Will you help me plan my un-birthday party?
my birthday was a while ago, and i was going to throw a party, but for various reasons, i couldn’t. so now, several months later, i’m having an un-birthday party.
my friend is helping me plan it, and he thinks it should have a theme, besides the “un-birthday” one. i like that idea, but i hated his suggestions, which were “70s, 80s, and 4th of July” (where the hell did that come from, right?)...what’s your take? and do you have any better ideas?
what do you think i should put for the event picture? i looked through just about all my own personal pictures from the past year, and none of them seemed right, any suggestions?
(i’ll probably add more questions as they come up…)
thanks collective!
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49 Answers
go through oriental.com and see if the party stuff in there inspire you. A tropical theme might be fun in the middle of winter.
I like the fourth of July concept. The idea is to theme it with an event that already took place. Why not wait until the heat of summer and throw the party but decorate it with Christmas decorations? Even wear one of those Reindeer sweaters with the flashing lights.
If you are going to have an Un-Birthday, tie in a non-seasonal holiday with it. You could have some real fun with it. Halloween in February complete with apple-bobbing.
As for pictures, I once decorated my guest bathroom with embarrassing pictures of myself from my life. Just bizarre moment pictures from travel, prom, high school, elementary school, etc. in frames all over the walls. I got a kick out hearing people guffawing from my restroom while they visited.
You might even go to a site like Yearbookyourself.com where you can upload or take a picture of yourself and put it in the context of yearbook pictures from the past 5 decades.
When was your actual birthday? I like mradkins idea of tying it to a holiday already passed, but think it should be the one closest to your birthday.
my actual birthday was around thanksgiving, and (before anyone says it) i am absolutely not having anything thanksgiving-related at my party. i’ve had way way waaaaaaaaaaay too many of those.
thanks for the suggestions so far!! awesome! keep them coming!
PS alfreda, GA thank you!! i hadn’t seen that in SOO long!!
Not to be a killjoy, but there is no law that says you have to celebrate your b-day on the actual day. You can still have a birthday party, and you can still do all of the things listed above. If you are going to throw your own party, you can do whatever you want.
Alfreda’s right. You have 364 UN-birthdays. How about “calendar” as a theme? Have some decorations from the Fourth of July—AND Valentine’s Day, Hallowe’en, Christmas…
i know i can do whatever i want, the problem is i’m not sure what i want. that’s why i asked for yall’s suggestions.
I say just go for an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ theme…Big hats, cheshire cats and all :)
i like it. i like it a lot. where do i get the big hats and cheshire cats?
oh dear, those are terribly adorable!
You can buy Mad Hatter hats somewhere—I’ve seen them for sale. Catalog? Bunny ears would do for all the March Hares. Try a toy store for the cats. And of course you need a dormouse. Serve whatever beverages you like out of teapots.
[Edit] Aug, you sure were fast with that one. Did you ever play Alice in an amateur theatrical, by any chance?
I still like a luau, with a roasted pig and grass skirts. It will brighten up the winter time! decorations are easy and fun too.
what, do i print it, and tape it to the walls? [giggling out loud right now]
@uber, I never heard that song before but it was kind of irritating. Maybe I’m just old.
@Judi guess you just have to be in to electronica
Even though it is your un-birthday, you could still have a picture of you as a baby or child on the invite. Sort of the Curious Case of la Chica Gomela.
An infamous possibility from here in Orlando was an anything but clothing attire party.
Parties that I have enjoyed have been in an unusual place. Take over a small restaurant. or a place like this.
Happy un-birthday. i hope the part is a smash.
I like the tropical theme Judi suggests, a lua maybe? My birthday is right after Christmas and I always dreamed of a summer birthday, more fun right? No presents wrapped in left over Christmas wrapping paper. One year my parents gave me a “birthday in July”, I’ll never forget that moment.
Print it out, or draw a bunch of them…just have them slyly peeking around corners and such.
@Jeruba: Nope, no Alice for me…just Cinderella and one ‘Lady Shropshire’.
Jason once went to a Halloween Party dressed as the Mad Hatter, so I’m sure he’d be game for a Looking Glass adventure. 0_0
But if you’re looking for more suggestions, I might say fancy cocktail affair…lounge music, cocktail dresses, suits, and plenty of champagne. Maybe some Miles Davis?
I like the Mad Hatter/Alice in Wonderland concept too. You could apply the concept to make it a whacked out party. Broken dishes, strange appetizers, strange images posted on the walls. Why not add the element of interactivity with the wall art? Coloring books but with only colors you lay out for them. Puzzles laid out but with pieces mixed up in different locations.
Food could take on the characteristics as well. Serve items from a “Grossology” type concept: Jello in the shape of a brain; Kitty Litter cake (decorated with slightly melted Tootsie Rolls on top) – delicious actually but looks frightening; or the cake from Tom Petty & the Heartbreaker’s “Don’t Come Round Here No More”.
You could really take this pretty far and have fun with it. A cracked-out tea party!
Where’s my invite??
I like jadkins’ ideas but don’t forget that the party is in three days and we have school for two of them.
However, I am all for planning a deeply-themed party (complete with visual appeal and auditory aplomb) far enough in the future that we can really put some creativity into it.
Another idea for this weekend’s party: a graffiti party. We can have Bansky and Neckface type works on the walls and let people graffiti a cardboard box for fun. Baggy pants and pseudonyms are a must.
i really really want to throw an Alice in Wonderland unbirthday party now…...except with lots of hallucinagens. yup we’ll be drinking tea ;)
Hmmm, didn’t realize the party was quite so soon…AinW might be hard to pull off that quick.
@La_chica_gomela Long Island Ice Tea out of teapots. If you have a local costume shop, they should have AinW stuff. 3 days is rather short notice.
Judi, yeah, Tim’ll definitely be around.
I hate when people have unbirthdays. Maybe a meteor will crash into your house when you are having a party. Then I’ll can celebrate that day.
Harsh? It coulda been a lot worse.
Wait, why can’t it be Alice in Wonderland Un-birthday themed? That’s a great theme! Plus, it means you get to have a tea party. I love tea parties.
@ep, where have you been? you’re like the 3rd person to suggest that…i’ve got links to like rabbit-eared party hats and pictures of pink cats i’m supposed to tape to my wall by now. give me something new! i think it’s time to break out the long-island iced tea recipes already…
@simone, you must be a walking rain cloud, it’s everyone‘s unbirthday 99.7% of the time (yeah, i did divide 364/365) including yours! hating unbirthdays must make life quite miserable for you.
Sometimes I don’t read all the responses. I just react.
Did anyone mention Alice and Wonderland yet? =p
@simone54 – I’m tempted to throw myself an unbirthday party sometime. There is good reason to – my birthday is on Christmas Eve, so no one celebrates it with me since they are too busy celebrating Christmas and whatnot. I haven’t had a proper party in a good few years. If I do this, will you wish me dead, too? (Imagine me making the cutest puppy-dog eyes you can imagine.)
@ep – maybe you should read them. just an idea…
@La_chica_gomela But moooooooooom, the list was so long and I was in a hurrrrrrrry. But fine. I see the point. I’d tell you about the cake idea, but I’m sulking.
If you want to do it, I can explain how. It was fairly easy.
CUTE!!!!! you’re so redeemed! please share!
Okay, so the cake was basically two cakes. I found three sizes of things to bake in and made three two-layer cakes, each one smaller than the one before it using the batter needed for two cakes. I suspect you could use cereal bowls with steep sides and fat mugs if you didn’t have anything better shaped to bake in. My mom has the world’s biggest collection of weird ceramic things to bake in, so I used them.
Layer one is a straight up two layer cake.
Layer two goes on layer one. But you cut the top layer in half on a long, not very steep diagonal. The goal is to flip what you cut off onto the the uncut part and make a nice place to put the third layer.
Put the third layer together and do the same thing to it’s top layer that you did to the second layer. This just evens out the cake a bit. Using numerous skewers and another person’s help (they’ll need to hold the top bit in place while you skewer it to the middle bit) put the cake together. Which is to say: shove skewers in until the cake doesn’t feel like it is about to fall anymore.
We also froze the layers between making the cake and putting it together to make it easier to work with.
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