General Question

Trustinglife's avatar

What's a great new habit I could acquire?

Asked by Trustinglife (6671points) January 6th, 2009

What are some of yours that you are so glad you do?

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27 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

Smile at the people that irritate you. Or better yet, just don’t let other people get under your skin.

SuperMouse's avatar

Floss your teeth in the shower. It is a great way to floss every single day.

GAMBIT's avatar

Give to charity.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Save some money every month.

janbb's avatar

Exercise 3–5 times a week. Great for the body and the mind.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Put the long cook oatmeal in the slow cooker with some milk, honey, butter, cinnamon, whatever before you go to bed.

jonsblond's avatar

That sounds so invigorating EmpressPixie! I must try this tonight, can’t wait. I can smell the cinnamon now, mmmmm. :)

wundayatta's avatar

Dance or meditate or something at least once a week in order to alter your state of consciousness.

Vinifera7's avatar

Put down your cell phone when checking out at a store.

Everyone should do this. It seems like only cashiers know how irritating it is to wait on someone that is talking on his cell phone.

mrdh's avatar

Exercise routine.
Give to charity.

Vincentt's avatar

Eat before you go shopping (less temptation than when you’re hungry) :)

emilyrose's avatar

if you don’t already, make your bed every day.

Judi's avatar

Put important things (like family time) in your calendar and keep those appointments.

asmonet's avatar

Complimenting others a handful of times every day.

I started doing this about a year ago. You’d be surprised how many small misunderstandings it complete eradicates and how many friendships it creates.

figbash's avatar

Grab a big box of Emergen-C and some some Kyo-Green and start drinking your vitamins every morning.

johnrobinsonjr's avatar

PRAYER!!! its the best gift God ever gave people!!!!!

natepilling's avatar

Pen spinning!

asmonet's avatar

@nate: Good call! I practice when I’m stuck sketching. For those who don’t know what it is, it’s having NINJA FINGERS.

To learn how: Click Here.

Trustinglife's avatar

Great answers, everyone!

Getting everything out of my head. In addition to the smiling thing, I am so grateful for this habit I’ve cultivated. I have ways to capture my ideas by my bed, computer, in my car, on my phone, etc. I do what I do with a clear head. Thanks to GTD for the inspiration.

Keep the answers coming!

augustlan's avatar

Tell someone you love them, appreciate them or are just glad they’re around.

Must try pen-spinning…I want NINJA FINGERS!

asmonet's avatar

I know you lurved me, Aug. I know it.

It’s okay to be jealous of my black belt fingers. Just so you know.

augustlan's avatar

But of course!

asmonet's avatar

Be prepared, it’s hard as crap until you find a pen that you like the weight of and practice, practice, practice. Pen weight at the beginning is the biggest factor. Good luck. :P

ortise's avatar

Try making eye-contact with as many people as you can.

bunnygrl's avatar

I work on a checkout and make an effort to chat to my elderly customers (I never shut up me, chat away all day to everyone) and to smile a LOT, it makes such a difference I’ve seen people brighten up. Also, as I’ve told colleagues, that conversation you have with an elderly customer, that might be the only chat they have that day. Many of them live alone, having lost partners etc. Remember we’ll all be elderly one day. I have some lovely regulars who make a point of coming to whichever checkout I’m on and that makes me feel great too :-) hugs xx

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