General Question

Jude's avatar

Is it normal to feel physically exhausted right after a hard break-up?

Asked by Jude (32210points) January 7th, 2009

The break-up happened on the 2nd of Jan. I really did love her and as much as I try to push forward, I feel that I need time to grieve. I’m just so tired, though, physically. It could be depression, or just that the last month has been horrible in dealing with the relationship, and now the break-up, and all of it has finally caught up to me.

I have all intention of getting out there and enjoying myself, eventually (hobbies, going out with friends), and, have thought about talking to a counsellor, but, right now, I don’t have the energy.

Has this ever happened to anyone else?

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15 Answers

Zaku's avatar

Very common, and not a bad thing, and definitely not something to avoid. We get through and beyond a loss by experiencing the pain and other symptoms.

millastrellas's avatar

I believe this happened to my ex, when he broke up with me about a year and a half ago. He told me how he was tired and couldn’t do it anymore. He seemed sad and depressed. It was a horrible time. Being on the opposite end of this, I cannot give you an answer you are looking for. I know that despite being hurt about the breakup and feeling deceived, I still wanted to be there for him and help him out. I think talking to a professional would help, but I also think that surrounding yourself with good, positive friends and allowing personal time for personal reflecting on yourself and your life would be helpful to you. Sorry about the breakup, and I hope things get better for you.

EmpressPixie's avatar

It is quite common. You are not alone.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Feelings manifest themselves bodily, so, yes, I think after a painful break-up one will feel it as physical pain.

susanc's avatar

These are good answers. Your body is telling you the truth. You took a huge hit; you need and deserve time to breathe and reflect and let the healing happen.

I promise that one of these days, maybe soon and maybe not for awhile, you’ll find you’re busy with other thoughts and feelings. Being brave is good. Being gentle is good too.

jonsblond's avatar

The past month has been the same for me. We didn’t break up but 17 years of marriage almost went down the drain. I feel physically exhausted as we speak, putting off 7 loads of laundry, fluthering instead. Yesterday was a good day, today sucks, tomorrow will be better. You will get your energy back, until then don’t feel bad if you just need to lay in bed.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, sure. Intensely emotional times are physically exhausting, whether they’re a breakup, death of a loved one and funeral, strife or extreme worry over a child, or job loss or other huge financial setback. They can drain you completely, maybe even more than physical stress.

I am sorry you are going through this, and I know just how wrung out you must feel. Don’t make it rougher on yourself with some notion that you shouldn’t feel the way you do. Go ahead and have your honest feelings, whatever they are. The only way out is through.

coquilicot's avatar

I just went through a bad break-up too, just before New Years, and I feel the same way. I make it through work and go home to sleep. I don’t want to see friends, call my mom back or do anything except eat and watch TV. I was thinking I should see a therapist, but I can’t even figure that out. Ugh.
I’m figuring that it’s pretty much the same as depression, the way it often manifests in a lack of energy. Don’t push yourself, it’s only been a few days! I have to keep reminding myself that it takes time. Feel better.

May2689's avatar

It is very common to feel exhausted after a hard break up. I remember when my boyfriend broke up with me, I could even get out of bed.. I was really really depressed. My head hurt, my body hurt…however with the help of your friends you remember that you have a life and that it needs to go on.

augustlan's avatar

Perfectly normal. Be kind to yourself, and remember that this too shall pass.

gailcalled's avatar

I am very sympathetic but this is your 12th question in three weeks about your problematic relationship.

Jude's avatar

Sorry, just going through a tough time and reaching out. I won’t post again.

Jeruba's avatar

I don’t mind contributing a little sympathy and support, @jmah. To judge from the responses above, people are very willing to help, as long as you are not just asking the same question again and again.

So tell us, please: have you received any benefit from responses to your posts?

Jude's avatar

Honestly, I have. You have all helped me to see things more clearly when I was having a difficult time making sense of the goings on. I truly do appreciate all of the advice.

miss_meg's avatar

I think so, after breakups i have always been exhausted even physically, it takes a lot out of you so go ahead take a break from the world and do something for yourself! going for walks always helps me! hope this helped!

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