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nebule's avatar

Has anyone here fasted for a month?

Asked by nebule (16472points) January 11th, 2009

I mean…not eaten anything at all…....
If so what were the effects? Mental, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual…
Do you recommend it?
Why did you do it?
If not…
Would you consider doing it and why?

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18 Answers

dibau_naum_h's avatar

Not a month, but 10 days. It was great – felt amazing. A bit weak, & craving food I see others eat, but other than that feeling “floating in the air”. Drank only juice. Besides being fun, I didn’t notice any long term effect (apart from weight lose).

I intended to do it for 2 weeks, but my father (a physician) told me that the 1st muscle the body turns to for proteins, is the heart, so I’d better stop. So, I won’t recommend more than 2 weeks, without medical supervision.

augustlan's avatar

No, and hell no! I lurves my food too much :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

@augustlan OM NOM NOM
im with you i couldnt give up food, eating is one of the best things i do all day lol

KrystaElyse's avatar

I fasted for 2 weeks, only drinking this gross lemonade. But i’m in agreement with @augustlan and @uberbatman, I lurves it too much!

cookieman's avatar

I began a fast – but then I got too hungry.

and I’ll tell ya, that was the longest half hour of my life

archaeopteryx's avatar

I’m Muslim, I fast the month of Ramadan every single year!
However, it’s not that I don’t eat anything at all during the whole month, but only during the day, and we can eat after the evening.

AstroChuck's avatar

I wasn’t aware that a prehistoric bird practiced Islam.

90s_kid's avatar

Is it seriously possible to fast for a month? I fasted for a day a few times but that’s all. @archae when is ramadan?

asmonet's avatar

Yes, it’s possible to fast for a month, surviving on water. It’s not advisable though.

I did a two week fast once, that’s as long as I lasted. You feel tired, you get headaches on the first few days then you feel pretty damn good for the rest. Eating food again however, can be uncomfortable.

90s_kid's avatar

If I were to choose between drinking, or eating for the rest of my life, I would choose drinking. I love drinking more than eating. And now I see that I will live longer with drinking! But isn’t there H 2 O in some foods like watermelon?

nebule's avatar

@90s_kid i think there’s some level of water in every food no? but…definitely a lot more in watermelon than some other foods :-)

archaeopteryx's avatar

@ AstroChuck

Funny.. :)

archaeopteryx's avatar

@ 90’s kid

It the 9th month in the Hijri calendar. Almost same as September in Gregorian.

90s_kid's avatar

Wait so you go by a totally different calendar? I never knew that!!!
I thought everyone went by January, February, March, etc…

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

quick aside…I read this as “Has anyone Farted for a month”. I wee’d myself just a bit from the laughter. Quite disappointed, actually, when I opened the thread.

emilyrose's avatar

I think a month is way too long. I have only fasted for a day at a time. I have tried to do cleanses but always gave up. I don’t have a ton of willpower about food- I’m always hungry!

AstroChuck's avatar

@90s kid- Many cultures and religious faiths go by a lunar calendar. E.g.- Chinese, Hebrew/Jewish, Muslim, Eastern Orthodox Christian, etc.

2headedboy's avatar

For anyone interested in reading a fascinating story of extreme fasting, check out the short story “The Hunger Artist” by Franz Kafka.

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