General Question

LKidKyle1985's avatar

What should I do about this guy?

Asked by LKidKyle1985 (6599points) January 14th, 2009

So, interesting story. I was on the phone with my fiance and I was reading stuff off her facebook because she doesnt have the internet all the time where she is. And this guy started messaging me on her account. So anyways it progressed and this guy totally was hitting on me, whom he thought was my fiance. Well anyways it has progressed to where he wants to meet up with her. SO there are so many opportunities to scam/doupe/trick/prank/what ever. So my question is what would you guys do if you had this opportunity to totally mess with some guy trying to play your fiance. btw my fiance is aware of this so its not like im snooping or anything. come on fluther use your imagination on this one.

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83 Answers

invisiblesplosions's avatar

Does he know she’s engaged?

LKidKyle1985's avatar

oh yes, He asks about me from time to time. In fact when I asked him what I should tell my fiance if I was to meet up with him his reply was, “he doesnt need to know”

ipsskunk's avatar

right, personally i am prob. wrong but if shes cool about it and he knows that she is already to be married, and he still pushes it to meet etc.etc the prank is the answer. I live in england and a football/soccer star of my area came on to my girlfriend in a bar. He knew full well she was with me but because of his ’‘status’’ thought he could do as he wished. As i went to chat to some friends he again asked her for her tel. no. so PRANK style she gave him mine, he called a few times and i gave him some abuse and so on so prank this dude 1,2,3,4,5 times. The reaction was great.

wundayatta's avatar

How do you want him to feel after you do this? What do you want him to learn? Does the golden rule apply here? If you were hitting on someone’s girlfriend, would you think it appropriate to be pranked?

ipsskunk's avatar

p.s. let me know the outcome, send him somewhere goodhehehehehhohohohohahahaah

LKidKyle1985's avatar

@ipsskunk ha I will let you know , though it may be awhile so keep an eye on this thread. and @daloon I think when you knowingly hit on someones girl friend you take your chances. Though I think there is a difference between hitting on someones girl friend and their fiance. girl friends don’t always imply the same level of seriousness as someone engaged to be married does. Also it’s not like I am walking this guy into this, he totally did all the dirty work himself to get where he is at.

Judi's avatar

Has he ever met her or is this just an “online” thing. If he has never met her, you could hire and ugly stripper or hooker to meet with him. They could just say, “Oh, that was an old picture.”

wundayatta's avatar

@LKidKyle1985: ok, fiance. My questions still apply.

waterskier2007's avatar

if you have ever seen the show dexter, you should do what he would do

from IMDB “During the day, Dexter Morgan is a jovial employee in the Miami Metropolitan Police Department’s crime lab, but his meticulously crafted life masks his true nature. In reality Dexter is a disciplined and murderous psychopath (a self-admitted “monster”), and he slakes his blood lust at night by carefully killing the serial killers he tracks down during the day. Based on the novels (Darkly Dreaming Dexter, Dearly Devoted Dexter and Dexter in the Dark) by Jeff Lindsay”

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Well I think you get what ever you have coming when you try messing with someone elses girl, so yeah.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Judi that is a great idea too I like it. It is purely online

basp's avatar

I would tell him to bug off and forget about doing the prank thing. There have been instances when individuals carried on an online prank and the outcome was horrific. No need to create trouble and the prank will serve no useful purpose.
Say good bye to the chap and move on.

Jack79's avatar

Well since you are using your fiance’s facebook on her behalf, you should do whatever she’d do. If she was planning on cheating on you with this guy, then you should do the same. Meet with him and get physical with him on her behalf. If you can’t do sex, well, you’ll think of something…

LKidKyle1985's avatar

lol nah her plan was just to mess with this guy and see what he was up too

loser's avatar

Or send him a picture of yourself and tell that you hope it’s still okay but that you’ve had some “changes” in the past year…

jessturtle23's avatar

Funny, you should totally bust him :)

Grisson's avatar

I think you should persue it. Could turn out that it’s actually the guy’s girlfriend pretending to be him and messing with you, thinking it’s your fiancee.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

lol if thats true, she messaged me out of no where and started a convo so shes realy hurting for some drama.

jca's avatar

this could be like a movie.

Kiev749's avatar

Dude. totally do it How to catch a predator style.

asmonet's avatar

Unfriend him, then proceed to grow up yourself.

wundayatta's avatar

What asmonet said!

LKidKyle1985's avatar

aw come on its just a prank guys, don’t have to get all personal about it shesh. Just having a little fun.

RandomMrdan's avatar

I would go with something along the lines of Judi’s idea…but a little something like this.

find the trashiest, and dirtiest girls you can get your hands on via something like….craigslist, or something of the sort. Explain to the girl, that it’s a gift for his birthday, and have her act accordingly. Tell her he’s already taken the room out and has the door unlocked and she just has to walk in. The bad part is you’d probably have to pay her in advance, but the good part to that is she is probably cheap anyways.

rent out a cheap hotel in the area that he lives to make him think you’ve stopped in the area to get to know him or something of the sort…you can better make the details since you’ve been talking to him. Oh and pay cash for the room, and make it out under some anonymous name.

Now that you know it’s all going down, and they are in the room, you should be prompt to make the next step. Call the police and let them know that you’re staying in a hotel room, and the people next door (his hotel room) are creating a disturbance and you have reason to believe there is prostitution going on and it’s something you don’t want your children to see. I’d make this phone call from a pay phone too.

you can add any other details you may want…such as…tell him to bring you flowers and a favorite candy of yours. say something like “By time I get over to the room you had better be ready to go” (have your clothes off and ready to go).

You’ll need to tell him you’re picking up a few items for him or something…find an excuse not to be there…..

There are a couple other ideas that would be more simple too. And less expensive on your part….here is another idea that just came to me:

Have him wait at a hotel just like before. But instead of hiring a whore to meet him, hire a real big guy who is capable of beating anyone’s ass to go over and give him a beat down. You could probably even record it “catch a predator style” like Kiev said. Instruct the guy to say some sort of catch phrase too…like “this is from russia with love”.

I suppose these are some ideas that I just came up with…use your imagination a bit, I’m sure there are ideas you may think up or work off ours.

asmonet's avatar

So, you received a message or rather your fiance did from a man who was interested in her. You then continued to communicate with him and strung him along until now when he has expressed an interest in meeting with her. After doing all that you now want to punish him for being interested in a woman who showed interest in him as well?

You’re the ass. He’s not perfect but you had the option of walking away instead of leading him on. You created the situation you want to fix by teaching him a lesson. That seems incredibly cruel.

There’s something to be said for being the bigger man. Delete the message, you’re acting childish. And at your age and your apparent stage of life, you should really know the god damn difference.

wundayatta's avatar

You go, asmonet!

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Actually I like how you assume I strung him along. I actually went out of my way not to strike up conversation with him and not hit on him. He contacted her each time without provication, and then procedeed to ask to meet up and get her number without me even asking anything about him or striking up conversation. I only replied to what he said to me. So I really am not the Ass here. Like I said, he is the one doing all the dirty work so far. He is the one walking himself into all of this. And it is cruel, but so is trying to sleep with peoples fiances, So don’t lecture me on growing up and bitch me out because you think its childish, I really don’t care for your moral guidance, if I did I would have asked for it. If you don’t have anything possitive to say I’d appreciate it if you kept it to yourself.

asmonet's avatar

Consistently ignoring him would have worked just fine.

If you responded once, you did this to yourself.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

yeah I guess its my fault he keeps sending my Fiance messages and wants to meet up with her no matter how difficult I make it for him. shame on me.

wundayatta's avatar

Hmmm. Are we seeing an example of how it’s done, right before our very eyes???? ;-)

There seem to be a number of people in the world who have a hard time letting go of things. Particularly with people. They have a righteousness that does not allow them to give up on any perceived injustice. I’m sorry about that, because it seems that reseach shows that people who can not forgive or forget don’t live as long.

jessturtle23's avatar

Unfortunately, Asmonet is right.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

lol daloon, you guys need to chill, you really think im gonna set him up with a hooker and call the cops come on. I just want creative ideas thought it would be a fun question. I mean who doesnt like to come up with pranks? if I asked this on april 1st I bet you guys would have a different opinion on this.

dynamicduo's avatar

Just tell him to eff off, and leave it at that. Life’s too short to worry about punishing or teaching people lessons. They’ll learn eventually on their own, or they won’t learn and will get burned real painfully sometime. Let’s be clear: this guy is a creep and a loser, who knowingly hits on an engaged woman? But there’s no need for you to stoop down to his level and play a prank on him that may backfire and get you hurt (how strong is the guy compared to you? Does he have strong friends?).

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Yeah I know there is a risk with this kind of stuff, but if I did prank him the guy doesnt even live near me or know where I live. besides the pranks don’t have to be mean spirited guys. maybe just slightly embarrasing or something

asmonet's avatar

It’s still sad.

dynamicduo's avatar

Then write him an email saying the jig is up, you know he’s trying to get with your fiancee, and you and her want no part in it so kindly leave you two alone from now on. That’s embarrassing without being a silly prank.

RandomMrdan's avatar

I thought this question had so much potential….maybe you should string him along until April 1st. =0

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Hey heres a fun idea guys, since you are not about real life pranks, why don’t I just post this tool bag to this post? I think that would be fun don’t you?

dynamicduo's avatar

Your and my definition of fun are obviously not syncing up here :)

LKidKyle1985's avatar

lol well it would just be a fun way of letting him know that I know.

RandomMrdan's avatar

you should totally give him the link to this page, then we can all lurve him since we all know your fiance can’t lurve him.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

lol ah touche Mrdan

asmonet's avatar

I don’t think you know what ‘touchĂ©’ means.

RandomMrdan's avatar

haha asmonet has 6666 lurve…she must be evil? which is contradictory to her trying to force upon you good will.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

its used when someone offers a good counter point :p and dan stop giving cheesy answers just to beat me in lurve
and yes I used it wrong, but it was funny so I went with it

asmonet's avatar

It wasn’t a counterpoint. It was a suggestion in line with what you were saying. So, yep. Incorrect.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

yeah I know, thats why I edted my response to acknowledge I used it wrong

asmonet's avatar

Oh, whatever. This thread is a load of crap. I’m out.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

thats cool I have to be at class in 20 minutes :P

judochop's avatar

Get his AIM and start talking with him. Try to get him to send you pictures of himself then schedule a meet up and have them posted around the spot. Then take pictures of that and AIM to him. The last photo being a pic of you and your middle finger. I think that would funny. After that, then grow up I guess. Jokes are only for kids ya know?

Jack79's avatar

What I got from this whole thread: there’s a thing called “craigslist” where you can get cheap hookers. Well, whaddayaknow….hmmm

asmonet's avatar

You can get cheap Herpes on Craigslist.

wundayatta's avatar

Hwy asmonet, I thought you were out of this thread!

Indeed, though, I think it is clear what is going on, and there’s not much point in continuing, unless you like to think of ways to humiliate others. @LKidKyle1985, you aren’t in a fraternity by any chance, are you?

scamp's avatar

Tell your girlfirend to e-mail him and let him know she has no interest in him, and that he has to stop. After she tells him straight out, if he continues he is fair game for pranks. Then you could send me a private comment for ideas. I won’t post them here because there is a certain someone who might read it, and I want to protect the innocent.

judochop's avatar

Scamps got the right answer here.
Introduce him to Fluther. I’m sure we can set him straight.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

lol nah. I was never in a fraternity, it’s not like I go out of my way to think of ways to bring humiliation and uber pwnage to unsuspecting people. Its just like this guy came out of no where and started begging me to sucker punch him. I mean really its just one of those things where someone is so asking for it and they don’t even realize it. Let me give you an example
Well I am engaged actually. He is in columbus and hopefully waiting for me

wow are u serious how long have u been with him

Well when I was staying with my host family, he was my host brother. And we ended up like this :)

My advice, if you are still single, get your parents to host an exchange student

haha do u think hes b faithful

I dunno, Maybe you should be friends with him and see what he talks about and let me know.

hes not going to tell me anything cuz he dont know me trust me hun he might b and might not just depends

Wouldn’t you be faithful if you were in his place

yea i would cuz ur ur sexy but not all guys are the same plus im the type of guy that was always rasied to never cheat and respect women not matter whats going on show them love and care that they need no matter what
Do you see what I mean its like a red button on a console that says do not push. I know its wrong but this guy is just so asking for it lol
And just so you know that is not taken out of context, it is exactly how it seems.
It then continues like this
Oh wow, you sound like the ideal guy

im serious do uwant to know what im like mayb u will like me

hopefully my fiance is also from this category
I really don’t feel like this is leading someone on, Its not like I knew he was gonna start hitting on her just because she replied.
So, do you think I should still firmly say hey I am not really interested still? and then do as you say, or does it seem like I got that point accross already? I feel like I have which is why I have moved onto the potentially pranking stage.

judochop's avatar

Oh my goodness. Man, I see what you mean. I don’t like him because he types “ur” and “b” instead of typing it out. So he is the type of guy who was raised to never cheat yet he is the type of guy who will encourage someone else to do it??? LOL4R

LKidKyle1985's avatar

lol exactly judochop, that is why I have little sympathy

jonsblond's avatar

I’m sure I won’t be the last person to agree with asmonet. Messing with people like this is so 7th grade!

judochop's avatar

Run him through the wringer.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

its like I have asmonet on one shoulder, judochop on another. hmmm

judochop's avatar

So 7th grade?? Who the hell had problems like this in the 7th grade?

LKidKyle1985's avatar

I am really looking at it as more of an opportunity (evil grin)

jonsblond's avatar

Me. It’s a cruel world… I’m talking about the idea of just purposely messing with someone’s head like that.

asmonet's avatar

I win! :D
I’m ubiquitous.

judochop's avatar

@asmonet: this wars not over sister. Better grab your six shooter.

basp's avatar

If you conversed with this person knowing their intention was to hit on your girl then you are, indeed, stringing him along. And, if in your conversation you led him to believe you were someone else(your girlfriend) then not only are you stringing him along, but you are being an ass.
Grow up already!

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Actually sorry to disappoint, I was neither aware of his intention, or assuming my Fiances persona at that moment (the text I copied and pasted above), I was on the phone with her while he was typing to me and I was typing while she told me what to say. So I guess I’m not being an ass. yay

bythebay's avatar

@LKidKyle1985: You said “I am really looking at it as more of an opportunity (evil grin)”. An opportunity to do what, be a dick like he is? You should be bigger than that. How did he get to her facebook in the first place; did she friend him? Just unfriend him; take the compliment that your fiancĂ© is hot and let this go. One day your gf may look back on this and see you as the childish one. This could all backfire on you.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

well she thought she knew him cause he was from the same town but it didn’t turn out that way. Plus I was going to run your guys ideas past her anyway. And yeah it is a little flattering I will admit. Also, yes it is an opportunity to be a dick, to someone who blatantly has no regard or respect for another persons relationship. But more importantly, this is setting itself up to be an epic story to tell the grand kids one day, how can i pass it by?

judochop's avatar

Bythebay is right. This could
Backfire or it could make an awesome fox network special. Either way I don’t know if you win so to speak. I can see the humor in all of it though. You probablyshouldjust leave it but if you don’t then you should totally run with it and run fast. God speed.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

lol, I know it has bad news written all over it. Its kinda like, I know I shouldn’t trick my brother into walking across an ant hill bare footed…. but man its going to be good.

nocountry2's avatar

Honestly? I think just letting the guy know it’s been you all along is not only really funny but coming clean. I don’t think you strung him along and I don’t have a problem with letting people know you think they’re being an ass.

Grisson's avatar

. o O ( I wonder what’s supposed to be evil about 6666. Factors are 3, 2, 11, 101… hmmm…. )

scamp's avatar

This is beginning to sound like an episode of datline where they bust the pedophiles. I agree with nocountry2. This guy sounds like a real slimeball. Does he know your fiance’s age? How does he know she is “sexy”?

yea i would cuz ur ur sexy

It also looks like he is trying to make her think you are cheating on her so he can worm his way into her life. Why do people think that by putting others down will make them look better?

syz's avatar

I don’t understand why you even communicated with him in the first place. Unfriend. Move on.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

@scamp I agree, hes doing everything he can to put doubt in her mind to work his angle which is another reason I would really like to pull a quick one on him. And he knows what she looks like via facebook. And, he is also 10 years older than my fiance, he does know her age.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

And why does she have him on her friends list? Not have her profile set to restricted access? How does she know him? Any real life connection?

Maybe I’ve watch too much SVU, but I would be hesitant about prank because of the possibility of retaliation, either towards you or your girlfriend. He really sounds like a slimeball. But you should let him know that it was you, and not her.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

no real life connections, just someone who randomly sent a request and she thought she knew him from school before but turns out they didn’t. Also I am not too worried about retaliation because it seems like he adds a couple new girls every day as friends. Looks like hes playing the odds not sure if he would bother with retaliation, exspecially since he doesnt know where I live and I live 2 hours away from him

jlm11f's avatar

Message him saying you (as in your fiance) want to meet him. Tell him to get a hotel room and then you’ll meet him there. Make it an expensive hotel of course. Don’t show up, leave him a message the next day telling him it was you all along. My response to this Q would probably differ and be more non-confrontational in another more happier mood. But since I am tired and overworked, I am feeling rather vengeful/bitchy at the moment.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

ohh that is pretty good PnL. Thanks for the Idea

tb1570's avatar

i think if you really loved & cherished your fiance, and yourself, you would drop this thing as quickly as possible. homeboy will learn his lessons elsewhere. you really need to think this all the way through. whatever happens in the future, just remember you brought him in to your and your fiance’s life in this capacity.

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