General Question

nebule's avatar

Do you still play on swings?

Asked by nebule (16472points) January 14th, 2009

Is there anyone else out there that still has a secret ride on a swing when no-one is looking…? I find that if i can steal a little swing whilst no-one is looking it does wonders for the little child in me and makes me feel better about almost anything! Just took my little one to the park and had one….! So i’m :-)))

edit: i mean for those of us who are adults

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23 Answers

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I still love swings, and I definitely would love to have an incredibly romantic kiss on one sometime…

Bluefreedom's avatar

Swings are still fun for me, even as an adult, although it isn’t always easy finding one that can accomodate me because I’m 6 feet tall and my legs tend to drag for the most part. I don’t go to parks that often but when I do visit them, I try out the swingsets anyway.

dynamicduo's avatar

I swing WHEN people are looking!

mea05key's avatar

Nothing to be embarass for an adult to swing ! I just swing whenever i feel like to…

jrpowell's avatar

Superman on the swing whenever I see one. 31 years old.. still a child

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Marry me, johnpowell?

blondie411's avatar

every chance I get. I still will challenge anyone to the farthest jump off of one!

EmpressPixie's avatar

Hell yes. I love swings.

bythebay's avatar

I love the swings; and I still Superman and twirl my seat in circles and spin back out, too. Hearkat was kind enough to explain to me some time ago why my older senses are sometimes left feeling a bit wobbly afterward, but I still love it!

cyndyh's avatar

I still like the swings but not as much as I love the rows of bars. When I still find those I get happy.

dalepetrie's avatar

Whenever I bring my son to the playground (and I’m 37…and don’t care who sees).

Darwin's avatar

I would love to swing in public or private, but all the ones around here are those bendable rubber things and they squeeze too hard. It is a problem with the design of the swing. It is NOT because my butt is too big!

Darwin's avatar

I do go down slides, though, as long as they are wide enough. :-)

Allie's avatar

Yes I still play on swings. I also play on monkey bars and slides.

augustlan's avatar

I do :) When I’m having a good day (little pain) I love the bars and slides, too. (41)

nebule's avatar

@augustlan I’m glad to hear that augustlan i was hoping you would be a swing lady :-) i was going put swinger, but thought that would be disrespectful…

jonsblond's avatar

Swing, climb and slide… No need to hide.

nebule's avatar

well i’m going to a park today…and will be swinging with pride…

I;m wondering whether its an English thing – stiff upper lip and all that…being reserved…because i have never seen a adult on a swing apart from me and my sister…

augustlan's avatar

They are sad, sad people, lynne :)

cyndyh's avatar

I see adults on swings all the time.

Pcrecords's avatar

Whenever I get the chance.

pancakebones's avatar

I would never let my inner child miss out on swinging b/c someone might think I’m too old for it. Besides, it’s the most accessible means of flight for humans!

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