General Question

DrBill's avatar

You have one year to live. Now what?

Asked by DrBill (16071points) January 6th, 2009

There was a post about what to do if you were going to live forever, I think it would be interesting to know what people would do if they knew they were going to die at 4:00 pm on January 15, 2010 (random date).

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22 Answers

asmonet's avatar

I’d eat a lot of red meat.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I would spend every single day doing something special with the people I love, even if it had to be one person at a time. Screw the trivial stuff. I would make sure everyone knew how much I loved them.

mrjadkins's avatar

Quit my job and spend the rest of my life saying goodbye by visiting friends and family all the world over. Spend time with them and help as much as I could.

intro24's avatar

Is that a threat?

Seriously, probably just have fun living my life and forget about it. Possibly try to prevent my inevitable death.

marinelife's avatar

Spend as much time as possible outside in nature. Travel as far and as long as I could. Be with my loved ones. Laugh as much as possible.

Welcome to the collective, DrBill.

DrBill's avatar

For the sake of argument, lets say you have a “brain cloud” from Joe vs the volcano

There are no symptoms, no ill effects, and when time comes your brain will fail, followed by your body.

There is no treatment or cure.

Elumas's avatar

Write it in on my planner so I don’t forget, or God forbid, schedule something on the same day.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

let that boy know how cute and lovely he is.
there’s a lot of other stuff i’d do too, but that one came to mind first and seems the most urgent at this very moment.
oh, and stop stressing about classes. chemistry? yeah, i wouldn’t be wasting any more of my time staring at the clock for the better part of my day for my last year.

Elumas's avatar

@tiffy What boy?

Triozoo's avatar

Invest in Life-Insurance :)

tiffyandthewall's avatar

ahh some kid in my class haha, i have no courage though, for real.

googlybear's avatar

Time to make a lasting impression on my kids…let them know how much I love them…probably should do that with the wife too hehe. Enjoy my friendships…mend some wrongs in my past…and do the things I’ve always been afraid of cuz I was afraid I would die…

Nimis's avatar

Get some life insurance. Blow my savings.
Have an international pub crawl with friends and family.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I would try my best to do everything that is currently on my Bucket List.

tyrantxseries's avatar

4 pm in what time zone?
I would stop taking my meds and go completely bonkers.
I would win the argument with that tree
and steal your cat to ride on

DrBill's avatar

You want Catgut?
but he’s a guard-cat, and does not like people ridding him. When someone tries, he heads for low trees, or walls to rub against.

jonsblond's avatar

Take the family and hike the Superior trail.

GAMBIT's avatar

Tell everyone that I love them and not to be sad about my passing.

tyrantxseries's avatar

lol “Catgut” awesome
he would let me, all animals love me

Knotmyday's avatar

I would spend the whole time with the people I love.

lady4life's avatar

Believe it are not..celebrate

death has to be a much more happier place than this..

Aster's avatar

Take my family on a shopping spree, go on a a ‘round the world cruise and pray a lot.

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