Hmmm. Love is tricky. If you’re feeling unlovable, it doesn’t seem right to let people love you, does it? Of course, you want and need that love more than anything, but it is tainted, because you can’t let it in. It’s not right. It’s undeserved.
Now, this is not something I have control over. When I feel that way, no amount of logic or affirmations will change that. The only thing I can do is to not let myself get that way.
Still, “letting love in” makes me squeamish. Love is so private, and the vulnerability required can sometimes be too much, even if the alternative is death. I don’t know why this is. All I know is that it happens.
Also, there are the usual questions: What is love? How can I tell if the love is real? Is it still love even though it’s not what I want? Is it love when the hormones aren’t firing wildly, like they did when we first met, and I couldn’t think of anything but her? Can I afford to be loved when it seems like it would be easier to die?
Love is a great responsibility. Maybe the greatest. I can’t do honor to that, when I feel so bad about myself. I don’t want to mislead anyone. If they are to love me, they must know all the bad things about me. Oddly, telling people the shit sometimes makes them fall in love with me. Go figure. They say it’s because I’m honest, but I wonder if virtual honesty…. aw, never mind. If virtual honestly leads to virtual love, what’s the diff? None of it is real.
So, reality is much harder, because there are real people and real responsibilies and a wife and children depending on me, and my wife stuck with me and I tried really hard to beat her off, and after that, I knew she loved me. No one would have put up with that shit, if they didn’t love the person giving them shit.
I still always wonder why. I know that if I were her, I wouldn’t love me. I’m too difficult, and not worth the trouble. And that’s what confuses me. I feel like I’m selling tainted goods. I feel like a con artist. So, in an ethical world, it’s wrong to let someone love me. I mean, I think that others would agree that I’m terribly difficult. They don’t seem to agree that I’m not worth the trouble. Or, to put it positively, they seem to believe I am worth the trouble.
I know I should let them. Just let it in. But it seems so wrong. Although, it’s trickier than that, because I also do believe I’m loveable. But I need to test it all the time, and I believe that’s wrong, and so it curls back in on itself, twisted in that kind of mobius strip way that my mind always ends up in: good is bad is good. Or sometimes: bad is good is bad. Depending on which way the glass is filled.
I ao\plogize (I’m getting tired of apologizing) for the length and lack of lucidity of this, but I tend to use this place as a personal diary, and sometimes I can’t work things out very quickly. I’m kind of slow and lazy that way. My thoughts also often seem quite confused.