General Question

nebule's avatar

Has anyone ever entered into a romantic relationship having met on Fluther?

Asked by nebule (16472points) January 11th, 2009

( a bit of side-thought from tennesseejac’s last question…) and what happened??

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38 Answers

tennesseejac's avatar

I just learned about Fluther 3 days ago so my answer is obviously no, but I wouldn’t doubt it’s happened. And, by the way you seem like a very interesting person :)

richardhenry's avatar

@tennesseejac Are you flirting? lynneblundell is totally gonna be hooked up with some Flutherite by the end of this thread.

nebule's avatar

@tennesseejac thank you…. “interesting” is a one of my favoured compliments x

@richardhenry you really think so? lol

richardhenry's avatar

@lynneblundell I don’t know, but I’m all excited now.

nebule's avatar

@richardhenry you make me giggle…i’m excited too now!!! hee hee

nebule's avatar

@richardhenry Just wondered if you could tell me how many people are in the collective in total? It just seems to me that there are not huge numbers…as i see the same faces a lot… maybe that’s an illusion… but really in order to create lots of lurve i think we need some decent numbers of people… and it you could break the figures down in to country that would be great… thanks ;-)

not that i’m trying to matchmake or anything! just….contemplating…

richardhenry's avatar

@lynneblundell Here’s the Fluther stats. 52% male; so it’s in your favour. ;)

arnbev959's avatar

lynneblundell and richardhenry sittin’ in a tree…

bythebay's avatar

Not to interrupt the romance,

@richardhenry: How is that data collected; other web sites visited, likely to read, colleges attended, etc?

nebule's avatar

Thanks richard…that’s really quite fascinating…

@petethepothead I think richard was getting excited about potential romance between other fluther members… no?

lynne crawls under tree blushing

richardhenry's avatar

@bythebay Fluther is part of a big network of websites that provide data directly to Quantcast. Quantcast cross references the information between sites. It’s not entirely accurate, but gives you a reasonable picture of the shape of the web.

bythebay's avatar

@richardhenry: It’s very amusing to read…I feel the need to go seek out some of those websites it mentions I should be frequenting. Like…what exactly should I ask them, I wonder? :) Thanks for the insight.

RandomMrdan's avatar

so Lynne where you from ;)

bythebay's avatar

<—- Leaving because I feel like a third wheel on Lynne’s spped dating cycle! :)

nebule's avatar

really guys…that wasn’t the intention of the question!!! honest!!!...but… now you ask…Lancashire UK…lol

RandomMrdan's avatar

so how do you feel about long distance relations? I guess we’ll have to lurve each other long distance. haha kidding of course.

edit: to answer your question…not that I know of, but I’m not ruling it out that it hasn’t happened yet, or will happen in the future.

nebule's avatar

@RandomMrdan long distant relationships are probably some of the best kind i would imagine…lurve going out to ya x ;-)

cookieman's avatar

OK, now I need to take my Glyboride. My blood sugar is through the roof

augustlan's avatar

I’m pretty sure it hasn’t happened yet.

@richardhenry Interesting stats! I love that it states “The site is popular among a more educated group.” Makes me feel smart :)

introv's avatar

Are you thinking if you can connect on the level that most Fluther discussions take place on you may have a recipe for a very successful relationship?

So far I really like the people here but couldn’t imagine how one could start to get romantic feelings for them. Although I would obviously be far more interested in someone IRL if they could appreciate Fluther and contribute to it.

In fact I may make it a compulsory part of any future dating activity to answer a few Q’s.

nebule's avatar

@introv Hi! in answer to your question…yes…i think it’s called the level of honesty, which of course doesn’t have to be on Fluther at all…

and…are you suggesting this isn’t real life? lol… this is surely all there is?... oh no…. i see what you mean… in person…face to face…. now that would be weird…fancy meeting up??? ;-)

PupnTaco's avatar

No, but I’ve had a couple deli sandwiches with Andrew and we both loved the meat. I don’t think that counts, though.

introv's avatar

@lynneblundell Wow, there I was just suggesting I would find it difficult to get romantic feelings for someone on here and you go and make me all weak at the knees with a comment like that.

So am I to presume that now armed with the answer that noone has entered into a relationship after meeting on Fluther that you wish to be the first? If someone else turns up now and says that they did meet on Fluther will the offer of yours get retracted?

I’m free whenever you are!

nebule's avatar

firstly…what exactly made you go weak a the knees?? perplexed!
secondly…i don’t necessarily need to be the first…i’m not that fussy so no…
my offer wouldn’t get retracted….
thirdly… i didn’t start this question asking for a meet up…I’m recently bereft of a relationship and wouldn’t want to get involved with anyone so soon…

although there’s no harm in a bit of fun…

richardhenry's avatar

@PupnTaco Are you and Andrew romantically involved now? If not, why not? How could the sandwich meet-up have been a better date? Please do share.

PupnTaco's avatar

Ha ha, no. As nice as Andrew is, he’s not my type. (my wife is, by chance!)

The meeting was about a potential business collaboration.

introv's avatar

@lynneblundell Gorgeous, intelligent young lady gives guy proposition on internet and you are suprised hes weak at the knees?

You must not be that fussy if you are propositioning me :)

Sorry to hear about your relationship breakup. But if fun is what you are after you know where I am lol

And as for this being real life… real life just forced me to go and get my children ready for bed rather than flirting with you. Real life often seems to have a nasty habit of getting in the way of the really fun stuff!

nebule's avatar

lynne rushes off to read her son a story and put him to bed….blushing once again

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I definitely answered a similar question before, and put myself out there…. Hello, there, all you fluther men ;)

cookieman's avatar

is it hit in here, or is it me?

Honey! How about some cake?

richardhenry's avatar

@PupnTaco But you and Andrew were so perfect together. It’s such a shame that you have a wife. Hehe.

cookieman's avatar

I meant “hot”. “hot in here”.

ruined my own joke, with a callback no less…yeesh

tennesseejac's avatar

@lynne: originally I was responding somewhat to something I read where you might think you were considered “uninteresting” or something. And as day 4 or so on this perplexing site I would say that it is certainly possible to fall for someone just thru Fluther because you seem to get to know them on a different kind of personal level over time. Or do you just get to know the side that wants to come out?

Allie's avatar

Ha, more Fluther love. Yay!

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I would say that I have an awesome romantic relationship with Asmonet. kidding…she is pretty spectacularly hot though

asmonet's avatar

Teehee :D

nebule's avatar

@tennesseejac i think its highly possible that you only get to know the side that comes out… unless you spend enough time on here noting people’s answers and noting characteristics… I don’t think you can keep up a pretense for a long time…especially not on somewhere like here where intrinsic opinions are a prerequisite for expression…..unless of course anyone is that sad to bend their characteristics and opinions to suit one particular person that they are interested in ..or a group of people perhaps…. or maybe people can be that deceptive…

Maybe its not about deception at all and i’m getting it wrong…..?? For example I said i thought they maybe people thought i was uninteresting… (which incidentally i don’t believe that i am uninteresting) but i do think that some people might think that… It could have come across that i was fishing for compliments perhaps… or maybe that i am that insecure genuinely that i think people would think i am boring…

So…maybe its all about intention and interpretation and within those two factors and all the people here and all the possibilities of interaction between all of us…the honest and dishonest people there’s a lot of margin for error i would imagine….

Personally fluther helps me identify my thoughts, knowledge, opinions and beliefs and provides me with a forum to hone them and reveal more things about myself. Sometimes i contemplate the question and what i would like to express and sometimes i just answer off the cuff and totally in the present moment…but it’s still all me

i also think that when it states “lynneblundell is crafting a response” it kind of makes you want it to be a brilliant answer..let alone the lurve factor too….anyway, i’ll shut up now

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