General Question

KrystaElyse's avatar

What are some of your pet peeves?

Asked by KrystaElyse (3601points) January 6th, 2009

Here’s a few of mine:

1. People who ask “So you don’t eat ANY meat?” when I tell them I’m a vegetarian.
2. People who don’t use blinkers.
3. Bad grammar and spelling mistakes.
4. People who use the word “like” all the time when they talk.

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28 Answers

EmpressPixie's avatar

Chewing noises.

I would be guilty of #1. I know a few pescetarians who identify as vegetarians. It’s made me suspicious of all “vegetarians”.

adri027's avatar

Chewing with the mouth open!!! It drives me fucking nuts I just want to bite that person in the face ahhhh!!!

tiffyandthewall's avatar

-i hate the chewing noises, oh man. even when it’s unintentional and their mouths are closed, it just drives me crazy.
-also, i HATE when people are total, constant smartasses, and just act like they are so incredibly smart and perfect and everyone must stop and appreciate how awesome they are. oy.
-speaking of the vegetarian thing, when it comes up that i’m a vegetarian and people feel like they have to debate my eating habits with them. especially since i’m really unobtrusive about it, and don’t go out of my way to mention it.
-dogs panting drives me crazy too.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Misplaced apostrophes and quotation marks are just, GAAAAAH…IHATETHEM! Especially on signs.

People who say to me, “You don’t mean that!” Of course I do, or else I wouldn’t have said it, would I?

Dudes on the street who call me names for not responding to their catcalls. Really, is it that small? Sheesh.

peedub's avatar

Wow, I thought I was some kind of asshole for hating chewing noises. I’ve been known to stop in mid-bite and throw a cold stare. Now that’s assholish.

queenzboulevard's avatar

I hate it when people blame me for something I didn’t do.

I hate it when someone asks me a question, I tell them the answer, then they don’t believe my answer.

peedub's avatar

@queenz- I know what you mean. I can’t stand “are your sure….really?”

Triozoo's avatar

The noise created by grinding nails against a chalkboard.
Oblivious people.
People who zone out and repeat the conversation or topic already said.
Balloons rubbing together/ sweaty fingers running down plastic.

@adri027: Chewing with the mouth open is rather disgusting indeed ...everyone in my family besides me does it .o.;

bythebay's avatar

Honestly, I have far too many to list. Bad table manners would top the chart.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I cant figure out which driving thing bothers me more, the people who dont use blinkers, or the people who do and slow down to about 2mph to turn AGHHHHH.

Loud chewing (i love my girlfriend to death but it seems she has this innate ability to always choose the loudest/crunchiest muchies when we are high. It drives me fucking crazy.)
Compulsive liars (you know the type, when its ridiculously obvious and they have nothing at all to gain by lying agh)

marinelife's avatar

There is a laundry list. I try not to dwell on them since it’s just a part of life and only mildly annoying in the grand scheme of things. Here are the few that come to mind at the moment:

This is probably the other side of the vegetarian coin. I hate it when I am shopping in the co-op or Whole Foods or the like, and vegetarians glance at my basket or groceries on the counter at the register and shudder, roll their eyes or make snarky comments about “meat eaters” to their companions.

I hate it when someone asks me a question, I answer their question, and then they turn right in front of me and ask someone else the same question.

I agree with KrystaElyse about folks who don’t use turn signals, but I also hate it when people won’t turn their turn signals off.

Harp's avatar

I’m totally on-board with “chewing noises”, but also:

PVC “clamshell” packaging (you know, the sealed plastic packages from hell)

Microsoft crashware (“Clippy”; need I say more?)

Health insurers (but really, our whole present health care system)

Bush speaches

I’ll just stop there because this is taking me to a dark place

El_Cadejo's avatar

i almost lost a finger in a fight with that clamshell packaging

laureth's avatar

Misuse of they’re/their/there.
Bad apostrophe or comma use.
Waiting in line (any line) behind a cell phone talker.
People who park badly (too close, two spaces, etc.).
The dog begging while I’m trying to eat dinner.
Small repetitive noises, like water dripping.
Wrongly missing final Ds on words (“He’s prejudice_,” “I’m suppose_ to”)
Some days, anything my spouse does and/or doesn’t do.

augustlan's avatar

People who drive slow in the fast lane.
Use of the so-called word ‘irregardless’.
Injustice. Of any kind. Ever.

jessturtle23's avatar

Someone using the last bit of toilet paper and not replacing it.

lunabean's avatar

incorrect grammar for sure!

i also hate when people give me words of encouragement.

KrystaElyse's avatar

@Harp – Oh man, that clamshell packaging is the WORST!

DeanV's avatar

not a big fan of the word pet peeve, myself…

wundayatta's avatar

people who slow down and stop on entrance ramp’s to the highway

there should be a requirement that all driver’s take a drivers’ ed class.

damn! did I do the apostrophe right? just messin with ya

May2689's avatar

Messy rooms by far. I cant be in a room where there is something out of place, like a cushion on the floor!!!

Bluefreedom's avatar

- Bad drivers
– People who say “you know” in every other sentence when they talk
– Individuals who talk really loudly on their cell phones in restaurants
– People who talk on cell phones while driving
– Egregious spelling and grammar errors
– Ignorant persons (those who go off on tangents on subjects they know nothing about but try to sound like they are experts on the subject and all the while, you’re someone who actually is knowledgeable on the topic)

jonsblond's avatar

@augustlan: the slow drivers in the left hand lane, oh how they irritate me! I’m not a speed demon but come on! Not using the turn signal, throwing a cigarette out the window of a car and people who text while you are talking to them. Someone that has no respect for marriage and tries to break up the relationship. That really irks me.

Nimis's avatar

I can’t stand it when the radio is turned down really, really low. (No one seems to hear it but me and dogs.) Drives me bonkers. Turn it up or turn it off already!

May2689's avatar

@jonsblond: I totally agree with you. It is very, very annoying when someone doesn’t get that the person of his/her interest is already with someone who makes him/her happy. These people have no decency!!!! The things they do… I cant stand it.

May2689's avatar

People who are irresponsable!!!!!

bythebay's avatar

People chewing gum, loudly, with their mouths open, like cows.

jca's avatar

While driving: people driving slowly, in front of me, and turning right and left looking at the scenery.

People pulling to the right before turning left, blocking me passing them.

People driving the speed limit in the left hand lane. Drive however slow you want, just do it in the right lane.

People who don’t turn off their brights when approaching.

People who pull over without signalling.

People who drive all over parking lots without paying attention to the rows.

People who don’t pull forward when they’re turning left at a light, which blocks me from passing them.

While eating: People who gesture with their eating utensils.

People who push the food into their fork with their other hand.

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