General Question

COBx666's avatar

Help me please, about cuts and laserations?

Asked by COBx666 (105points) January 9th, 2009

My cat Rukus has allergies, which creats bumps/lumps on her ody, she had a bump on her back and somehow it has created a HUGE cut on her back and is bleed, bad, not bad enough to send her to emergencie, but bad enough for me to be writing about it on this website, I need to know how to make sure the cut doesnt get infected, but remember, its a cat can anyone help me please??!!

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25 Answers

cage's avatar

I bet the bump was a cyst that popped and therefore created a huge cut.
This happens to my cat all the time.
Either that or your cat must have caught the bump on something whilst out and about.
Just treat it like any other cut, clean it, keep him indoors (with a litter tray and food and water) so he can’t tear it anymore and just generally keep an eye on it for a few days.
If it doesn’t improve… go to the vet again.

COBx666's avatar

its not a “cryst” she is an indoor cat, but my main question is how do you clean it??

COBx666's avatar

so that it doesnt get infected

cage's avatar

hmmm, I guess an anti-bacterial cream of some sort.
I suggest you ask your vet though to know what things are safe to use.
If you were ill, you’d go to a Doctor instead of coming here. If your pet is ill, I suggest you go to a vet :)

And just so you know, indoor cats can get cysts too.

COBx666's avatar

I know I wasnt doubting the fact that an Indoor cat is less liable to get a cyst than an outdoor I was simply stating that my cat is an indoor cat.

The vet is closed, and its not an emergency, I also would go to a doctor for a simple cut on my back now would I?

loser's avatar

Hydrogen peroxide

cage's avatar

Well. Firstly I didn’t mean to cause offense.
Secondly, you (and I quote) stated
it’s a HUGE cut that is bleeding badly.
You don’t seem to know what to do.
All of which I would come up with the ultimate solution of: consult a professional if those around you are not capable of giving a good answer.
Just as you would if you did have a HUGE cut on your back that was bleeding badly and you didn’t know what to do about it and you were worried it would get infected.

COBx666's avatar

Its large in size but not in depth and I do believe I said and I quote a HUGE cut on her back and is bleed, bad, not bad enough to send her to emergency

babiturtle36's avatar

wow this is going nowhere.

loser's avatar

I just hope the kitty is okay.

augustlan's avatar

One of my cats had a bump that she scratched open, causing it to bleed and become infected. I used a q-tip and peroxide on it for several days, and she healed up quite nicely.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

If it’s huge, I would think that you should take her to the vet in the morning. She may need an antibiotic to fight infection. In the meantime, clean it with hyrogen peroxide, and put a little neosporin on it. It does sound like a cyst that ruptured. Cysts have nothing to do with whether or not a cat is an indoor or outdoor cat.

syz's avatar

Do not use hydrogen peroxide, it is actually quite caustic to healthy tissue. It will also function as an emetic if she ingests it.

If the cat will allow it, use a warm compress to remove the bulk of the exudate (i.e. pus) and take her to the veterinarian in the morning. Cleaning and topical applications will not prevent infection (topical applications do nothing except create a layer on the top of the wound, which she will most likely groom off anyway). In fact, my guess is that what you are seeing is a mature abscess that has ruptured. She needs to be on systemic antibiotics.

If she is acting fairly normal this evening, you’re fine to wait until morning (there is often a decrease in the pain and discomfort of an abscess once is has ruptured and the pressure has been released). If she is significantly lethargic, she may have a dangerously high fever and needs to be seen earlier.

Regardless of the cause of the wound, she needs to be prescribed antibiotics. Take her to see your veterinarian.

augustlan's avatar

Strike my advice, and listen to syz ^^. She actually knows what she’s talking about!

Darwin's avatar

A big problem with cats is that they tend to heal very quickly at the surface, while incubating an infection deep inside. Many cuts end up becoming abcesses for that reason. As syz says, this may have already been an abcess that has ruptured and hence the cat will need antibiotics.

If your cat is not in obvious pain (cats are marvelous at hiding illness from others) then wait until morning when the vet is open and take her in. If she seems ill then she is VERY sick and needs to go tonight.

Good luck!

loser's avatar

Strike mine too, syz knows her stuff!!!

COBx666's avatar

well, the cut is getting better already, she doesnt eem to be in any pain ir discomfort, infact I dont even think she knows it is there, I will call the vet tomorrow morning and if the vet thinks it is wize to bring her in I will. I would like to that everyone for their responses

cage's avatar

That you for asking the question. You were wize to do so…

augustlan's avatar

How’s the kitty doing now?

COBx666's avatar

They kitty is fine guys, thanks for checking up on her, she doesnt seem to be in pain or discomfort but I called the vet and he said if the cut doesnt heal by itself in the next week, or Rukus seems to be bothered by it that to bring her in but for now just let the air get to it and wait

augustlan's avatar

Glad to hear she’s doing well!

loser's avatar

Thanks for the update! Hope the kitty is all well soon!!!

syz's avatar

All that drama and panic (“a HUGE cut on her back and is bleed, bad,”) and you didn’t even take her into the vet. I should’ve bet money.

cage's avatar

@syz here, here

COBx666's avatar

there was no drama nor panic. and you should have bet money on what? the fact that it wasnt as bad as it seems? so what, I apreciate the people that took the time to respond, I said it wasnt bad enough to take her to the vet

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