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jonsblond's avatar

What happened to my chewing gum?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) January 8th, 2009 from iPhone

The previous “gum” question reminded me of something that happened to me in the 6th grade while chewing gum in class. It was grape bubble yum. I had been chewing it for a short time, when suddenly it turned into liquid. We were watching a film in class and the teacher was not in the room, so I had no choice but to swallow the nasty stuff. This had never happened to me before or since. Does anyone know how or why it turned to liquid?

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11 Answers

wundayatta's avatar


Grisson's avatar

This happened to me when I used to chew gum on my commute home to help keep awake. It typically happened in summer after the gum package had been left in a very hot car. Was your gum chewing incident during hot weather or was the gum exposed to heat prior to chewing?

jonsblond's avatar

It happened in Vegas, so probably. It was so long ago.

asmonet's avatar

Haha, that happened to me with grape gum before and a few other flavors, mostly grape. I think it was Bubblicious. It was Florida, very hot as always. I chewed it for a while and it was just super goopy instead of chewy. I figured it was the heat. But it did taste weird.

I think it was a combination of the heat and the gum formula – bubble gum tends to be stretchier anyway, add heat and I figure it just breaks down.

May2689's avatar

jajajajajaj thats so weird

jonsblond's avatar

@asmonet: the taste was so bad that I really don’t like anything grape anymore. Not even Grape Ape. :)

Grisson's avatar

Well, grape is like that anyway. ;o)

critter1982's avatar

When they make gum they use a gum base which they melt to mix it with the other flavor ingredients. I think when the gum heats up again (ie. if left in a car) it changes the chemical properties and the gum base never returns to its hardened state, and remains in the syrupy (I think I just made that word up)state? I could totally be wrong but this is what I always thought happened.

Grisson's avatar

Yeah, Big Red always gets kinda crunchy when you leave it in the car over a full summer.

Nimis's avatar

This happens whenever I fall asleep while chewing gum.
Figured the stuff in your saliva that breaks down food
is starting to break down the gum base, right?

Grisson's avatar

Ewww, when I fall asleep while chewing gum it usually winds up in my hair.

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