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charliecompany34's avatar

Labradoodle or portuguese water hound?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) January 12th, 2009

seems the obama girls have settled on this choice, but what is best? why these breeds? what is the temperament of either of these? do you own a portuguese water hound?

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24 Answers

scamp's avatar

I’ve never heard of a labradoodle. Is that even a recognized breed?

charliecompany34's avatar

no, labradoodle is not a breed, actually. just envision a poodle and a labrador retriever. interesting mulatto, but very popular.

trumi's avatar

We were looking at getting both because of their swimming ability, fun loving nature, and hopefully hypoallergenic fur. But we settled on a good old Labrador. His name is Oliver Hazard Perry, and he has the personality of a surfer dude.

Grisson's avatar

Labradoodle! They are awesome! Not a pure breed, but a mix of Laborador and Poodle. They have all the great features of both! They shed like everything and they are puppies forever. Totally adorable the Obamas will be entertained for hours by throwing sticks to be fetched on the White House lawn.

arnbev959's avatar

I know a guy who had a Portuguese water dog. He had to get rid of it because it was too aggressive. This case had to do with irresponsible breeding; the breeder shouldn’t have bred a dog that he knew to be aggressive. But nonetheless, aggressive Portuguese water dogs aren’t all that uncommon. Most aren’t aggressive, but it is known that they can be aggressive. I don’t know anything about labradoodles other than what charlie just said. Labrador retrievers aren’t usually aggressive. Poodles can be though. I’ve known some aggressive poodles.

The main concern is probably about the individual pooch. Some dogs are aggressive, some aren’t, but you have to get to know the individual dog a little first to make sure the particular dog isn’t aggressive. The last thing you, or the Obama family wants is an aggressive dog.

syz's avatar

Labradoodles are a fad. It’s a cross of two breeds that usually results in a pleasant (if goofy and hyperactive) temperament and at least a bit of hybrid vigor. What infuriates me is that the pet trade is supporting the selling of what is essentially a mixed breed dog for sometimes as much as $1000.00. There are way too many dogs out there being killed in shelters because of lack of homes for so many of these dogs to be bred.

Portuguese water dogs are not all that common in this country, and inbreeding and genetically linked defects are a concern. The few that I have met have been pleasant personalities, but as in any breed, temperament is not guaranteed.

loser's avatar

Both are VERY high energy! I’ve found that labradoodles tend to be very sweet but can be a little snarky. Porties can be quite snarky. (Understatement!) Personally, I’d just go with a good rescue dog that needs a good home and people to love.

charliecompany34's avatar

i had a black lab back in the day named “buck” and he had so much personality. he barked like hell, but he was great with the kids.

Grisson's avatar

@loser Amen to the rescue pup. I have an Aussie shepherd mix rescue dog that runs rings around the laboradoodle. The two play ‘puppy football’ and clearly the pound puppy is the intellectual superior. (Sydney watches where the ball goes instead of depending solely on his nose).

charliecompany34's avatar

i personally think they should go with the golden retriever. all-around great family dog.

loser's avatar

I think a pug would be pretty funny in the white house.

charliecompany34's avatar

the “fonz” says the labradoodle rules.

Grisson's avatar

The standard poodle is an excellent family dog.

scamp's avatar

@syz A grand for a mutt? wow! That is one expensive fad!! so is this mixing a lab with a standard poodle? I think they are much calmer than the smaller ones, so I could see how they might be popular, but sheesh, that’s still a lot for a mutt!!

I agree with charlie. Goldens are great dogs!!

syz's avatar

Here is one for almost $2000. For a mixed breed.

Other breeders are also trying to cash in. There are “snoodles” (schnauzer/poodle), pugles (pub/beagles) – anything that people with intact dogs think they can get rich off of.

charliecompany34's avatar

@syz nice lookin’ pooch. i’d get one, but uh, $2,000? will bailout money help?

dlm812's avatar

Why do people keep suggesting breeds that shed? The family has to have a hypoallergenic breed. Don’t get me wrong, other breeds are great and I am a big advocate of rescues, but it is a very dismal possiblity that the Obamas will find a rescue pup which wouldn’t irritate their daughters’ allergies.

Between the two, I would personally chooose the PWD. The family can afford to buy a well bred dog with proof that both parents are non-aggressive and suitable for their life style. With Labradoodles, there are many different “generations” and combinations, meaning that the dog may not have the non-shedding aspect of the poodle, or the good nature of the lab. I also a believer that essentially, the family would be purchasing a mutt at a premium price (not that there is anything wrong with a mutt).

charliecompany34's avatar

i’m impressed that president obama is waiting for the dog to show up in a shelter somewhere. he is already demonstrating that his family will not put out thousands for a nice dog. just goes to show, he is very rooted as a non-spender. just the kind of mentality we need during hard economic times…

rooeytoo's avatar

I would tell him to get a standard poodle, when they are well bred they are, in general, much superior in intelligence & stability to a lab. They usually do not irritate allergies and do not shed, they mat instead if allowed to grow and are not brushed properly. They can be left shaggy if you do not like the coiffed look. And personally, if I lived in a high traffic home such as the white house, I would not want a rescue, I would want a stable sane dog from a reputable breeder, when you rescue, there is always a greater element of chance in determining temperament than if you go with a well bred dog.

tabbycat's avatar

I absolutely agree with rooeytoo. A standard poodle can be a wonderful dog, smart and protective. You don’t have to groom them so that they look ridiculous. Keep them au naturelle if you prefer, as I do.

I still have fond memories of a black standard poodle who lived in our apartment building when I was in junior high. She regarded it as her job to protect all of us, and would take turns visiting the various apartments—and, of course, cadging food in the process. We all loved Gigi, and, though I’ve become a German Shepherd enthusiast in later years, I’d be very happy to have one just like her any day.

I was happy to see a Standard Poodle as a seeing eye dog in the Tournament of Roses Parade. I’m sure a good one would be excellent in that capacity. They are intelligent, loyal, wonderful dogs.

tabbycat's avatar

And, yes, I’d take a standard poodle over a Lab any day.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I show standard and toy poodles (and the occasional mini) and I almost resent labradoodles because they detract from my breed. Don’t know much about the Portuguese other than what I’ve seen in shows though, which isn’t much.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Given the choice I would definately go for the Portugese Water Hound, I’m not a huge fan of the whole “designer dog” thing and that is what I consider the Labradoodle to be. Over here “breeders” can charge A LOT of money for a cross breed by given it a fancy hybrid name. The Labradoodles I have me have been very sweet but I find Portuges Water dogs to be slightly less mental!

loser's avatar

I really think they should get a pug. Or better yet, two pugs! Or even better, a whole HERD of pugs! They could be the new White House security!!!

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