How did you come up with your username?
Asked by
adri027 (
January 7th, 2009
from iPhone
Mine is my name and numbers I like. Yeah I know soo creative…
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116 Answers
Mine is my reminder to trust life. It always relaxes me to remember that that is possible.
I love Resident Evil
A Tyrant is a fictional creature from the Resident Evil series. Tyrants make appearances in almost every Resident Evil game as antagonists. They are portrayed as biologically engineered super soldiers, used by the Umbrella Corporation. There are many types of tyrants as the result of several different experiments.
My first name is Sara. My last name starts with an N. Due to the annoying amount of Sara’s out there my last initial seemed to get tacked on from time to time makeing Saran… as in cling wrap.
Its kinda sorta my last name.
My strongest identification features: my gender and my job (place of work)
Wow, that brings back memories. Back in the early 90’s I used to gain great fun in ‘trying to’ break into badly secured systems. Like a parasite I would keep trying to gain entry. And the only parasite that is a mammal also is the vampire bat. In Latin Desmodus Rotundus.
I remember being the only one online named Desmodus, well, not the only one. There also was a guy in Canada.
But now there are tons, and on many sites the name is taken.
username = first initial + last name + 1
When I was in high school (long time ago) and needed a name for a character in a story I was writing, I saw “sodium laureth sulfate” as an ingredient in some bubble bath and went with Laureth. Through the years I’ve found more meanings for it, such as it being coconut-derived and me loving coconuts, as well being a soapmaker now myself. And since I go by “Laureth” pretty much everywhere else I have an internet presence, it seemed natural to choose that name here, too.
Ally is a short version of my first name and May is my middle name – its been my nickname for years.
Blue is my favorite color and I used the word freedom because I equate it with America and my Bald Eagle avatar which is our national bird and a symbol of freedom, in my opinion.
because i’ve been called a vamp either because people really believe i’m a vampire and/or because i’ve been called a “seductive” lady plus i’m short. so i put together the words tiny and vamp together and voila….. but its also the name of my adult entertainment series :P
I’m jon’s blonde but silly me, I forgot the “e”.
I wanted to emphasize my hobby of singing barbershop and being an onstage diva, rather than the sometimes negative connotations of my job in corrections. I thought Divalicious sounded friendlier than “Cage-kicker” or “She Who Must Be Obeyed”.
Saranwrapper I get it!!
how creative
coffee,coffee,coffee,coffee = coffeenut
It’s my alter ego. She is me, but not.
And NO, it has nothing to do with actual suicide. Just sayin’...
I used to row lightweight. In order to compete we had to weigh in at under 130lbs. There were practices and sweat runs involved before we made it to the course and the scale. After weigh-ins we could eat. We actually rowed for food so, row4food.
Someone else came up with it on another site and decided to call me it until I just changed my name over there. But I like it. So I use it everywhere now.
First name + favorite French department.
When I was on one of my last projects at college, we had to come up with a personal brand to market ourselves as freelance or to agencies – to theme portfolio websites, business cards etc.
My starting point was ‘Seven’, for the following reasons:
• My Mum’s date of Birth is 7/5
• My date of birth is 7/10
• The house I lived in from age 2 to 18 was number 7.
• When we were on holiday in Portugal in 1997, I read an article in kid’s newspaper ‘The Funday times’ (included in ‘the Sunday times’ paper) about a graffiti artist called Dreph. I started noticing graffiti in cities around me and got into it, which ultimately led me to taking art and design subjects in School, and going on to graphic design in college.
• This was re-inforced by an old e-mail address I had, ‘ache97’, and finding I was in Elph’s (local hero) phone book as ‘Ben 97’.
• Using the moniker ‘Seven’ for design work, when I first joined Facebook I was quite skeptical about being traceable through a social network, so I called myself ‘Ben Seven’. I started to be referred to as Ben Seven, and this handle even permeated into my first design job (which I’m still in now) and my personal ‘brand’ is pretty much a pseudonym now.
Thats what everyone calls me, for some reason.
I’ve had a bunch of loose marbles rolling around my brain most of my life. Recently I became a certified loon. The = da in Brooklynese, and hence, daloon. Dat’s me.
It also means I don’t take myself seriously, even though I do.
My name is Ricky (Richard) and my favourite holiday destination was for a long time Pollensa in Majorca, so I broke it down Rick Poll glad to know you and take care
sdeutsch is the username I was assigned when they gave me my college email account (first initial + last name) – after using it for four years, I became sort of attached to it, so now I use it for everything. Not terribly imaginative, but it’s easy to remember!
Well, obviously, I’m a big fan of Murder She Wrote. I love Angela Lansbury & have always thought she was a lady with class. I have all the seasons on DVD’s & I watch them while doing dishes. jbfletcherfan is my handle everywhere I am, plus my little squirrel avatar.
Someone already had my first name, so I just took out the “i” and called it good. If I can’t get my first name, which is usually near impossible (I only have it on two websites), I just take out the “i” or add an extra “n” to the end.
Do I really have to explain mine? LOL
A gambit is a chess opening in which the first player sacrifices one of his smaller pieces. When I answer a question I am giving a piece of myself away. In the process I lose and gain.
@Gambit: That’s awesome. I think I’ve heard the term in reference to that before, but never knew the origin. I kind of always assumed you just liked X-Men.
Mine is a pun on my real name.
It’s my AIM screen name. Nothing special.
I made it up for my friend in 7th grade, when she needed ideas for an AIM screen name. IBER stands for an inside joke we had. It stands for: “I Blow up English Rooms”. She ended up not using it, so viola! It’s mine, and has been for a while!
Link is my pseudonym. Four letters. Easy to read and identify. Also I played a lot of the Legend of Zelda games and I liked the hero’s name. Also when I tell people my name is Link, they get curious and start asking for my real name. It’s a good conversation starter, although I had to run out of a bar once because a girl wouldn’t leave me alone about not knowing my real name.
When I was in junior highschool, I was reading a Jane Austen novel in which she talked about a hat that was coqelicot red, which I looked up and found out that it meant poppy red. My first pet, a bunny, was named Poppy, and she died very prematurely. So, as a tribute, I started using coquelicot as my internet name, but I misspelled it, thus: coquilicot.
I love Entourage, and in the first season Vince did a movie called Queens Boulevard. On most sites queensboulevard is taken so I just made the s into a z.
Oh about twent years ago I use to play softball and everytime I would hit a home run they would call me hammer and the 43 is my age.
It is my most-recently used nickname plus a random number (since I’m pretty sure there are plenty of “jacks” already)
and i didn’t really plan to ask anymore than that one question, so it didn’t matter much what it would be.
something i came up with in highschool when thinking of an aim sn.
milla- i really liked milla jovovich
strellas- estrellas (stars in spanish) shortened.
snd=“sound” + “freak” <—spelled freq though, as in “frequency”
although my wife refers to me as snd “geek”
and the capital Q is because, people kept replying to me in threads as “sndfreg” with a G, so I asked the Fluther Gods to capitalize it!
There is a song by Ol’ Dirty Bastard called “The Stomp,” and at the beginning of the song there is a sample of a high-pitched voice saying,“Gimmedat!” I’ve loved it since the first time I heard it and I have used is as a username many times.
My moniker is a female Michael Palin character from an early Monty Python sketch, namely, the woman who lives on Kipling Road where The Piranha Brothers grew up (@ 1:27).
Shockvalue forced me into getting a fluther account, and first offered TitsMcGhee (from the Will Ferrell movie Anchorman) as a joke, but it had been a nickname at my former job (a pizzeria where I worked with 3 to 4 guys that were all between 18 and 24 for 2 years…) because I’m pretty… well endowed in the “tracts of land” area, to pay homage to april’s Monty Python too :)
I’ve been using Sakata for about 2–3 years now (just thought of it off the top of my head years ago.) Other than that I’ve always been Darius Thorne everywhere else.
Maybe you’ve heard of me? No? Thats cool. No, it’s fine. I understand.
I giggle every time I read your name, TitsMcGhee! My username is pretty easy to understand. I’ve never been one to hide who I am. Sometimes I get stalked by ex gfs though, so maybe I should think about hiding a bit.
@Tits: And suddenly, someone feels like singing and they have to get smacked. I understand.
@april: exactly! Oh good, someone understands…
@steven: I also got other chest-related nicknames at work…P-Jugs being one of my favorites, but it doesn’t quite translate as well to a username. It went from Tits McGhee to T McGhee, to just T…
I really had a hard time coming up with a name. When I was in 6th grade, I got the nickname “Trev Crime”. Back then it was “cool” to have a punk rock last name. I used that online for a while but I kinda feel like I grew out. This is my first online account as Emerson and I picked it because he’s one of my favorite writers and I’m going to be going to Emerson College. I like the ring it has to it too.
It’s a mix of my first and last name… and my birthday. :) I use it for everything.
Out of my group of friends I consider two out of the 10 close friends. During the year I had misunderstood one of our conversations and replied with something completely different from the subject; this lead on to describing each other as animals.
Trio meaning the three of us & zoo for the set of animals :) they’re listed on my friends list as animals aswell.
I got my username because I’m taking French, and mangeons means “we eat” in French, and I thought it sounded really pretty. I love that word, Mangeons and Parfaits are my two favorite words. :)
When I was younger I thought “Intro” was a cool super hero sounding name. I was wrong and now someday I have get around to transfering to something cooler. Unfortunetly, there are other people that think “Intro” is cool so I had to throw some numbers on the end (sorry gail). I was born on the 24th.
No problem, intro24, only with “unfortunately.”
I knew it! I knew I was wrong but the iPhone spell check didn’t correct me so I trusted it… never again.
Did I do anything grammatically incorrect in this?
@mangeons: Le mot prefere de mon pere en francais est “soixante.” Je pense que c’est tres drole, mais je pense que le mot est beau aussi.
oh, and @intro24: you forgot commas :)
“I knew I was wrong , but the iPhone spell check didn’t correct me , so I trusted it…”
Oh man, sometimes grammarians are like vampires. You have to invite them in, but once you do there’s no escape.
Not that there is anything wrong with that, just, you know… there’s always going to be something off. No one is perfect. Except maybe GailCalled. Oh, no! I said her name! What if that invokes her…
Sigh, anyone who’s ever taught, me grammar pretty much, avoided commas, or didn’t spend much ti,me on them, so I just try, my, b,est.
I could call gail on the fact that she doesn’t put two spaces between sentences (not like anyone else does). Other than that, I’ve got nothing.
For fear that I have gotten off topic I will tell more about my name. I was watching a some stupid cartoon for some stupid reason and one of the super-villains had a similar name and soon after “Intro24” was born.
@intro24: Also at the risk of being off topic… commas are generally used where there would be a verbal pause or where there is an independent clause. I’m a bit of an English freak…
Oh, how I enjoy grammar-nazis! They are so much fun! :D Really, I’m not trying to be sarcastic -I mean it!
Oh, TitsMcGhee I love you too! Your user name is my nickname too, sometimes!
My birth month, followed by my initials (which are Lan, not ian)
@intro: To my utter dismay (I’m a double space after period person as well), it is no longer considered proper to put two spaces after the period. It was originally done, I believe, for ease of reading. With modern computers, it is no longer necessary and has gone out of fashion. They’ve full on taught my little cousin it is wrong and my editor boyfriend confirmed it when I complained to him.
Also, no matter how many spaces you type on Fluther, it always condenses it to one. To my dismay.
Name i made when i first started playing Halo years ago when it came out. It just kinda stuck.
plus i kinda like batman or something :P
And here Uberbatman has taken on a linguistic life of its own, particularly if you are getting really tired of “awesome.”
Where’s cprevite? I want to know where that name came from…
I agree bythebay, this one has me very curious.
Oh I thought your last name was anus JKJK.
Umm…I like the 90’s and I am 14 so that explains it. I usually just put alexander, but I was feeling creative.
I like the word “soixante” as well… not really fluent in french yet, but that means 60, am I right?
I am fluent In french ;).
Well, not fluent. I just like speaking different languages.
Mangeons; You’re correct. Soixante= 60.
Since it is no longer a secret, my name is Gail Calder. Gail called is the pun. I used to be Gail Wald and had a summmer house that attracted too many guests. I called it Walled Inn.
i first used this name about a year ago. i was signing up for a site and wanted something with my name in it, so i just tried to think of something that wouldn’t be lame.
@gailcalled is there any way i can give you more lurve for “Walled Inn” lol4rl
Uber; as usual, you are uberbatman. Thanks and love to Vladimira. What’s her life expectancy, anyway?
The domain is still up for grabs, BTW.
im not sure, it really varies and not many people keep them as pets so there isnt much info out on them. Ive read people having them for six years and sometimes in rare cases up to 10. Vladimira is still a baby so shes got some time. Coming feburary ill have had her for a year :)
@bythebay & jonsblond: Unfortunately , my username is nothing creative. It is my first initial – “c” and my last name – “previte”. Not too fancy.
thanks to TrustingLife for the heads up. I hadn’t been following this thread. Some great answers here
@cprevite: Now my pillow won’t miss me, thank you for responding! :)
mine is a ~clever~ twist on the band, tilly and the wall. haha. (: i’m really into them.
i guess it represents them and my love for most omaha bands in general.
i knew i was gonna stay here when within the first few hours joining i had a few comments from people who like tilly and the wall. it don’t meet people who recognize the name often
There are more answere here (an earlier version of this question). Repeating my response:
I made the name Jeruba up when I was playing an early “dungeon”-type RPG from Infocom on a TRS-80. This was back in the 1970s, when there were no graphics to speak of and it was mostly a game of the imagination (and therefore extremely vivid). Each level of the 4-level dungeon took 10 minutes to load from a tape cassette, and it took weeks to play a game through.
One time the roll of the virtual 18-sided die (pseudo-random number generator) gave me a strong, skillful female warrior, and this is the name I made up for her. She had nearly solved the fourth dungeon when she tripped an arrow trap in the ceiling behind a secret door and went down in flames. Best alter ego I ever had. It was in her honor that I chose an image of a queen in armor as my avatar
Rooey was the name of one of my favorite dogs, when you asked him his name he would go “rooooooooooooooooooooooooo” so I added an ey and that became his name. He was a Bouvier and I rescued him from euthanasia at a tender young age. Somewhere along the line when I tried to use just Rooey, someone already had the name, so I just added the too and haven’t had any problems since! My favorite dog at the moment is named Town Dog, she is my avatar model, part dingo and sooooooooooooo smart!
I always use some elaboration of fool wherever I register. Look for me under this or fool, or usually NefariousFool.
Peyton Farquhar is the main character of a short story by Ambrose Bierce called An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge. Peyton is a Southern aristocrat who is about to face execution by the Union Army during the Civil War. When the platform drops beneath him, instead of being hanged to death from Owl Creek Bridge the noose snaps and he plunges into the water feet first. The current carries him down stream and away from the bullets of the Union soldiers, allowing him to free himself of his bonds and swim to shore. He trudges barefoot through miles of forest, dodging cannonfire along the way, back towards his plantation home and to his wife. As he is about to collapse into her arms, he is jerked from his fantasy back into reality by the sudden downward pull of gravity and he is hanged.
It’s a beautifully written story, one of my favorite shorts. I also considered Seymore Glass, Gregor Samsa, Colonel Aureliano, and lefty.
but really, I just thought peyton farquhar was a kickass name.
@TitsMcGhee: I also thought about Monsieur Antichrist but I figured that at best nobody would get the reference and at worst people would think that I was trying to emulate the antichrist.
Lurve for you if you can tell me what that refers to
@peyton: Oh pshaw, of course I also read The Stranger! I took existentialism my senior year of high school, and we read all the good stuff…. The Stranger, Metamorphosis, The Death of Ivan Ilych, Zoo Story, No Exit, Irrational Man, Rhinoceros, Waiting for Godot… Great, great course.
Moral: Don’t underestimate the literacy level of the fluther.
Even one that leads with her tits.
@Trustinglife: I’m not sure of that’s a compliment-masked insult or an insult-masked compliment…
@TitsMcGhee I have nothing but appreciation for you. I’ve appreciated that you haven’t minded that we play with your username – it hasn’t gotten old for me yet. Maybe it has for you? Or maybe you were just clarifying? Definitely not an insult. Just having fun.
@Trustinglife : Oh good, just making sure :) And no, the username definitely hasn’t gotten old. Certainly feel free to continue playing with it playing with Tits, haha. I’d be screwed if I was tired of it… It’s still my nickname at work!
@TitsMcGhee That’s great you’re not tired of it. We’d be screwed, too.
I’ve been waiting for another user to show up with the name Veronica Corningstone.
In case titsmcghee has the night off.
smelly pirate hooker anyone? :)
@stevenb: I never take the night off.
Dirty sounding, but I like it!
I’m not sure… I don’t even drink that much coffee…
Around the time I was born (1990), Nelson Mandela came over to the United States. My aunt started calling me “Amandala” as a play on “Mandela”. It stuck. :]
I wish I were the Doctor’s wife (the title character of Doctor Who) and my avatar would be the home we would share if my dreams were to come true. (It’s the TARDIS, his spaceship/little blue box)
My cat’s name is JellyBean, so…it’s pretty obvious from there.
I`m a true Louisiana Girl and i am the 3rd kid n 1+2=3. smart huh
at my sisters wedding my 1/2 bro kept pretending to be a hippo…
and yeah he was 29 at the time… but there was kind of a hippo joke after that… =P
Why it’s my first name and middle name :]
@aanuszek1 I don’t understand: your name is anus?
Sorry about that.
Well, Tandra, is my name. And 88 is my favorite numbers.
I guess it could be obvious: I am yet another user of fluther!
@Yetanotheruser I never even noticed that. I can be oblivious to the obvious!
I call myself philosopher because people always have teased me about being philosophical . I tend to Analise things and look for the facts. I enjoyed Philosophy English class and Philosophy class.
i used to race motocross so that’s the mx. i had long curly hair that after a day of riding would get all matted up into a big knot, thats the hairball ;)
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