General Question

seVen's avatar

If human clones are made,will they be souless since man-made and thus vessels for demon posessions?

Asked by seVen (3492points) January 4th, 2009 from iPhone
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36 Answers

AstroChuck's avatar

Of course they’d be soulless. So are we.

elijah's avatar

Isn’t a demon technically a soul?

breedmitch's avatar


AstroChuck's avatar

Demonic Possession would be a great name for a metal band.

tinyfaery's avatar


shilolo's avatar

I love the definitive nature of the Q.

AstroChuck's avatar

Does this mean that computer I built might be possessed?

PupnTaco's avatar

@seven: you may be the next Tim LaHaye!

Knotmyday's avatar

Not if you clone a soul for them. But an added bonus is, since they’re clones, if you save one, you save them all… saves you time, money, and doorbell-ringing.

shilolo's avatar

@seven. You do realize that cloning is merely another way of creating an embryo. It still needs to develop within the womb just like any other embryo. Why would it then be soulless (assuming there is such a thing as a soul)?

arnbev959's avatar

If human clones are made, they can’t really be considered “man-made.” Nature has done too much of the work for humans to give themselves all of the credit. Now, you probably consider nature’s work to be God’s work, in which case, a clone would be “God-made.” If God made it, it’s gotta have a soul, right?

AstroChuck's avatar

AHHHH! Help! My toaster is trying to kill me!!!

Knotmyday's avatar

…you’re my number-one christmas boutique gift item!

nikipedia's avatar

What the fuck are you talking about?

Perchik's avatar

This is a terrible question.

Human cloning doesn’t work like movies have depicted it. You cant walk into a cylinder and have a clone walk out of another cylinder. When that science becomes available then we can debate soulless clones.

krose1223's avatar

Who decided clones won’t have souls? I’m with shi and perchik… and astro as always. Lurve to them not to you.

philiprowell's avatar

Not sure. But it sounds like it’d be a great movie.

ark_a_dong's avatar

When I’m rich in the future and own a robot selling business I’ll sell the robots with ‘souls’ at a premium to people who still believe in God.

dynamicduo's avatar

Only in some stupid Michael Bay movie. And the clones will blow up spectacularly!

tonedef's avatar

Little known fact: one out of every 2 identical twins is possessed by a demonic spirit.

True story!

syz's avatar

Wow. Just wow.

gailcalled's avatar

SeVen; you really need another hobby.

susanc's avatar

The clones would have souls because they would be made out of materials God invented.
Don’t worry so much, seV.

cwilbur's avatar

When we have an objective test that determines whether humans created in the normal manner have souls, we can then apply it to cloned humans to see if they have souls.

Until then, it’s premature to worry about demonic possession.

shilolo's avatar

@cwilbur. We need another objective test for demonic possession as well, in order for this to be scientific. Who do we use as a positive control? George Bush? Dick Cheney? Barry Bonds?

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

Does that mean the frizzer doesn’t have a soul?? :(

Thanks for shattering me dreams right there.

laureth's avatar

I was unaware that having a soul prevented demonic posession. It sure didn’t when Jesus walked on Earth.

AstroChuck's avatar

@shilolo- Negative lurve for using Barry Bonds in the same sentence as Bush & Cheney.

Knotmyday's avatar

Pete Rose?

PupnTaco's avatar

Fuzzy Zoeller?

cookieman's avatar

Don Zimmer?

arnbev959's avatar

Fred Merkle?

gailcalled's avatar

Mike Tyson?

manoffaith3112's avatar

I’ve heard a good pastor express his belief that because clones don’t originate in the womb that they won’t have a soul.
Personally I find it an interesting question, and I must say I think the clone would have a soul. After all “test tube” babies have souls, but its hard to be absolutely certain either way.

As far as being more open to demonic posession then being born the regular way its an answer that would also be up in the air. It would be a hard thing to answer for sure since there hasn’t been a way to test what clones are like up to now. However, its likely a clone would have a soul like every person, and it would be as dangerous for that to happen as it is any one else.
To those who happen to read this, and don’t know much about such things the bible clearly informs people about demons.
Does the bible have much information about there being two spiritual kingdoms? Absolutely. Plus even more important the bible describes the kingdom of darkness and what its like. The dark kingdom of demons promote deception, lies, and trying to kill, steal, and destroy any person on this earth.

As a Christian for many years I recognize Satan from hard experience. Being able to enjoy the Holy Spirit is part of the benefit of being part of the kingdom of God. The opposite of that of course has been that once in awhile I’ve sensed demonic attacks as well as demons gloom and doom presence.

Just trying to answer your interesting question.

Good question seven…7.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I’m not worried about clones not having a soul; I traded my soul several years ago for a Pepsi and a Snickers bar. Since I no longer have a soul, does that mean I am a candidate for demonic possession?

This would explain the deep and scary baritone voice in my head that keeps saying “I need to find a more suitable host body.”

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