General Question

chyna's avatar

Does anyone else read posts in voices they think the poster would talk in?

Asked by chyna (51712points) January 10th, 2009

For example: PNL’s voice is aristocratic because of her avitar, Asmonet is a bouncy voice, Nimis is kind of like ET’s voice and we all know RichardHenry has that really sexy accent..(lost my train of thought here)

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30 Answers

andrew's avatar

Heh, asmonet has Maggie Gyllenhaal’s voice for me.

Allie's avatar

I know what PnL, omfgtalijustimdu, richardhenry, peedub, johnpowell, iwamoto, buster, and a few others sound like so I just think of their voices. For the rest of the jellies, sorry, but it’s my voice with your words.
P.S. – Iwa sounds like a robot. (kidding.. :p)

tinyvamp's avatar

LOL i read everyone’s comments in my voice, sorry.

asmonet's avatar

@andrew: Haha! Sweet. :D Cause of my first avatar?

I have individual voices for every Flutherite. I’ve been doing it for characters since I could read, it’s natural that it would bleed over. :)

I like this thread, I wonder why… :D

jonsblond's avatar

This is what I hear: Asmonet- Cristina Ricci. Andrew- a young Tom Hanks. Loser- SpongeBob Squarepants. Uberbatman- Crispin Glover. Judi- Kate Hudson. cprevite- Kevin James. Augustlan- Molly Ringwald

loser's avatar

Nope, just the usual voices that are in my head anyway!

judochop's avatar

I read everyone’s posts like Barry White or Keira Knightley is whispering in my ear. Sometimes I read them like it is Fran Dresser or Yosemite Sam yelling at me.
Except for AstroChuck and Nimis, they sound like Charles Bronson…

jlm11f's avatar

@chyna – aww man i wish my voice sounded aristocratic now :( haha thanks for that anyway

@judochop – nimis = female.

for the actual Q – I read all posts in my own voice sadly. Even though I have heard a number of Jellies speak. How boring of me, I know. sigh

syz's avatar

No, the voices in my head are just my own.

chyna's avatar

Oh no. I didn’t know Nimis was female.

judochop's avatar

Okay well Nimis is now the voice of Zhang Ziyi.

asmonet's avatar

@judochop: Haha, good choice.
@chyna: Don’t feel bad. No one ever guesses she’s a chick.

chyna's avatar

There should be a disclaimer!

asmonet's avatar

I agree, but she’s been saying she should update her profile for months. It’s never happened. Lame.

cookieman's avatar

@jonsblond: I look like Kevin James, but I sound more like James Earl Jones

I also imagine voices as I read. I also try to picture the way someone looks (if I don’t already know from their avatar or posted photo).

jonsblond's avatar

@cprevite- I don’t look like a jellyfish.

loser's avatar

I just really hope no one hears Martha Stewart or something when they read my answers…

cookieman's avatar

@jonsblond: no, but we at least know your hair color.

jonsblond's avatar

@loser- I prefer SpongeBob, he’s a true blonde!

judochop's avatar

I look just like my avatar.

loser's avatar

I do kinda sound like SpongeBob…

Nimis's avatar

@chyna It’s the damn head to body ratio isn’t it?

[in the voice of Zhang Ziyi]
A-ha! I’d imagine you’d look just like your avatar.
[in the voice of Charles Bronson]
Only with a foil hat and some kickass moves.

@asmonet I was mostly just joking about filling out my profile.
For some reason, I have weird hang-ups about such things.
Though I feel kind of bad that PnL runs around correcting everyone.
Sorry, PnL!

Hmmm…besides answering questions about sewing, make-up and hair;
I figured my blatant abuse of the exclamation mark would be a dead giveaway.
Maybe my love for cheap beer and unabashed admiration for toilets
is somehow throwing people off? Gonna have to think about this one.

jlm11f's avatar

sorryyyyy. i felt bad because your gender kept being a topic everywhere! funny. i actually GA-ed the weird hangups quip by you a long time ago. i will stop telling people!!

judochop's avatar

I’m gonna make a foil hat ad bust a roundhouse just for you.

Nimis's avatar

@PnL Doh! Don’t feel bad about it! You can tell
as many or as little people as you would like.
I just feel bad because it seems like so much
work running around correcting people for me.

@judochop Shucks.

nebule's avatar

um…totally!!!...but i still consider myself to be pretty new so I’m not going to say anything outspoken about any of you lovely peeps just yet :-)

chyna's avatar

@Nimis It is the head to body ratio! Cute picture.

fireside's avatar

@Nimis – for me it was the fact that the tentacles actually end up looking like a goatee or soul patch on the small version of the pic.

I just thought you were a very jazzy jelly. I imagined you snapping your fingers to every GA.

Nimis's avatar

@fireside Hey! Who says I’m not snapping my fingers to every GA?
Feel kind of bad for delivering this crushing news though: NO SOUL PATCH.

fireside's avatar

@Nimis – well, i hope not since you’re a woman!

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