General Question

desiree333's avatar

How do I locate the video I want to encode on Handbrake?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) January 5th, 2009

I used to use Handbrake 0.9.3 and it never worked. I just downloaded 0.9.1 and I cant find out how to select the video I want to encode. On version 0.9.3 there was a button that said source and if I clicked on it it would show my video that I wanted to encode. I am trying to convert a DVD disc, not a file. Help please!?

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2 Answers

mamasu's avatar

Mine comes up automatically if the DVD is in. I’m also using 0.9.1.

queenzboulevard's avatar

When I open Handbrake, it asks me to choose a source as long as a DVD is in. Otherwise cmd + O opens a new source.

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