need the money”. What about my money?

ckinyc's avatar

If you have trouble deciding…then you should go to work. Besides, if you are too sick to go to work. You should be resting instead of fluthering.

Knotmyday's avatar

so, did you go to work?

unsuregal's avatar

yes did you?

tinyfaery's avatar

It doesn’t take much energy to lay in bed with my laptop and fluther.

I did not go to work, and good thing because now I’m coughing and my throat hurts—not good for someone who has to talk on the phone all day.

unsuregal's avatar

good… you should probably have some chicken soup now!!

scamp's avatar

I just got called into the boss’s office today for taking too much sick time. I took some days off this past year, and I’ve been here 7 months. I reminded him that the biggest part of the time I took off was when I had my HEART ATTACK from working 60 and 70 hour weeks for 3 months straight. He stuttered a little, and said “Well, ok then. Back to work…” pffft!

Feel better tiny.

Knotmyday's avatar

I <3 scamp.

scamp's avatar

Thanks sweetie! I <3 you too!

trtgfc17's avatar

I am a pre-med student with a “crappy” FT job (Other ppl call in constantly, leaving me stuck with unwanted OT). And I’m known for working hard and being honest. My husband and I recently decided to have a baby, and I’m now about 7 weeks pregnant. I’ve had unrelenting morning sickness since the beginning, and worked through it all. People still call me asking if I can cover a shift! I’ve also had to refuse to pick up heavy things, along with a few other forced respect situations I’ve attained.
So this morning before work, I accidentally cut a chunk out of my hand with a pair of scissors (It was awful). It wouldn’t stop bleeding, and was excruciating. So my first thought was that everyone will understand I couldn’t work that day, because my job consisted of typing on a keyboard and 10-key all day. I mean, I didn’t even feel sick that day, I wanted to go until I almost cut my whole finger off.
But then I realized, no, they won’t care, they’re just gonna act like a bunch of 8itches anyway. They don’t care if I’m contemplating going to the ER for stitches.
So I decided, you know what? I’m sick of this, I’m gonna tell them I can’t come in because my morning sickness was worse than ever. Everyone can kiss my booty. We have people that send text messages to our boss to call in, I mean really?!
So I let my heart quit racing for one moment, made the call, and asked for the top boss (because I respect her more than the ones that call everyone else but her ;P )
And good thing——she already left!
So I told the 2nd boss (the non-firing one) that I hadn’t ate in 2 days because of vomiting, and that if it didn’t stop tonight that I would got to the doctor to get help, but I just WOULD not (not could not) come in today. And what do you know…she had that pissy attitude in her voice with the passive aggressive tone, “Okay, Seeee ya later.”
Because she works friday through monday, and called in on saturday AND sunday last week!
Hate on ladies. I’m taking a mental health day And letting my sliced hand heal.

chyna's avatar

@trtgfc17 I’m glad you got that off your chest and hope you feel better. :-)
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