General Question

love408's avatar

How long does it take to move on and really get over someone that u have been talking to everyday for 2 years?

Asked by love408 (147points) January 12th, 2009


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6 Answers

willbrawn's avatar

You don’t have to repost the same question re-phrased.

robmandu's avatar

It can be weeks or months. You need a distraction.

Some people dive into work. Some people physically move elsewhere. But the most successful seems to be finding another relationship… either a real, serious one or even just a temporary rebound.

dynamicduo's avatar

It can vary, and the level of pain can also vary. The best way to deal is to distract yourself from it. Get a new hobby, a new exercise, join a class, do something that’s not thinking or talking to this person. Yes, you need some time away from the person, or else it will be awkward and you risk making things weird between you and him.

cwilbur's avatar

The less time you spend moping and the more time you spend actually trying to move on, the quicker it happens.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I went through the exact same thing. I was in a long distance relationship for two years, and we spoke every day. He was my best friend and my go-to guy for everything. We broke up and stopped speaking altogether, giving me no time to get used to not speaking to him. I relied on my friends a lot, spent a lot of time distracting myself with work and things like puzzles and crosswords to keep my hands and mind busy, and allowed myself a little time each day to be sad or cry or look at pictures of us or whatever, but made sure I kept all that within the 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or however long I allotted. It took me months, and I know I’m still not totally over him, but it will get easier, eventually.

scamp's avatar

6 months, 13 days 22 hours and 37 seconds.

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