General Question

Trustinglife's avatar

Do your pillows miss you?

Asked by Trustinglife (6671points) January 7th, 2009

I shamelessly stole this idea from Asmonet in this thread.

I thought it was so brilliant that I am turning it into its own question. You can go as deep as you want on this one. You can delve into your lack of sleep. Or not.

If you didn’t guess, yes, my pillows are missing me very much right now. They ache for my head to rest on them. They are fluffed up and anxious for my arrival. Good night.

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26 Answers

loser's avatar

Mine do too. Good night!

adri027's avatar

The cold side misses me..I miss it too =..<

MrMontpetit's avatar

Yes, I usually stay up for 20 hours, sleep for 10, stay up for 20, etc.

tinyvamp's avatar

my pillows are always very lonely…... as i sleep very little.
waves @ trustinglife

bythebay's avatar

I lay my head on my wonderful pillows (1 tempurpedic & 1 down) every night at around 11pm and we coexist beautifully until 5:30am. They don’t wake me, I don’t fluff them, we just…rest. I’m a champion sleeper. I’m sound asleep in 2 minutes flat and I really don’t wake again until the morning. I’m a very lucid dreamer and occasionally I awaken from a dream, but if so, it’s a quick bathroom trip and back to sleep. So to answer the question, probably not. We spend enough quality time together. Although I never cease to be amazed by the number of people who do have serious sleep issues.

EmpressPixie's avatar

My pillows miss me terribly. I split my time between my boyfriend’s house and my house. He has completely inferior pillows. My pillows are generally upset by my willingness to use the inferior pillows just because there’s a cat and some extra friends there.

jonsblond's avatar

I am loyal to one pillow and one pillow only! It misses me terribly and cries when I am gone. It also comforted me last night after being hit in the head by a roll of tape that was being used as a hockey puck. Thank goodness it wasn’t a real puck.

DrBill's avatar

My dog Max keeps it company when I’m not there.

wundayatta's avatar

My pillows nearly divorced me because I was never there. However, my therapist, psychiatrist and wife all tell me the best thing I can do is to make up with my pillows. They assure me I will feel much better.

I have to admit, after the last few nights, they might be right. But the temptations to stray are strong.

dalepetrie's avatar

As much as I miss my pillows (a great deal…I’m a night owl forced into daytime hours, so I always end up staying up until about 1:30 or so even though I have to get up at 7:30…and get little respite on the weekends with a 7 year old in the house), I doubt they miss me. I certainly wouldn’t miss someone putting his fat head on me, sweating and drooling all over me. My pillows are probably having a party as we speak.

johnny0313x's avatar

i dunno if my pillows miss me but I sure as hell miss my pillows…

blondie411's avatar

I am sure my pillows miss me, but then again they are never that far away from me. I always bring one with me on trips because you never know about the pillow situation. I almost always visit them during the day on my lunch hour since I live so close. I have 2 tempurpedic pillows, a down blanket and the most comfy bed ever so I am sure that all three have a party when I am not there!

loser's avatar

My pillows miss me again this morning. I hear them calling to me…

simone54's avatar

I’m not seeing anything brilliant about this question.

stevenb's avatar

I miss my wifes pillows….......;)

I have a chillow, which is one of the coolest inventions EVER! It is filled with water and foam and stays cold all night and about ten degrees cooler than the room. I do miss it, especially after a good lunch, but we makeup every evening.

cak's avatar

Not lately. I’m not sleeping or doing much of anything. When I do a poor imitation of sleep, generally, it’s so fitful, that a pillow lands on the floor. My husband’s pillows live in fear of me.

That’s ok, though, they seem to understand the situation. They still seem to be there, patiently waiting for me. That’s true love.

loser's avatar

@simone: you were expecting brilliance?

Trustinglife's avatar

I agree, simone – nothing brilliant about the question. The answers, however… wow! The creativity!!

asmonet's avatar

My presence was requested here.

To answer the question, my pillows are angry and bitter towards me because my grossbutt of a brother has been rolling around on them with his greasy head all day.

Maybe they miss my fluffy nice smelling head. :)

augustlan's avatar

My pillows ache for my presence, as does my husband :(
About 1/3 of the time I’m still awake when he leaves for work in the morning!

loser's avatar

Not at the moment. My big fat head is laying on them. Yes, I Fluther in bed. Sometimes even in the dark!

@augustlan: how sad! :(

simone54's avatar

The questoner said he a BRILLIANT idea for this question.

loser's avatar

OH!!! Didn’t even catch that. It’s cold here. I’m blaming the cold.

Trustinglife's avatar

@Simone, ha! You’re right! I forgot I said that. You got me. Thanks all (and asmonet).

asmonet's avatar

Haha, I thought it was brilliant. :(

Berserker's avatar

I give lots of attention to my pillows. They miss me sometimes…and I miss them, sometimes too.

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