@EmpressPixie: Unless AlfredaPrufrock knows cdwccrn’s husband personally, then the comment was based on either AP’s personal experience with husbands or a broad stereotype. If it’s the former, then it’s a limited opinion. If it’s the latter, than it’s a stereotype. Either way, mildly to extremely sexist.
Now, of course, I’m reading subtext. I assume she meant that the husband would certainly not stay home and clean house – he’d probably do something for himself. I could be wrong. Perhaps all she meant was, “He wouldn’t stay home and clean house because he’d rather be out planning a romantic evening”.
If that is the case, or if AP really does know her hubby personally – then I apologize for reading the subtext incorrectly.
Furthermore, the very phrase “gender normative” is offensive. It implies that anything else is “abnormative” or “abnormal”. So stay at home dads are abnormal in their behavior? What of 50–50 relationships where they both work?
“Traditional” – sure. “Normal” – hardly.
Furthermore (again), I’m not suggesting that cdwccrn stay home and clean house, I’m saying that to assume her husband (or ANY husband) wouldn’t is silly – and not the point of the question.
Which, by the way, I have failed to answer due to my rant. So, cdwccrn, when I rarely have free time, I will hang out with my wife (if she is available) and daughter. If not, I will either clean house (if it needs it), nap under a tree, or catch up on my reading.