Will All My Information Go Onto My Memory Stick?
I just fiished my histiory essay, but my printer is broken. I told my teacher and he gave me a memory stick to put the essay on so he could print it at my school. I was on Microsoft word and went under save as and selected the memory stick and I saved it onto his stick no problem. Then I exited microsoft word and put the memor stick back in. Under documents it showed the essay, but then if I went under pictures it also showed all my pictures and other documents and stuff saved onto my computer. Will my teacher be able to access all this stuff on his computer too? Will he be able to see all my other documents and pictures? Please Help ASAP, I need to give his stick back tommorow.
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18 Answers
The memory stick will show up as a drive on your computer. So looking in Documents doesn’t really help.
If you look at ‘My Computer’ you should see a removable drive with a letter ‘E’ or above. That’s the memory stick. Click on that and see if you find your document.
Don’t worry about pictures.
Unless, of course, your teacher is a hacker and wanted to steal all your porn.
@grisson, I dont have any porn! ew… and no the picture are like from christams and family vacations, that would be embarrassing if he saw my pictures of me and my family btw I am a girl, and Im pretty sure no normal girl would watch porn..
< < follows this question because it looks to be burgeoning with incipient goodness.
The previous answers are all correct. You were probably browsing your own computer. But do what Grisson suggests, try to browse the USB stick and see if anything shows up.
@desiree333: I was teasing, of course. But out of curiosity, does that mean that one expects guys to watch porn, but not girls? Or that guys that watch porn are normal, but girls who do are not?
(I guess this might be another topic, but we’re probably not supposed to ask that sort of thing at the top level).
I know plenty of girls who watch porn. Does this mean that they are not normal?
(And, if I introduce you to one, would you care to tell her that to her face? That would be some deligtful Schadenfreude to watch.)
@ Grisson Yeah guys are primitive, I personally think its disgusting….
@cwilbur, Im not sure, I personally think its kind of gross to watch porn, but If I knew a girl that did I wouldnt judge her or anything, just I think its more of a guy thing. Who knows.
Interesting, then, that you say “I wouldn’t judge her,” “guys are primitive,” and “I personally think it’s disgusting” in the same response. One of these things is not like the others.
the “guys are primitive”, was kind of a joke, I just meant guys think about sex more than girls(generally a guy thinks about sex every 7 seconds)
@desiree333: Seven seconds? I’m not sure that pause, heavy breathing it’s that often, but I could pause, heavy breathing be wrong.
And by “i wouldnt judge her” its true, if i knew a girl that watched porn i would think its kinda gross but I wouldnt stop talking to her or being friends with her, same with other things like say putting ketchup in your milk. I would think its wierd, but I wouldnt judge you or stop talking to you. If a girl was totally obsessed with porn, then thats a problem, otherwise, to each her own.
thats what my rel ed teacher told me. Supposedly its true, google it if you dont believe me :)
knows that this is tangential, at best… but hey, the main question has been answered already. So… moving on…
The “every 7 seconds” thing is just ludicrous on its face. Seriously.
But don’t take my word for it.
Wade Meredith at Healthbolt [dot] net explains:
The, “Men think about sex every seven seconds” line, that is oft quoted and not oft sourced, is probably bupkis. The Kinsey Report (Sexual Behavior in the Human Male) says that 54 percent of men think about sex every day or several times a day, 43 percent a few times a week or a few times a month, and 4 percent less than once a month. So most guys think about sex a lot, but the half-crazed sex-addict depicted by someone who can’t go into the double digits of our smallest common unit of time measurement without thinking about doing the nasty is just wrong.
I don’t think about sex every 7 seconds. But my girlfriend does, especially whenever she’s watched porn!
btw desiree333 you do realise we’re teasing you, right?
So did you eventually check what’s on the stick (no pun intended)? It should only have what you copied on it from your own computer, it doesn’t automatically copy everything unless you tell it to (eg by selecting all your pics with Ctrl+A).
@jack79, yeah i know, anyways Yeah I checked the stick. It has my essay so I have no problems. But I do have one question: Its like a folder and there is a link to go to pictures and documents, why will it show my documents. If I want to look at whats on my memory stick, why would it even show all of my other info? Its confusing.
The panel on the left shows everything you could possibly want to see. Your documents, your computer, your network places (XP) etc… The panel on the right just shows what you are looking at. If you click on the memory stick drive and the shortcut shows up on the right, then that would be odd. But it’s ok to see it on the left.
Just to clarify something: the thing you are supposed to submit is only one file and it is text, right? There are no pictures that go with it, eg graphs or something? Even if the stick has some shortcut to your pictures, your teacher would not be able to see them unless they are on the stick (and even then it wouldn’t really work, but that’s something else).
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