Meta Question

robmandu's avatar

Did you know you're doing it wrong?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) January 9th, 2009

When you ask a question on Fluther solely as an attempt to educate everyone else… you’re doing it wrong.

When you ask a question on Fluther because you’re curious of other people’s opinions, and then tell them their opinion is invalid… you’re doing it wrong.

When you ask a question just to whine about how the site isn’t meeting your needs… you’re doing it wrong.

What are some examples you have?

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34 Answers

robmandu's avatar

When you somehow, some way, post the same question twice… you’re doing it wrong.

kevbo's avatar

rob haz a mad.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Like this or this or about a million other examples i can dig up LOL.

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

@robmandu, That’s what we’re (mods) here for! :)

You’re duplicate has been removed. I’ll give you my address in case you feel like thanking me in oh, I dunno…cash maybe?

judochop's avatar

The last time I heard I was doing it wrong did not involve Fluther. hides head in hands

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

@judochop, Were you screaming “waffle” instead of “pancake?”

KatawaGrey's avatar

@uberbatman: And yet, both of those questions yielded such entertaining results!

shilolo's avatar

@judochop Maybe because you are too busy tugging? ;-)

bythebay's avatar

@robmandu: You’re making me afraid to ask any Q’s…what if I do it wrong? cowers in mock fear

Zaku's avatar

Nope – if I’ve offended the robmandu rules, I am ignorant of it.

judochop's avatar

I feel like I have wronged fluther
Ugh I need more sleep.

Anaphase's avatar

Wasn’t your question asked “solely as an attempt to educate everyone else” about how they’re doing it wrong?

Also, if you disagree that your question was only to “educate” us, then wouldn’t you be telling me that my “opinion is invalid”?

Lastly, aren’t you complaining how the site isn’t meeting you need for Fluther to be a sophisticated community, thus propagating your third grievance?


LostInParadise's avatar

I disagree with you about the first way as being wrong. If I learn something that I find interesting or amusing, I do not see anything wrong with sharing it here. I have only done that once so far, but would not hesitate to do it again if the situation arose.

SuperMouse's avatar

When you ask a question that could be answered easily by doing a google search you’re doing it wrong.

This is how I read the question, was I close?

elijah's avatar

My kids tell me I’m doing it wrong almost every day :-(
It usually has something to do with the computer or a video game system.

asmonet's avatar

This thread is doing it right.

Judi's avatar

I wish I understood the pancake. ;-(

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Judi thats exactly why i asked this question

Judi's avatar

@uberbatman ;
Thanks for the enlightenment!

cdwccrn's avatar

I’ve done it wrong a couple of times. Never figured out a couple of times why I got flagged.

augustlan's avatar

@Judi How on earth did you miss out on the pancake fun?

robmandu's avatar

@Zaku & @bythebay, just in fun. No sweat.

@Anaphase, indeed! (hence the tags provided)

@LostInParadise, rules are made to be broken! (hence the tags again)

@SuperMouse, exactimundo!

@asmonet, yah baby, it’s oh-so-right!

cyndyh's avatar

I never do it wrong.

Judi's avatar

@augustlan ;
I get it now and I’m blushing!

Zaku's avatar

@robmandu: No sweat taken. Fun question. It made me look at my questions.

LostInParadise's avatar

Now I feel stupid for not having looked at the tags. You could have given a hint by saying that it is wrong to ask self-referential questions. This would have had everyone scratching their heads until they looked at the tags.

shadling21's avatar

When you make ridiculous spelling and grammar errors, you’re doing it wrong.
Unless you mention a frizzer. Then even Gail will forgive you.

SuperMouse's avatar

If your Fluther question is a poorly concealed attempt – or even a well concealed attempt – to get the Collective to do your homework, you’re doing it wrong.

lunaclips's avatar

Is there a training school for prospective flutherites? It sounds like there are a lot of landmines to avoid.

SuperMouse's avatar

@lunaclips, you might find this helpful. Welcome to the Collective!

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