General Question

nebule's avatar

Do you dream of people within people? and if so what does this mean?

Asked by nebule (16472points) January 10th, 2009

I’m having a lot of dreams recently where i am dreaming about a partiular person but they look like a different person. Both characters/ people are well known to me.

Why would you dream about someone being a certain person but them looking like someone else?

As i say this is happeneing a lot with various members of my family , friends, ex-partners, famous people, and they are all mixed up… thinking about it though it seems to happen particularly with blokes.

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10 Answers

asmonet's avatar

I’ve had that happen, in some cases I was the person within a person. I don’t put much stock in the interpretation of dreams however as I think it’s mostly just your brain processing information. I’m not sure why you would dream something like that, or how much you believe in dreams and their meanings. You could try Dream Moods. :)

wundayatta's avatar

It’s all you. All the characters.

What part of you is showing through another part?

Hobbes's avatar

Ah. See, when I read the question, I thought you were talking about little people nested inside bigger people. Like, a little guy living in your head. I dream about that all the time.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@Hobbes – Like nested dolls? That would be a cool, but strange dream!

I’ve dreamed of people who were amalgamations of 2 or more people, and yes, daloon is right, everyone in a dream is some aspect of you, usually. Jung wrote a lot about dreams and the collective unconscious. Maybe reading about some of his ideas would be useful to you.

asmonet's avatar

@Hobbes: Reminds me of MTV Oddities – The Head!

nebule's avatar

no..i was definitely thinking more like; for example I;m looking at someone famous but really its my sister apart from the way she looks.
It’s all very interesting….I’ve never heard of the theory that every character is a part of your self…. Does that suggest that what i am experiencing is a lesson in telling me that i am the true self on the inside but perhaps i am not portraying the real self to the world (or even to myself….??) Do i not know who i am??? Self-displacement??? hmmmmmm…...

Nimis's avatar

Me too.

Kind of see the outer person
as having some kind of symbolic meaning
tied to the inner (true) person inside of them.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

This reminds me of the way HBO depicted Tony Soprano’s dreams. They did such a good job! Remember the way he would be in a car with a certain person, and the next minute that person is someone else? And then they change again. That is how my dreams are.

90s_kid's avatar

Hm…puts on the facial expression on the cartoon on Hobbes’ icon
Well I have dreamed of myself in another person’s shoes, but not because I was jealous. I actually did it because I felt bad for that person!

shadling21's avatar

I have never experienced this. Dream people are, to me, blurs. I recognize who they are by their “aura”, so to speak.

I think this is closely tied to the way I perceive people in real life – I recognize the overall picture rather than the minute details (forest rather than trees). I once participated in an exercise in which a group of people was asked to describe an image that was showed to them for a short period of time (something like 20 seconds). There were two key differences between the responses – some people were able to rattle off small details of the picture, while some recognized the setting of the picture, a few details, and the overall mood of it. I was definitely in the latter group.

If you are able to see characters within your dream clearly enough to discern a difference between the two identities your brain has merged together, you are probably detail-oriented. There is probably a very specific reason why the two are linked in your brain. If the person you saw was a famous person, you probably recently viewed the video image of that person. There may be a link between what you watched and the person (within) you dreamed about.

I would not say that your brain in confused at all (although it is now that you’re awake). The mind is sorting through various ideas and images as you dream, associating things symbolically. It’s the same logic that allows you to understand language.

When you were dreaming, it probably made perfect sense that your sister looked like some celebrity. The fun part is now, when awake, reflecting on the nonsense that your brain coughed up. By thinking about this, you will learn more about how your brain makes sense of that which you perceive. You will also learn how you feel about these perceptions.

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